
Monday, February 3, 2014

Glowing cards glowing

I haven't posted any  glowing  cards in-action in a while. That's always fun to see, right?

Most of these have already found new homes, but I thought ahead to snap photos before sending them off, since I know not everybody has the proper camera/patience to get a decent photo in the dark.

First, here are a pair of Ron Cey GAV (Glowing Altered Variation) cards I sent off to Night Owl a month or so ago.

This above was a technique that I messed around with for a bit, but ultimately haven't continued using. First, I tried it on like a dozen cards and maybe 2 or 3 actually came out looking good. Plus it's relatively expensive and makes the cards gritty. Still, though, this one looks pretty cool in the dark. Ghostly.

This next one isn't as impressive when glowing, but I love it! It looks normal in the light, but get it in the dark and the background image becomes the foreground image! Magic!

Notice the right arm, even! Man, I'm proud of this one (even if it does look a little like Snoopy). haha

Here's another trilogy of Dodgers I sent Night Owl's way. These used a different "sketch" technique that works ok, in sort of an arty "abstract" way.

Now, Dan at It's Like Having My Own Card Shop is a big fan of Ryan Roberts. So when he was due a contest-winning prize PWE from me a while back, I figured this would make a good "1/1" altered card to throw in for him.

Finally, here's a real, officially-produced glowing card, not one I made myself. Got this '93 Upper Deck Fun Pack Jeff Bagwell in a recent trade with Need More Cardboard.

Ok, that's it for now.
By the way, time's running out to vote for those additional 2013 blog awards at It's like having my own Card Shop, so please help me achieve my ROY dreams by voting for Baseball Card Breakdown as Best New Blog of 2013! Thanks, guys.

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