
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Goonies Never Say Die, Nor Do They Stop Blogging

I start a new job tomorrow so expect my posts to be fewer and further between for at least a while. Maybe I'm being overly dramatic-- I've made similar statements in the past when things got busy for me, and apart from one month when I made a concerted effort to post less, it wasn't much of difference-- but this is different and may mark an end of an era for Baseball Card Breakdown. Time will tell, I guess. But even if my posts become more sporadic, I don't plan to call it quits anytime soon.

Recently, one of the cardsphere's best bloggers, Dimebox Nick, published a "smell ya later" post (ok, it might have been more eloquent than that) saying he's stepping away from his blog, at least for a while. That one really stung, as Nick's has always been a dependable, comforting voice in the hobby. So I'm sorry to see it come to this and hope after a brief hiatus, he comes back feeling recharged about expressing his feelings regarding cardboard. Regardless, thanks a lot for everything, Nick.

Anyways, these past few weeks of unemployment were fun for me (except for the part about not earning money, and the demoralizing task of searching in vain for a new job [the job I ended up getting was through my wife]), mostly spending quality time with my dog and making custom cards. I've been selling some on eBay, and while they don't fly off the shelves or command a big price tag, it's been nice bringing in a little extra flowage to put towards cards. If only I could ratchet it up enough to where I was consistently grossing around $100 per day I could probably skate by without needing a day job. But I'm nowhere near that, so it's back on the chain gang.

But onto the featured item for the blog today, it's another custom overlay, this time for my burgeoning collection dedicated to one of my all-time favorite films, The Goonies.

Joey Pants! Since putting together my framed Goonies autographed cards piece, I've been looking to add more cast members to the collection. (This one won't be going in the frame, however.)

Finally landed a Joe Pantoliano in my price range of under $10 shipped. Cool thing about this is it's on-card. Most of his certified auto cards are stickergraphs, and Joe has a big signature and little regard for staying within the boundaries of the sticker, so his sticker auto cards usually feature a "chopped" partial signature. Not an issue with this one. It's also a neat clear acetate card. Still though, it wasn't cool enough looking for me to not print out a custom overlay to make it into a Goonies card.

Here's the real card..

Kind of a gross picture of him carrying a bloody grocery bag. I'm not sure what the story behind that is. I assume the photo is from his role in the Sopranos, but I've only recently started Season 2 and his character hasn't been introduced yet, I don't believe.

So yeah, I'm happy with the overlay, and knocking another name off my Goonies auto list.

Hey, last call for my big 700th post contest! This evening (2/21) I'll be closing the entry period, so go jump in with a comment ASAP if you haven't yet. Then I'll sort out all the entrants and list them out in my next post in a day or two, then figure out a good way to randomize them out to select a winner.

Last bonus entry opportunity! In the comments below, be the first to guess my favorite Joe Pantoliano movie besides The Goonies. As a hint I will say that it's quite different from the Goonies.. not a comedy or family film. (UPDATE: Matthew Scott correctly guessed Memento. Good flick.)

Thanks as always for reading!


  1. 1. Good luck with the new job!
    2. Those Pop Century cards look sweet!
    3. For the bonus entry I'm gonna go with the Matrix.

  2. Congrats on the job!

    I'm going with memento for the movie

    1. Memento it is! Congrats on the bonus entry, Matt!

    2. Crap! Memento was actually gonna be my guess but I've only seen it once so I couldn't remember how much Joey Pants was even in it. Oh well, congrats Matt!

    3. Sweet! Wade Boggs customs here I come.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congrats on the new job, and congrats for knocking something off of some list.

  5. I'm still fairly new around here and Nick was one of the first to comment on my site.Always a great read and the catalyst for my newly found appreciation of horizontal cards.When he comes back,it'll be with a bang,albeit a more quiet and subdued Nick-like bang.

    Matt already guessed the flick ,I was gonna say La Bamba - JK.

  6. Good luck with the new job. Thanks for reminding me about the Goonies too!

  7. Congratulations on the new job! You start selling those TTM autographs on those custom cards, you might very well start making $100/day off of eBay.

  8. I'm hoping the blogging fire comes back this summer (or perhaps even before). It'll help that I'll have more time on my hands since school will be out by then. I'll probably post again in the interim when new sets like Heritage, Archives, etc. hit the shelves, too.

    And best of luck on the new job, my friend!

  9. Congrats on the new job! I think a lot of us bloggers are in that stage right now. I hope to see you back and hopefully Nick as well.
