
Monday, January 19, 2015

more silly animated gifs of baseball cards!

[It's been a while since I've made silly animated gifs of baseball cards. Let's go after the low hanging fruit that is the airborne players of the 1993 Score Select draft pick subset.]

I just got cable TV for the first time since 2008. It was a screaming deal of only a couple bucks more per month than we were already paying for internet, so why not. Plus HBO is included, so I'm excited about watching Game of Thrones without resorting to questionably-legal means or waiting months for the DVDs to come out.
And of course, I'll be watching a lot more live sports.

So yesterday, after plenty of struggling to get the cable box set up and dealing with Comcast's customer support, we finally got it working just in time to catch the comeback touchdown drive by the Seahawks at the end of the 4th quarter en route to their incredible overtime win over the Packers. Talk about good timing!
I was all like...

I'd be lying if I said I was a diehard Seahawks fan, but as a current resident of the Pacific Northwest, they're my defacto local NFL team. So if my hometown Chargers are out of it, I guess I root for Seattle.

Then I learned I was among the 10 nominees for Blog of the Year at the awards being administered over at A Cardboard Problem. And I was all like...

Very nice and humbling to get some recognition among the nearly 300 active card blogs out there. So big thanks to everyone behind that. While I'm sure I won't be much competition for all-time favorites such as Night Owl, Dimebox Nick, and Fuji, it's an honor to get my blog mentioned in a Top 10 with those guys.

And just saying, but the awards are called the 2014 Bip Awards. And as far as I know, mine is the only blog nominated that devoted an entire contest to Bip Roberts in 2014, so I think that should give me an advantage. Just sayin'.

I think I was also nominated for "2nd best card blog of the year" at 2 x 3 Heroes, though as of press time, he hasn't announced the official poll. But again, very cool to be shown some blogosphere love.
And I was like...

Jeff's poll intends to remove Night Owl from eligibility since he always wins. So maybe at least those ballot results could be a bit closer.

And then I realized I have to work on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I was all like...

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to go vote here.
UPDATE: the poll at 2x3 Heroes is up now too, so also go vote there.


  1. Nearly a year after you won the 2013 ROY contest too.

  2. These are hilarious. I don't have that Jeter either! Neither real nor in gif form...

  3. Love the Gifs! I kinda felt bad for Dan Serafini though... you know, being cut in half and all. But then I saw Shannon Stewart get sucked into a 747's engine. The blood splatter! Oh the humanity!

  4. The Shannon Stewart one is hilarious

  5. Awesome. The Shannon Stewart made me laugh.

  6. Oh man these are great. Immediately clicked on the Animated Gifs tag to see what else is out there.

  7. lol, these are classic funny! Great gif work :)

  8. You just need some John Philip Sousa playing in the background. Though, given that this is the web, my browser would probably only play "Rhythm is a Dancer" or "Sweet Dreams". These are 90s cards, afterall.
