
Friday, April 8, 2022

This Bud's for me (Whoa Bundy!-- up to 3 Married With Children autos)

My project of compiling a set of Bundy family "1989 Pro Set" autographs took another step towards completion with the recent addition of David Faustino.

To refresh your memory, I ponied up for a Leaf autograph of Ed O'Neill last year after long pining away for an "Al Bundy football card autograph", and later made a matching custom overlay for a Christina Applegate auto card I picked up. And now I've gone and done the same for Mr. Faustino.

The border matching the green ink is a nice touch, eh? This wasn't my first photo choice, but the auto sticker placement smack dab in the middle of the card presented challenges, and ended up not working with the first few photos I tried. But then this one did the trick, even though I had to fudge it a little by popping the top of his head out of the design.

David Faustino has kept working over the years, but nothing close to as high-profile as his stint as Bud Bundy. Nice to see he and Christina both survived the "child actor curse" relatively unscathed.

For reference, here's the original card, still untouched beneath the custom overlay. It's not a bad picture, but definitely post-MWC. I was maybe a tiny bit bummed to cover up the memorabilia star, but won't be losing any sleep over it.

The card ran me about the ol' "price of a blaster" shipped and the seller even threw in the like-new one-touch. Also worth noting that the card is serial-numbered out of 200 on the back but the listing neglected to mention it. Works for me.

Now the elephant in the room is Katey Sagal as Peg. Here's what eBay currently has available, sorted by cheapest:

Yep, the cruel irony is that the least-expensive of her auto cards all horizontal, on-card autographs... which under normal circumstances I would much prefer over any stickergraph. But for this particular project, a horizontal card would just be too awkward to try morphing into a 1989 Pro Set card. She does have some stickergraphs on the market that would work, though, so I'll just have to have some patience for one to show up at a decent asking price. Hopefully that doesn't take too long and I'm able to wrap up this project soon.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!


  1. Katey only has 2 autos on comc, 1 at 50 the other 100, geez.

  2. Non-sports autos are a bear, especially for fan favorites like the MWC cast. (I'm planning a post about some celeb signature cards soon) Your Faustino looks great with the Pro Set border, and I hope you're able to secure a Sagal soon.

  3. Best of luck landing that horizontal signed card of Sagal. Loved her in Sons of Anarchy... and of course Married with Children.

  4. We'll be rooting for the MWC completion!

  5. Surprisingly, Katey's autographs haven't really jumped since the boom got going. I was looking for one 4-5 years ago, and this is what they were selling for then, too.
