
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Regurgitatin' Action: Joe Buck (ugh..)

Back during my wild eBay spending days of a month or two ago, I bought a couple retail boxes of 2001 Fleer Greats of the Game and a few packs of 2004 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites. All I wanted was to pull one autograph from either set. Just one! That was my very realistic hope. It could have been anybody.. Some backup utility infielder I'd never heard of before.. FINE. Wally Backman! Kevin Bass! ANYBODY! Just give me a f*cking autograph for once in my life.

Of course, my reputation as the "hitless wonder" remained intact and I got zero autographs. Just my luck, the only card that could be somewhat considered a hit was this serial numbered Joe Buck refractor (#091/299).

Yeah, gross, right?

Do you know who I wish I would have gotten besides this Joe Buck card? That's right: ANYBODY. Only Hitler and Osama would be worse cards to get (look for them in next year's A&G). I kinda hate Joe Buck. But I'm posting this card because the World Series is starting this evening (or maybe Game 1 is over by the time I post this), so it's a good a time as any. I don't have cable or a great desire to hunt down a TV with the games, so I most likely will not be watching a single live pitch from the post season again this year. It's cool, though. Buck (again), McCarver (again), the Cardinals (again) and Sox (again).. no thanks.

Does anybody want this Joe Buck card?? Trade bait? Anyone? A Cardinals fan, maybe, since he's their regular TV announcer? I really don't want to keep Jimmy Neutron here around longer than I have to. If I pray hard enough, maybe it'll turn into a Vin Scully card.. or literally any other broadcaster besides Joe Buck. (WAIT!, not Tim McCarver either! nooooooooooooooo)


  1. The pointlessness of an announcer refractor is off the charts.

    1. Agreed. But if I had to pull an announced refractor, I would have been happy to get Vin Scully, or Harry Caray, or Mel Allen, or my hometown Jerry Coleman or somebody like that. Joe Buck was just a kick in the pants. Still stings. Why, Topps, why?

  2. If you still have this, I'd be happy to trade for it. I don't hate the guy.

    1. Yeah, you're the first person to express any interest, so I'll throw that on the small stack I got going for you. Thanks for taking him off my hands! haha
