
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Virtual card show haul from Dennis

My local monthly card show is happening right now and I'm at home. Feels weird to voluntarily pass it up, but due to various factors, I'm ok sitting this one out. First of all, rumors are my mother-in-law was very generous attacking my Christmas list of hobby boxes (!!!). Plus it's the weekend before Christmas, so I don't want to brave the mall, and I've gotta deep-clean the house in anticipation of my folks being in town this coming week. And of course there's always the "stop spending so damn much money on baseball cards" voice in the back of my head. Oh, and this recent package I'm showing off from Dennis at Too Many Verlanders is basically like a card show haul in itself.

Thanks, everybody, for the kind words on the customs I've put out this month! I'm very happy that people have been digging them. Before there was Cardsphere Heroes, several months ago my first toe-dipping into something resembling a custom set was when I partnered with a dude to make a set of magnet cards based mostly on Simpsons customs I had whipped up earlier. I had one last complete set available (well, I also saved one for myself), and Dennis was keen on it. He did some COMC shopping with me in mind and the other day dropped a nice assortment of cards on me in exchange for the set of magnet cards.

First, here's a quintet of wants direct from my sidebar Desperate Double Dozen. Piazza Padres throwback, Gwynn rocking my all-time favorite uniform, Graig Nettles sunset, Dick Allen mini, and Bip on the Indians. Five great cards. Nice to check these off the list!

Some Boston legends.

Sweet lot of World Series moments.

A better look at the shiny Mazeroski card.

George Brett lot. I'll never forget how popular those 1990 Post cards were for a brief moment in my neighborhood back then. Baseball card mania was at its peek and those free cereal cards were in high demand with us kids. I remember the Bo Jackson and Griffey Jr selling for like $20 at the card shop. Crazy.

Four additions to my Marquis Mania project!

Slick lot of Magic Johnson Chrome reprints.

More guys who are good at sports!

Spiffy additions to the Randy Johnson PC. Gotta love any card featuring the Big Unit at bat.

Always enjoy getting Mickey Mantle cards.

And the centerpiece of the package: a big lot of 2004 Topps Chrome black refractors for my parallel setbuild! With these, I'm now up to 96 cards out of the 487, good for 19.71% complete. Still a long way to go, but pretty solid progress. These things were only seeded like 1 or 2 per box, so they're not easy to find cheap.

Big thanks for the trade, Dennis!

UPDATE: oops, almost forgot a few oversized cards Dennis included:

That's 6 Jordan cards.. look pretty cool. Dennis also used several of Sam Bradford cards as protection; must have had a bunch of them! And there on the right is Tommy Vardell, the only Guy From Granite to play in the NFL.. I don't have many of his cards, so always appreciate the rare times they pop up in trade packages. Thanks again, Dennis!


  1. Man those black refractors are cool. I love cereal cards to this day because of that. My Griffey and Big Hurt were my prized possessions for a while

  2. A cereal card was my first ever baseball card, although it was a '94 Post. For that reason alone, cereal cards are always cool in my book. Looks like this exchange worked out rather well for you!

  3. Glad you liked 'em and looking forward to my magnets!

  4. Randy Johnson is so fearless, he's even willing to throw at his own head!

  5. Magic on an 83 baseball template? That's kinda cool.
    Oh, and don't look now, but I think "Cardsphere" is catching on. At least I've started to notice it more on the blogs lately since your post a few weeks back.
    defgav = trendsetter

  6. Bravo on all Mantle and Williams cards, and love that shiny Mazeroski.
    I mistakenly thought you said "cardosphere" so I was using that for a while. Oops!
