
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

60s pickups from the 50¢ boxes (card show recap)

This month's cardshow netted me a bunch of good stuff. As is my usual m.o., I'll show off most of my discount bin finds roughly separated out by era in a small handful of posts. Here's 4 bucks' worth of cards I got from the 1960s.

I had no idea what these were.. but they looked cool and old, so for the price, why not? Turns out they're from a set called 1961 Golden Press. Hate to admit it, but Pie Traynor is best known to me because of his split-second appearance on The Simpsons (featured at the bottom of this post). A bit before my time, I guess. Home Run is a great nickname. Hey, I just noticed this pair is a Pie-Baker combo. Nice. Somebody please bake me a pie.

I love pre-1981 Fleer cards when I come across them cheap. This Earl Averill is from 1960 Fleer.

Eli here looks a little disgusted by the dog hair that accidentally got into the photo. Sorry, Mr. Grba (if that is your real name. Pretty sure he just made that up.) I have very few 1960 Topps cards, so went ahead and grabbed this one.

Rookie card!

Here's a '67 Topps card of some dude on the Dodgers named John Werhas.

This isn't necessarily a trade bait post, but if you need any of the above cards, I could probably be talked out of them without much trouble. I like 'em, but don't really need 'em.

I don't want to be one of those guys whose lifelong collecting goal is to finish every vintage Topps flagship set. Too much for me. (Whom I kidding, that'd be great. But no, I mustn't!) But after I eventually complete the two old sets I am working on, 1973 and 1971.. if I then start getting a hankering to try putting together another vintage set, 1965 would definitely be in the running. Apart from all being off-center to the right, this trio is in nice shape, and even a semi-star there in Matty Alou. Ryne Duren wasn't a guy I had heard of (another ballplaying Ryne?!) but he was a 3-time All-Star.

Love the comic book-style backs.

See ya next time!


  1. I wouldn't mind a shot at Pie Traynor. Probably about time for you and I to swap again soon anyway.

    Great stuff overall!

    1. You got it! I've been replenishing my Pirates a bit over the past couple months in anticipation of our next swap.

  2. Home Run Baker earned his nickname for a pair of homers in particular, both in the 1911 World Series. The dingers were the winning runs in games 2 and 3.

    He led the AL in homers in 1911, '12, '13, and tied for the lead in 1914.

    Golden Press is a little underappreciated, I think. Nice finds!

    1. Thanks, and thanks for the HR Baker tidbits!

  3. not only is that another player named Ryne, he is who Ryne Sandberg was named after

    1. Ah! I suspected there was a chance of that, but didn't see it mentioned on Ryne Duren's b-r bio. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Nice cards! I'm putting the Golden Press set together, eleven cards in so far. Great vintage look! Super pickups at .50 each!

  5. I agree those Golden Press cards are sweet.
    Thanks to Brian above for the info on how HR Baker got his nickname.

    1. Yeah, nice "supervintage" feel to them but big names at affordable prices.

  6. I am a big fan of the Golden Press set and once I knock off a couple of my other vintage sets (working on 1970-72) Golden Press may be next. Just like you, the 1965 set is in the running as well.

    Nice cards at a great price!

  7. sweet haul, gonna have to get myself out and find some cool old stuff
