
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgavin


Happy Thanksgavin from my card collection, featuring an autograph from the legendary Edie McClurg. Picked that up for a few bucks over the summer.

Hey, re: Mr. Stearnes, I finally got a couple extra "Neglected HOFers" custom sets (15 cards) printed up if anyone wants to trade me for one.

Paula in the kitchen working on the big meal. Be sure to check out my MusiCards blog. I'm gonna try to do a holiday surprise for the regulars over there.

Ruby celebrated her 6-month birthday recently. She looked more like a black lab as a tiny pup, but you can see her husky coloring coming out as she gets older. No one has ever punched me in the balls more than this dog. How I hate her. But she's a cutie.

Ruby got spayed the other day and we thought it might slow her down a little, but no, she was back to her queen-bitch self the next day. So much damn wolf blood in her that nothing seems to faze her. Pretty sure she's got some honey badger in her, too.

Fun with a Darryl Strawberry mailday yesterday.

I got one of these fiberoptic toys earlier in the year and I love it! I remember being fascinated by them when I was a kid. Highly recommended. (See also my previous post with the Lux pic.)

It's the first Thanksgiving in my lifetime with no turkey. My wife and I are doing hickory smoked ham and I'm totally cool with that. Pumpkin pie with whip cream for dessert, so that's really all I give a shit about, lol. (Strawberry/Rhubarb is another tasty option.) But yeah, hopefully next year we're back to a normal big family meal. Hope you all are having a good day, too.


  1. Sweet clear Strawberry! Happy thanksgiving.

  2. Hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

  3. That Straw is awesome. Good luck with Ruby!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving and good luck with the pup!

  5. Planes,Trains, and Automobiles is one of my all time favorites, so that Edie auto is particularly nice! I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!

  6. Oh man... your dog is awesome! Was cracking up reading about her punching you in the balls... and being part honey badger. Hilarious. Oh... and that Strawberry is sweet!

  7. Ruby Ruby. Can't wait to see what she looks like in a few more months. Drop by my Pick Pocket tab, Gavin. I just added 23 pages of cards. See if there's anything there that suits yer fancy.

  8. I say Hello to Edie everytime I watch Ferris Buehler

  9. Happy Belated Thanks-gavin! Looks like the dog is one happy pup, and I love that Strawberry auto.
