
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Rocktober is in full swing! (CONTEST!)

#1) As promised, my new setblog dedicated to 1991 MusiCards is up and running. I'm really excited about it and I hope you'll check it out and follow along.


To help get a few more eyes on it, I'm offering up some solid cards in a contest where all you've got to do is check out the intro post of the new blog and comment mentioning a couple bands you like.
These are the six fine cards in the prize pool up for grabs (winner picks one). Check out THIS POST {LINK!} for all the details.

And even if you're not interested in the contest, it sure would be doing your ol' pal Gavin a solid if you'd head over to and follow/bookmark it and take the journey with me through the incredible beast that is 1991 Pro Set SuperStars MusiCards. I think it'll be a good time for everyone!

#3) The 2019 MLB Post Season™ is upon us!

My postseason rooting interests are as follows:

AL: anybody but the Yankees

NL: anybody but the Dodgers

(No offense to my NY/LA-fan readers. Enviable franchise you've got there, no doubt.)

#4) Fergie Jenkins refractor auto

Isn't this a beautiful card!?!

Another 2003 Retired refractor auto for my collection. Love 'em!

HOF career.

Thanks for reading!


  1. That Jenkins is beautiful! Love that shine. Looking forward to reading your new blog.

  2. I'm surprised you beat Night Owl to the creation of a MusiCards blog. Thanks for the contest!
