
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Quack Attack

I fucking love ducks. They can walk, swim, and fly. That's the triple crown of body movement, right there! How many other animals out there can claim that 3-pronged prowess in changing their physical location? Respect. Or should I say Respequact. And they're cute, too. I'm definitely not a vegetarian, but I don't eat duck. That's like eating a unicorn. It should be illegal. Taking the life of a magical creature such as that?!

Funny enough, though I live in Oregon, I am not a Oregon Ducks fan (I don't dislike them, just don't care about college sports). I also don't care about the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. I've never even seen that movie. I did like the TV show Ducktales, though. I even saw the Ducktales movie when it came out. I consider that moment the day my childhood ended. I noticed I was the oldest kid in the theater, and it was a grim realization that manhood was right around the corner. The very next day I got a job, lost my virginity, and bought a Civic.


No, but the point I was making is that a duck is a cool animal. This has nothing to do with anything other than trying to spice up a trade post. Hey, we can't all be Night Owl, weaving a random trade package into an enchanting coming-of-age narrative, or Dimebox Nick eloquently revealing the hidden awesomeness within every junk card. For what it's worth, one of the cards featured in this post is of a player named Quackenbush. See? I tied it all together.

So yeah, let's catch up on some trade packages I've been lucky enough to receive in the past week or two.

Tony L. from Off-Season Baseball Extravaganza is my go-to guy for unloading Brewers. I gotta think the ultimate goal of any active trader is to have at least one trading partner from each team.. somebody you just automatically send cards to when you get them, and they do the same for you of cards you want. That's the dream, right? But with me not being a team collector, that puts a kink in the gears. For instance, with this trade, I asked Tony for some Red Sox oddballs that caught my eye from his trade bait page. I'm not necessarily a Boston fan, but I love a lot of those greats like Yaz, Fisk, Rice, Lynn, Evans, Tiant, and Bill See.

But yeah, Tony hooked me up well with some cards I asked about and some bonus surprises to boot.

Hostess with the Mostess

Did somebody say Kellogg's?

Hells yeah, they did!

Bonus sparklies!
Awesome! Thanks again, Tony L!

Next up..

Zippy Zappy from Dishin' Out Yankees and I traded recently, I think our 2nd or 3rd time. He sent me a bunch of good stuff.

Cool minor league All-Star Game program.. fun to flip through.

73s are always appreciated. While I wasn't able to check off any new cards from my needs, some are upgrades over what I had.. so that's nice.

The delightfully-named Kevin Quackenbush was great out of the pen for San Diego this past season. I'm less familiar with these other Padre farmhands, but I'm sure they're all Cooperstown bound.

Dave Winfield. Gotta love him.

Here are some neat Padres cards.

That Tommy John might be my first Obak card. Love the Goose.

Here are some more various baseball cards that are pleasing to me. Big thanks as always, Zippy!

Next up...
I traded with Nolan Tucker from Cards-a-Poppin' not long ago, our first instance of swapping cardboard. I sent him some Pirates n' stuff and he sent me a nice assortment of Gwynns.

Good stuff. Thanks, Nolan!

Thanks again to everybody everywhere who is pure of heart, and we'll see ya next time.


  1. Gavin, you got the name of my blog wrong. It's "Trout Is Never Out."

    Glad you liked the cards and the program :).

    1. Ah yes, I really love what you've been doing on Trout Is Never Out!

  2. Duck Tales! I wonder if they have that on Netflix. I knew all the lyrics to the intro song when I was in third grade. I can still picture myself waiting at the bus stop singing... Duck Tales... Woo-ooo!

    1. Don't think it's streaming on Netflix (last I checked).. but hopefully someday. I also should mention that I love the NES game. One of the best video games based on a TV show ever. And yeah, great theme song!

  3. Gotta love all the Bosox goodness. Kenny hooked me up with one of the minor programs as well. Pretty cool piece

    1. Thanks, Mark.. I knew you'd appreciate the vintage oddball Bosox goodness.

  4. I actually don't have a blog. Gasp! But I have considered it.

    1. Well if/when you start one, looks like you have to name it Cards-a-Poppin'.

  5. Ducks rule.

    Josh Thole sighting!

  6. "That's the triple crown of body movement" was my favorite line. Great post. I really liked Ducktales as a kid, and when I saw a couple seasons on DVD on sale at Sam's Club, I thought, "Man, my kids will love this!" Sadly, unlike the Ninja Turtles, this hasn't held up very well for me.

    One of the highlights of the lone Padre game I went to this year (besides dressing up as friars w/my brothers) was chanting "Quack! Quack! Quack!" like in Mighty Ducks when Quackenbush came out of the bullpen. You should definitely watch all three of them, great stuff. FWIW, the next home stand, they put a Mighty Ducks montage in for when Quackenbush came in to pitch. He is on record as saying that the second one was his favorite.

    Oh, and that card of Goose is weird. A Goose without a stache is like a bird without wings.

    1. Yeah, I'll definitely have to watch the Mighty Ducks movies one of these days.

  7. Glad you liked the cards I sent, Gavin. I was worried about sending that blue slate Padre to you after your "don't just send me Padres because they're Padres" line!

    1. No, yeah, I'm into sparkly cards regardless of team, tbh. And don't be afraid to send me some Padres anytime! It's just kind of a bummer when a trader obviously doesn't bother looking at my wantlist and sends nothing but random Padres.. most of which I don't care about. I like to get at least one "guy I collect" or "set I'm working on" card in a trade package, ya know?
