
Sunday, June 4, 2017

1000 Card Giveaway celebrating 1000 posts

Hey, it's post #1000! That's a lot of breaking down cards and having breakdowns over cards.

I knew I wanted to run a contest to celebrate, but I've been stressing over the details. I was thinking of maybe doing a Big Fun Game of my own, but I think I'll stick a pin in that for now (I also have a blogging anniversary coming up soon).

Instead, for now, let's just do one big MYSTERY BOX!

That's right, I'm going to give myself the prize of getting rid of some clutter. And one lucky grand prize winner will grant me the privilege of dumping 1000+ various cards on them. Whatever I can cram into a Medium Size Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box. Prepare for an epic Bipping. Ha, no, but don't worry, I'll include some good stuff in there, too. I'll try to weight the content based on the winner, e.g., if the winner is a Yankees fan, I'll be sure to include some good Yankee cards. But yeah, it'll be a mix of all teams and some non-baseball, too. Hopefully it'll be a lot of fun to go through.. find some keepers for your collection and stock up your tradeables with the rest. (or hell, throw them away for all I care, just don't send them back to me.)

Ok, I don't want to scare ya'll off with talk of maybe a few junk wax cards in the mix, so let's specifically state some good cards that will be included. A Fleer Greats of the Game Tony Oliva certified auto, plus a couple hot 2017 rookie cards: an Aaron Judge flagship RC and an Andrew Benintendi dual rookie from Heritage.

Loyal Reader Bonus: If the winner has posted at least one comment on my blog in 2017 before today, they can choose two (2) of the below Topps Retired autographs to be thrown into the big box. (The unselected cards will likely roll over into the tentatively planned Big Fun Game.)

To enter, just comment on this post. I would prefer a fancy acknowledgment of 1000 posts. Something like, "Jolly good show on the thousand posts, each more triumphant than the last!" Perhaps a clever play on words using the word "grand." But it's also fine if you just say "I'm in" or whatever.

The entry period will be open for a week or so, then we'll randomize out a winner. Must be a US resident for the grand prize. Well, you can enter regardless of where you live, but if the winner doesn't have a US address, they'll just get a consolation PWE instead, and the big box will go to the next place person. Sorry, it's the USPS's crazy international shipping costs these days.

Big Turnout Bonus: While I won't be awarding bonus entries for pimping this time out, I will offer some enticement for you to help spread the word. If we get 44 or more people to enter, the winner can also pick one (1) of the below HOF autos:

That's Andre Dawson and Rollie Fingers. The question mark "mystery pick" is pending but should be unveiled soon. So consider throwing out a little plug on your blog or tweeting a link or whatever, as it could pay dividends for you down the line.

I plan to offer several fun bonus entry possibilities in my posts over this next week, so be sure to check back for them.


(UPDATE 6/10/17: The entry period is now closed. Thanks to all who entered!)


  1. Jolly good show, ol' chap - here's to yet another thousand more postings of baseball card prose!

  2. Jolly καλή εμφάνιση στις χίλιες θέσεις, κάθε πιο θριαμβευτική από την τελευταία!

    That's what Burbs Greek.

    Oh, I'm in btw. I wanna win that JR Richard card.

  3. Gavin, Gavin, bo-bavin
    Banana-fana fo-favin

  4. Major accomplishmentioned making it to the one-thousandth post. Here's to the next thousand! Well done!

  5. congratulations on 1000 great posts. as my friend william said, “a coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the best bloggers post a thousand times and keep rolling along.”

  6. Jolly good show on the thousand posts, each more triumphant than the last! I'm in! Thought I'd cover both ends of the spectrum...or how about "It's nice topic, Thanks for sharing guys!"
    goldenslot mobile

    One of the latest comments from Choo Say on my blog.

    Anyways...congrats on 100 posts!

  7. Congrats! I am calculated that at my current posting pace I should hit 1000 some time around my 60th birthday-or ten more years

  8. in the grand scheme of it all, your 100x10 posting is a great showing of your commitment to your writing and "flagrant card waving one upman-ship" to my blog. Congratulations and thanks for the contest! Sorry you missed out on mine!

  9. Since I've spent my weekend celebrating with and congratulating some Brazilian friends, you get more of the same.

    Parabens pelo poste milesimo. Espero ler muito mais no futuro!

    Your blog is one of the best reads out there.

  10. 1,000 posts you say? Well done sir! I offer you a laurel and a hearty handshake in honor of your accomplishment.

  11. I am in. (The more formal version of "I'm in," as required by the gravity of this occasion)

  12. You don't have to enter me, considering you sent me a big box like that only a couple of months ago already, so I would feel bad about taking it from somebody else. But congratulations! I will probably hit the half of 1000 mark by the end of 2017.

  13. One thousand posts? That is almost 1001 posts... Congratulations and you deserve it. Anyone who does this knows that while blogging is an extension of the hobby and the fun we get from it, it can still be work at times. So to get to 1000 in just 5 years, you have really accomplished something. Good on ya!

  14. Well, then....
    Congratulations on posting a grand!
    Always worth a read and your customs are in demand,
    well thought out and planned,
    and always by hand.
    We're celebrating our 4th year soon spanned,
    this I know firsthand,
    because it was you that ROYed me out with all of those gorgeous cards scanned.
    I don't mind, obviously I was out manned.
    Okay, that is enough of this and I'm in and that's my stand!

  15. Happy thou to thou (see what I did there?). You're really putting me under the gun for the not-so-distant 4,000th post with that prize selection.

    Oh, and Commish, the J.R. Richard is MIIIIIIIIIIIINE.

  16. Magnificent Moment! Momentarily Manipulating Many Mentions May Make Me Merry! Marvelous!

  17. Congrats on 1K from Peter K. I'm in, by the way. Your excellent blog reminds me constantly how bad mine is.

  18. To be honest, I'd just be happy with that Dawson auto.

    Have a grand 'ol time with this contest!

  19. Here's to you making a thousand more posts.

  20. Great accomplishment, 1,000 posts says grand amounts about your commitment and dedication.

  21. 1,000 posts! What a milestone!! If you want to step your wine game up, let me know. I'm a regional account manager for a wine broker. Cheers!

  22. Congrats on 1,000. Here's to thousands know, if you're up for it, because it could be really tiring to do another 1,000 more posts. How's to however many more posts you want to do, and if that number is anywhere near 1,000, then an extra huzzah.

  23. I am by no means a creative man. However, I do like to think that I hold some tricks up my sleeve. With that being said, I won't be pulling any of those tricks here. It's too late on a Sunday for that. However, expect a blog post in the next day or so congratulating you. You certainly deserve it!

  24. Gavin, congrats on 1000 posts!! I'm sure sometime in 2020 I'll be congratulating you on your 2000th post.

    Hopefully by then I'll have worked up the courage to ask you for a couple of more customs.

  25. Wow, congrats!! I doubt I'll ever get anywhere near 1000 posts. That is quite impressive. Thanks for the contest!!

  26. Congratulations my friend! Always one of my favorite reads!

  27. Now the Roman numerals for your posts will be a lot simpler to write.

    Congrats on M. They always say the first M is the hardest.

  28. Congratulations on reaching 1,000 blog posts! Wow! What an accomplishment. Your dedication to blogging about our fun hobby does not go unnoticed. Keep up the great work, and push forward to your next 1,000 entries!

  29. 1,000 posts! Proud to say I've been here since the beginning. Nice to see a Charlie Hayes card in there - he was always a favorite of mine.

  30. Man, 1,000 posts about baseball that's AWESOME!

    Defgav my fellow blogger, i'll Tweet and post on Facebook about your contest, and it's already on my blog... Thanks for giving everyone a chance at glory!

  31. One thousand posts... one thousand posts... I'm here to say today.
    One thousand posts... one thousand posts... hip... hip... hip... hip... hooray!
    Your blog has always been a must read... that Topps Retired set is undeniably legit.
    That Gwynn you showed off a few days ago is my favorite though... it's totally the $hit.
    So here's to another 1000 posts... I'll try my best to read each one.
    I wouldn't want to miss any... because they're so much fun.

    Thanks for the contest defgav! I published my post an hour before this contest post... but since I won't have a another post until at least Tuesday, I went ahead and added it to today's post:

  32. Congrats on 1000 posts! May you have the strength, enthusiasm, and will power for thousands more!

  33. Congrats on 1000 and thanks for the contest!

    To satisfy your need for British fanciness:

  34. Congratulations on your 1,000 post, an amazing accomplishment indubitably so, kind sir! Pip pip and cheerio

  35. How is it I just found this blog now? Love it

  36. Congrats on 1000! At the rate I'm currently going, it would take me something like 12 years to rack up another 1000.

  37. This is truly a remarkable achievement. If there were a card blogging Hall of Fame, I would put you on my ballot.

  38. Congrats on 1000! I don't think I ever managed to break 500, and I've been doing this off & on since 2008.

  39. Grand achievement on 1000 posts! First time reader as I just heard about you through a twitter follower. Good luck!

  40. Congratulations on 1K , Keep them coming..

  41. Congrats n the 1000. Well done my friend

  42. Jolly GRAND 'ole show on the thousand posts, each new one more riveting than the previous!!

  43. You are clearly much more popular than I am with all these thousands and thousands of comments! Congratulations on hitting the 1000 post mark.

  44. Wow, 1000....that's unpossible! Congrats on the milestone.

  45. I tip my cap to you in grand fashion on such reaching such milestone. Congrats!

  46. Congrats on the 1000 Dude...“I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.” — The Dude

  47. okay I'll bite and enter. Looks like some very cool stuff there to give away.

  48. I'll jump in line, especially for JRR. I can't fathom 1000 posts. There must be about 7-800 that I haven't seen yet.
    I'm in the middle of work, or I'd come up with something clever using 1k or M or Grand....

  49. This is awesome! Can't wait to be last on your randomized list!

  50. But Gavin, I do not believe we can get Eddie Van Halen to enter this grand contest without a triumphant video.

    (Thanks for the contest and congrats on 1,000 posts, my friend!)

  51. Gavin, 1000 post would hold up a lot of fencing, it they were that kind of posts. Thanks for all cool posts.

  52. Congrats on post 1000. I just recently discovered your blog and I enjoy all the random cards you collect.

  53. Congrats on reaching 1,000 posts Gavin! Here's to another thousand!

  54. Incredible! I wish I could find the time to post as often as you. Congrats.

  55. I'm no wordsmith, but congratulations on 1000 posts. And it looks like you aimed too low with 44 entries for the bonus; It looks like I'm #60!

  56. Congrats on 1,000. Hope to be around for #10,000 too!

  57. A friend shared your contest on Facebook and I had to check it out. 1,000 posts shows a lot of passion and commitment. Good luck on the next 1,000

  58. 1000 posts?!?! That's equal to 1 post for every game Tim Flannery played in for the Padres, with 28 left over! Once you get up to 1,118 posts, you will pass Dave Winfield.

  59. Woah! Congrats on number 1000 man! Thanks for all the great reads over the last two years I've been following!

  60. Today's congratulatory post was brought to you by the letter M and the number 1000 - Hooray!

  61. I was sorting last night and found an extra 2014 Bowman Bryant that I plan to send your way. Wanting to give you a heads-up so you would be on the lookout for it! And congrats on 1,000!

  62. Congrats on the milestone! Just discovered your blog and really enjoying it. Looking forward to 1000 more posts!

  63. I just start d reading about 1 month ago, but what I have read has been good! Congrats!

  64. Nice mystery. And I'd have gotten away with it if it handn't been for you meddling kids. Seriously, congratultions, Gavin!

  65. Nice mystery. And I'd have gotten away with it if it handn't been for you meddling kids. Seriously, congratultions, Gavin!

  66. Congrats on 1000, pretty awesome milestone. Awesome contest as well - great stuff already shown with a ton of mystery to come.

  67. The entry period is now closed. Thanks to all who entered!
