
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Cavalcade of Gavins (Gavalcade!) 2015 Gavin Floyd

I guess I'm sorta working on a rainbow of Gavin Floyd's 2015 Topps Series 2 card after a few eBay pickups over the past 3 weeks or so.

10/10 acetate

This is my first of these acetate parallels Topps has been doing the past couple years. They always get rave reviews on the cardsphere, so I was just waiting for an excuse to pick up one for a decent price of a guy I collect, and this one fit the bill. Pretty cool card.

The back in its reversed, grey glory. Ooh look, the 10/10 becomes a 01/01!

20/20 silver frame

These framed parallels are great looking cards and feel great in hand. Holding it makes me feel like a giant holding a tiny framed picture. I wish I had a dollhouse I could hang it in! lol

1/1 Topps Vault blank back

These Topps Vault 1/1 blank backs are definitely a "poor man's 1/1" but still cool when you can pick them up for a reasonable price. I put in a low bid of $11.11 on this (opening bid is $9.95) and won it with exactly my max bid.

Blank with a sticker hologram.

Excuse the extreme butt shot..

I just wanted to point out Topps has (recently?) begun watermarking these cards with an indented circle of text. It reads "AUTHENTIC TOPPS VAULT" or words to that effect.


The guy who sold me the acetate kindly threw in the base card as a surprise bonus. I needed it, so I was very happy about that!

Rainbow's off to a good start.

So, I've got a 20/20, a 10/10, and a 1/1. How cool would it be to complete the rainbow with the last number of each printing run? I need the gold 2015/2015, the snow camo 99/99, the black 64/64, the pink 50/50 (Joy! a pink Floyd!), and I suppose the 1/1s. I don't think it'd ever happen-- especially because eBay sellers often don't bother to list the serial number on the gold parallels-- but it's a neat thought. As far as unnumbered cards, I still need the foil parallel.

This is Gavin Floyd's only card as an Indian so far, I believe. The photo is actually 'shopped from his time on the Braves last year. Here's the original via Getty Images:

I hope he gets off the disabled list soon and gets a chance to pitch this year, but we'll see. At least his injury is keeping his card prices down so these low-numbered parallels aren't too hard to chase.


  1. Awesome additions to your collection!

  2. Oh man, these new parallels are tough to keep up with. Congrats on the nice pickups though.

  3. Sucks he can't stay healthy, he pitched great for the Braves last year when he was.

  4. Those are some cool cards, I like the acetate and silver frame card because they are quite unique.

  5. I've been adding a lot of the clear acetates and silver frames. Glad you found some Gavin's! I don't think you will have a problem finding the others.
