
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Couldn't Hoyt!

Hoyt Wilhelm is one of my favorite guys to collect, and I really wanted a playing-days example of him in uniform from his brief time in Atlanta. There aren't many available options (I don't count his airbrushed blank cap in 1970 Topps), but I jumped at this 1971 Dell stamp when it popped up. I didn't even care if it was graded or not, but hey, a PSA 9 seems pretty good! I'm pretty sure this is the highest graded vintage card/sticker/stamp/thing in my collection now.

I gotta assume stamps are immune to the trimming controversy going on these days-- they're stamps, after all-- but I'm not sure. But again, whatever, I don't care about the grade.. just wanted a Braves Hoyt for the PC.

In other news...

- You may have heard rumors that I have a semi-secret alternate card blog that is an outlet for when I want to work on some bullshit creative writing, usually when drunk or high.  This is totally not true Just kidding, it's totally true.

- I recently Adblocked my Twitter numbers for followers and followees and I think it's the best social media move I've ever made. Now I can't see (at least by default) how many people follow me and how many people I follow. I hated the fact that I was drawn to these numbers each visit, but as they were right there when I clicked the link, I couldn't help but notice.

Boom.. nothing!
(Unsolicited plug but you should definitely get uBlock Origin to help block annoying ads on Google Chrome.)

But yeah, it's very nice to not worry about followers anymore. As it was, when I'd get new followers I'd stress out like "oh no, why are people following me?!" and when I'd lose followers I stress out like "oh no, why are people unfollowing me?!"

I'd much rather not give any thought to it and just do my thing. If you dig what I spew out, great; if not, that's cool too.

I'm generally stingy about who I follow, but it's not because I'm a stuck up bitch or anything, but just that I try to stay on top of my Twitter feed, ideally reading everything on my timeline, and it's hard to do even with a hundred or two accounts. I'm sure people following 1K or so accounts can't keep up with everything.

My latest temporary tattoo. Don't ask me cuz I don't know.

- I took off this upcoming Monday from work..

I never thought my life could be
Anything but catastrophe
But suddenly I begin to see
A bit of good luck for me
'Cause I've got a 3 day weekend
I've got a 3 day twinkle in my eye
I never had a chance to shine
Never a happy song to sing
But suddenly half the world is mine
What an amazing thing
'Cause I've got a 3 day weekend
I've got a 3 day sun up in the sky

This is the song I sing (or an approximation) whenever I have a 3-day weekend.

I hope to use this extra time to catch up on some card stuff, such as sorting and getting some outgoing trade (and contest prize) packages together.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!


  1. That's really nice of you to take Monday off to be able to celebrate Canada Day with your Canadian friends!

    1. Oui oui! My wife was just up to Vancouver last weekend for a dragonboat race. Maybe one of these years I'll finally get a passport and tag along.

  2. I've never really cared about how many FB or Twitter followers I have... but must admit... I do check on how many views I get for my blog posts. It's pretty much the reason I only write a handful of non-baseball posts each year.

    1. These days most of my posts struggle to break 100 views in a timely manner. I think I've gotten over it now and have let go worrying about view numbers. As long as I have a few buds such as yourself who keep popping by, I'm good. But yeah, I understand wanting your posts to do well.

    2. Heck, 100 views is great right now. I'm struggling to get 25.

  3. is that tat numbered 12/25. I am taking next Friday off to have a four day weekend

    1. Nice, yeah taking off Friday with Thursday being a holiday is a popular move. But my production schedule at work begins on the 5th of every month, so it pushes back my entire month if I miss it. So I took off Monday instead. I thought about taking off Tuesday so I could alternate work-off-work-off-work, but decided a 3-day weekend sounded better.

  4. I saw your redacted post in the blogroll but was unable to read it, unfortunately.

    1. Well, I'm sure you'll stumble upon it someday if it was meant to be. lol. If not, you aren't missing much.

  5. Whoa, I've never seen that Hoyt! Nifty.

    Twitter really isn't anything more than a secondary card outlet for me so I rarely check my following/followed numbers. Now blog posts on the other hand...the views/comments aren't as big of a deal for me as they once were, but I do still keep an eye on them.

    1. I was trying to hunt down either this Dell stamp or his 1971 Topps Greatest Moments card also showing him as a Brave, but haven't found one of those for a solid price yet.

  6. You really don't want that Hoyt, it would look much better in my Braves collection.......I am so grinning ear to ear right now.

    1. Ha, I'll keep an eye out for another one, and if I end up with a dupe, you've got dibs on it.

  7. Very nice Hoyt stamp! Any HOFer issue graded that high is a winner in my book. The trimming BS annoys me though; I have too many graded cards in my collection but every since I bought an ungraded '62 Topps Hank Aaron and PSA returned it as "recolored" I don't know what the hell is authentic anymore.
