
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Julie trade

Good stuff in the mail from Julie!

A Beltre blast!

Neat cards from new HOFers!

O's goes!

Bringer of Rain has been brought!

Keep on rocking!

Never too old for this Schmidt!

Pads and sods. Maybin black mini super scare, #'d 10/10!

2018 Heritage base team set!

A couple dudes basically traded for each other.

And some minicollection hits with a Pride PC addition, glowing Griffey, and parallel Gavin.

Big thanks, Julie! You're the best! (I was tempted to make this a post in my GNR series for "Your Crazy" [meant with all the love] but I didn't want to offend.. lol!) I'll get a return package out to you soon!


  1. If I was a mini-collections guy I'd probably do one on NYC buildings. That Stonewall card is really cool.

  2. What's the 1986 Topps Mike Schmidt card from? I've never seen it before.

    1. It's 2014 Topps Archives. Pretty cool.

    2. Very cool. Love that Goodwin Schmidt too.
