
Friday, September 13, 2019

TTM Success: Night Owl!

Here's a fun one that just came back.. I got noted cardblogger Night Owl's autograph on a real minor league card that features a photo he's in.

How cool is this? Got his signature plus a nice "night owl" inscription. Looks great! And as someone who's name also starts with G, it's interesting to me to check out how other people sign a capital G.

Night Owl referenced this card in a post earlier this year (and linked to an older post where he got more into it.):

"This is the card where I make my trading card debut. I'm the guy in the press box, fourth window from the left, talking to the scorekeeper in the fifth window." 

In the comments of that post, Jeremy asked him if he'd be cool with signing the card, and Greg replied in the affirmative. Sounded like a good idea to me, so I tracked down a copy of the card to send to him.

I don't need to slurp Greg too much here, as if you're reading my blog, you're no doubt already familiar with Night Owl Cards and likely recognize it as the GOAT of baseball card blogs, or at the very least a lock for inclusion on the hypothetical Mount Rushmore of the cardsphere.

I've mentioned before that his blog was my main inspiration for starting Baseball Card Breakdown back in 2013. And funny enough, he recently inspired me to start a new set-blog (kicking off next month). So yeah, he's been a guiding light for me as a blogger for a long time (not to mention a great trading partner) and it's very cool to have him included as a tangible part of my card collection now.

Here's the back of the card, if you were interested. Gotta love old school minor league cards.

Thanks a lot, Greg!
(And hey, coincidentally, it's the 11th blogiversary of Night Owl Cards today!)

I need to round up my other blogger cards and make this a full-fledged minicollection. I think I could at least fill a binder page at this point, perhaps two. Several bloggers make customs of themselves to throw in with card packages to trader buddies, and those are always fun to receive. I know it's not really Night Owl's style to do something like that, but the minor league stadium card is perfect.

Have a great weekend, guys!


  1. Nice going, now all of the autograph hounds are going to flock to Night Owl's nest and ask him to sign their copies of Beckett Vintage Collector.

    Note, making an entire set of customs of bloggers and getting them signed seems right up your alley.

    1. A custom set of bloggers would be cool. But then there's guys like you and SCC who are too shy to ever share photos of themselves. You could sign a Torrens card for me, I guess.

    2. I'd be inclined to send Kenny a Hi Chew wrapper.

      Also the signed Night Owl card is awesome.

    3. I'll be sure to throw that wrapper in the trash.

  2. Very cool! This is one TTM auto I'd love to get.

  3. I had a custom card made of myself by another blogger (of a now defunct blog). It doesn't represent me well (15 years younger and 30 pounds heavier). This works better.

  4. Awesome! I looked for a cheap copy of this card, but couldn't find one. Just added it to my eBay saved searches. Hopefully one eventually pops up, so I can add a Night Owl card to my collection.

  5. That's great. Wonder if we all should do a TTM blog around.

  6. Very nice with the 58 70 and 72 pick-ups
