
Thursday, July 4, 2019

a Stranger Things blaster for the 4th

Happy 4th, everybody! Today's also Stranger Things Day, with the 3rd season now available. I like the show a lot, but part of me wishes they would have let it be done as a miniseries with just the 1st season-- but no, there's money to be had, so they gotta keep it going as long as profitable. Eleven's gonna be finishing her MBA by the time they wrap it up.

I've had this Topps blaster of Season 1 cards set aside since picking it up last Black Friday. It's the last remaining unopened product from that purchase. Honestly, I'm not all that excited about it. I can get into some non-sport cards just fine-- I have recently been hellbent on completing a master set of 1988 Topps Pee-Wee's Playhouse, and also have a big Ghostbusters card collection-- but I've been feeling indifferent about these Stranger Things cards, which is how they've survived unripped for over half a year. 

But anyways, let's bust it open and check out some highlights!

A stack of base cards.

Stickers seem to be one per pack.

Some other inserts.

And my promised hit is a Mike Wheeler manupatch. Cool.

So there you have it! All these are up for trade, so just get in touch if you wanna work out a quick deal for anything.

BONUS! A couple cute pictures of my dog...

We took a family walk to a food cart pod up the street to grab beers and enjoy the nice weather on our day off. Annie found a weird pacifier dog toy on the way, and was really into it for a while. I snapped a wallet card photo of her with it. 

When it was time to leave, she didn't even bother to bring the toy with her. Easy come, easy go! Perhaps the next pup to stumble upon it will give it a good home.

But yeah, it was a good time. Again, hope you all have/had a pleasant holiday.


  1. I'm undecided about buying these, even though I love the show. (The Mrs. and I will start watching season 3 as soon as we put the kids to bed.) Non-sports isn't really my thing, but the old school card stock is appealing.

    If no one else is interested, I'll take the stickers off your hands. That way I can remain non-committal about the base set.

    The pics of your pup are great, and I like how you made the ST blaster levitate

    1. Thanks! I can put those stickers aside for ya.

  2. I could use the Mike Wheeler character card (second card from the right in your "Some other inserts" photo) for my set.

    Also, GOOD DOGGO!

  3. The Duffer brothers have said it is a limited series, just 4 seasons and that is it.

    1. Good to hear! Hope it wraps up nicely next season.

  4. I have never watched this show still. I really want to and I really need to find a way. Maybe it's available to rent on DVD somewhere

  5. We got two episodes in last night.

    I don't have any of the cards though. Might snag a blaster at some point.

  6. Normally... I'd agree with you on the mini-series thing. But i was really impressed with the latest season. It's my favorite so far.
