
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Double-sized Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week's Listia n' webtraffic roundup was bumped by special seasonal coverage, so this week is a double dose.

Here are a couple non-certified autos, Grampa Hough and Elaine Benes' brother. These were from a "5 random autos" auction, but the other 3 are set aside for trader buddies. Same seller I got the 91 Score Ken Caminiti auto from, seen last Listia roundup. Seem authentic to me, but who knows? This lot was actually won before the Caminiti, but the seller mistakenly forgot to send it out till I bugged him about it. I had hoped he'd throw in a couple bonus cards to make up for the delay, but no dice. Lost yourself a customer, buddy! (Well, not really, but I'm less likely to bid on his auctions now.)

Here's a trio of Bad Ass Mamma-Jammas.

I already had this Dick Allen.. hell, I think I already had a dupe of it.. but for 99 credits (~a dime) I'll pick up another one. Maybe I'll alter this one up into a glowing card or something fun like that.

Gavin Escobar on-card auto relic. It was easily the most expensive card featured in this post, but decent Get It Now so I jumped on it. I've got a pretty respectable Gavin E. collection now. This is at least my third or fourth auto of his. Now that my Chargers are sadly done for the year, part of me hopes the Cowboys win the Super Bowl and Gavin wins Super Bowl MVP and his card values skyrocket, turning my PC into a goldmine. Not that I would sell them. --well, just my (many) dupes and maybe the stickergraphs. (Speaking of the Super Bowl, excuse me while I slip in a quick pimp for Collector's Crack's 5th Annual Almost the Easiest Super Bowl Contest on the Web.)

Man, I love picking up new Goldschmidts. And I seem to be the only one on Listia who feels that way, because I've been winning a few auctions for his cards lately for the 499 starting bid, or close to it. Actually, this one was only 425. Papa likely.

Last Listia roundup, I showed off the '77 Fidrych rookie I got. From the same seller, here are his subsequent cards, '78 and '79. The awesomeness of his cards took a correlative nosedive along with his career, as past bloggers have pointed out. I'll try to finish out his Topps run, all the way to his miserable sunset card.

A signed index card of Stan Bahnsen won for 692 credits, which I intend to turn into a glow-in-the-dark auto sketch card one of these days. Any Bahnsen collectors out there want to call dibs on the finished product? I don't know much about him, but he won the 1968 AL ROY while with the Yankees, and was a 20-game winner for the White Sox in '72.

Finally, here's another recent Tony Perez addition. I already had this card in my 73 setbuild, but a dupe for the PC is nice. This might be an upgrade, so now I have to ask myself which is the priority: Does the better-condition card go to the set or the player collection? I'd probably lean toward set. Howbout you guys?

Ok, now onto the webtraffic roundup!

Listia winnings and webtraffic roundup (12/17) - 80 views. Not bad.

Vintagey card show haul (12/18) - 70 views. Not bad.

Gift box from Johnny (12/19) - 50 views. It was a Christmas Miracle for me that this one hit my 50-views goal. Trade posts don't get a lot of traffic, especially when the featured cards are mostly from the junk wax era. But we did it! 50 views! Hurray!

2015 Archives anticipation (12/20) - 93 views. Nice showing!

Trading with 2x3 really takes me back (to my old house) (12/21) - 72 views. Pretty good for a trade post. Here's a Smiths song I didn't get around to including in the post:

Update Signature Edition to my glowing sketch cards (12/22) - 187 views! Really warms my heart that this modest little art project of mine has had a nice reception. It's my most popular post since the Wampa post (which is currently up to 499 views).

2014 Prizm Draft Picks (trade bait) (12/23) - 66 views. For a trade bait post, this number of views is somewhat low. I guess a product that's mostly no-name kids with freshly-signed pro contracts is hard for most people to get excited about.

A Ginter Xfractor for Xmas! (12/24) - 70 views. My big birthday post. For being on a holiday, it did quite well. Here's a bonus anecdote for you: A few weeks ago I forgot how old I was. I'm not joking. I tried doing the math in my head but it was inconclusive. To find out how old I was, I had to go to Matt Ginter's b-r page. Question answered.

12 Cards of Christmas (12/25) - 64 views. Again, nice showing for a day when most people don't have much time to spend reading baseball card blogs. Big thanks to you readers out there who make time for my ramblings and pictures of baseball cards.

The Festival of Lightsabers begins today! (12/26) - 35 views. Here's where my streak of unusually strong holiday traffic hits a snag. And only one comment?! Where are all the Star Wars fans when you need them? Haha, nah, actually I didn't have high hopes for this post. It was pretty much an afterthought. Between dealing with a cold, spending an extra day at the in-laws' place, and dragging myself into work, spitting out a post that day barely came together. Mostly a copy-&-paste from the prior year's 12/26 post, it's just me trying to spread the tradition of watching the Star Wars saga between Christmas and New Years. This will catch on someday. I might not be alive to see the day, but it will catch on, damn it! Down with May the 4th! Up with the Festival of Lightsabers! One day just isn't enough. Anyways, this year we've been watching the George Lucas approved version of the saga: Episode I thru VI, including "special editions" of the older films. This is a "last hurrah" since this was the order I watched during The First Festival, so I'm paying tribute to Baby Jesus Jar-Jar. But I assure you many years will pass till I again watch Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones straight (eg, not fan edits or without Rifftrax commentary). I really hope the Disney Star Wars movies are good. But yeah, I'm excited to close out The Festival tonight. Call me an antisocial loser, but I'd much rather spend New Years Eve at home watching Jedi than at some noisy party, worrying about driving home with all the drunks on the road.

post-Christmas cards (12/27) - 99 views. Wow, for a trade post, a couple days after Christmas, this was a very popular post! It started off slow, but finished strong.

The dawning of the Gavin LaValley era! (12/28) - 58 views. Not bad. I realize Gavin posts aren't exactly must-read's for most people, but I'm excited about the rainbow I'm working on. And I'm happy to report that I easily won the 3 auctions I had my eye on over the weekend. So expect an update post regarding the rainbow in the coming weeks.

Card show haul, in action (12/29) - 44 views. Not bad, but seemed to stall early. Should eventually crawl past the 50-view goal in a week or two.

Last of the card show pickups for 2014 (w/tradebait) (12/30) - 70 views. Yesterday's post did very well. And nearly all the tradebait has been spoken for, which is nice to see. Looking forward to kicking off 2015 with a few trades. Don't forget to email me with your addresses, guys I haven't traded with before.

So there you go. Twas a very respectable holiday season on the blog to close out 2014. This time last year, I'd be happy to crack 20 views on any given post, so for me to be complaining about "only" 35 views on one is saying something. Not that I'm completely hung up on hits, and sorry again to anyone out there who is bothered by me dissecting my webtraffic like this. I wouldn't blame you. I just think behind-the-scenes stuff like this is kinda interesting.

And onto the graphs:

Hmm, does Just Commons ship in top loaders? I can't really recall. I know not every card does, but perhaps a top loader on each side of the stack. Or maybe I'm thinking of COMC.

Thanks again to you reading out there. Have a Safe & Happy New Year!


  1. Hey Gav, I wrote up stuff about Bahnsen on my 1982 Topps blog last month. Check it out here.

    Have a happy new year!
