
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

invisible prospect namecard (Bowman photoshop fail)

Here's a quick one-card post drafted a while back for a rainy day (busy week).

I picked up this numbered Red Sox refractor (as trade fodder for Mark Hoyle) a couple cardshows back:

At first glance, it's just another Bowman card of a prospect who never made it past AA. But he seems to have an invisible touch.

Check out those holofoil lines! David Pahucki here is obviously holding up a notecard; It likely had his name on it. Photographers will often have a player hold a piece of paper with his name on it for one shot in a shoot so they'll be able to identify him later on. See the official ugliest card ever, '96 Pinnacle Bob Hamelin:

Anyways, I thought it was funny that the notecard in the Bowman card was photoshopped out, yet the ghost of it remains in the Chrome outlines. Bizarre. Apparently the result of a questionable photo choice and some miscommunication in the Bowman design department.

I wonder if anyone has a minicollection of "cards of guys holding their namecard in the photo." It's pretty rare, but I know there are a few out there, mostly minor league cards. I can't find any more off the top of my head (or google searching), but if you know any, please mention them in the comments.


  1. Not cards, but I have seen a couple in those Topps Vault photos on eBay.

    1. Ah, cool. That'd be a great PC addition to get a picture of a guy you collect holding his namecard. Well, maybe not great, but kinda interesting.

  2. Just wondering how someone at Topps thought that was the best image to use for the card. You would think there had to have been at least two photos taken (one with name card and one without) and unless the one without the card consists of him blowing his nose in to his hand it had to have been a better photo over any photo requiring editing to remove a name card.

    1. Yeah, I don't know. I guess if the other photos were unusable for whatever reason or accidentally got deleted. But even then, you'd think they'd just crop the photo tighter, taking the card out of frame.

  3. His last name Is the sound I used to make after a long night of partying back In my drinking days.
