
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Where do I sign?!

I'm now up to 7 "sign here" cards.

Tino in center is my latest pickup. (Jealous, Lost Collector? lol) The seller first put it up at a hefty Buy-It-Now, but as the weeks went by he dropped the asking price and eventually I got it off him for a fair best offer.

I'm thinking I'll try to add a couple more, then call this quirky collection good at an "even" 9 cards.

Well, this is a short post, so here's some bonus content I may have posted on Twitter already.

Check out this tree in my neighborhood with an attitude problem.

Ruby had a great time out with the family at my wife's birthday lunch this past weekend. She's a cutie but a hellraiser.

Transferring the contents of the old car's glove compartment to the new car is kinda like opening up a time capsule. Found some goodies such as a vintage Kentucky Fried Chicken towelette I've had on hand since the 90s. I've also had that Gwynn since the 90s; Back in the early days of this blog I posted about The Worst-Condition Card I Own. I had forgotten that Tony was even still in the car, honestly! Looks like it lost a chunk at some point in the past decade. I think I'll "retire" the card to my Gwynn PC now before it disintegrates further.

Whoever ends up with my collection after I die is going to have a lot of "WTF?!" moments when they go through it all. LOL


  1. The Gwynn (older one) looks like it may have been a wallet card at some point.

  2. I am jealous! I did see it listed on eBay, but refrained. Glad it found a good home!

  3. Oh wow you've even got a Gavin "sign here" card.

  4. I'm probably the only one who found the vintage towelette the most interesting thing in the post.

  5. Nice towelette PC. Love that "Sign Here" collection almost as much as that tree!

  6. Those sign here cards are very cool!
