
Sunday, June 15, 2014

1st Anniversary auto lot contest!

Today, June 15th marks the One Year Anniversary of Baseball Card Breakdown! I'm not sure if I feel more like "wow, it's already been a year!" or "wow, it's only been a year?!"

Of course the best way to celebrate is with a contest. I'm busting out the stops with a supped-up Grand Prize Pool, of multi-card lots of all certified autographs, including a few Hall of Famers!

A lucky winner can pick one (1) option of cards from below:

Lot A - 4 cards: Davy Lopes, Al Oliver, Bob Brenly, Adam Eaton

Lot B - 3 cards, a phan's dream: HOFer Fergie Jenkins, Bob Dernier, Greg Luzinski

Lot C - another team-centric lot, this time O's: Earl Weaver, Cuellar, Grich, some kid.

Lot D - Luis Tiant, Tony Armas, Tony Fernandez, Mike Rouse

Lot E: Tony Oliva; a couple Yankees, Bobby Richardson and Dave Phelps; & Ruddy Yan

Lot F - George Foster, Daryl Boston, Toby Harrah, Ron Swoboda

Lot G - Here's a big name! Ernie Banks (w/COA); plus Jim Frey, who led the Cubs to the playoffs in '84.

Lot H - One of today's biggest stars, Miguel Cabrera (#'d 013/150), plus Ronald Belisario 

There you have it, 8 lots to choose from.

Easy-enter Contest! Free! One of these lots could be yours.

Here's how to enter.
Subscribe! Well, I'll stop short of saying, "You must be a subscriber," but I would really appreciate it if you were a subscriber. Just click that blue "Join this site" box on the right. And if you run blog with a blogroll on the sidebar, howsabout making sure lil' ol' Baseball Card Breakdown is included? Again, not completely necessary, but very appreciated!
1 entry - Comment on this post.
1 additional entry - Pimp this contest on your blog by 6/21 (then comment below to let me know.)
Additional entries - If someone comments and mentions that you referred them, you'll get an extra entry.
Additional entries - Send me a PWE with something that fits into my wantlist. You'll get an extra entry for each card. Email me for my mailing address if you need it.

Max entries per person is capped at 7, just to keep it balanced.

The contest will be open till around the end of June, to give people a chance to spread the word and maybe send in a PWE. Then I'll randomize and assign numbers and pick an upcoming ballgame where the total hits in the game will determine the winning number, similar to my last contest.

My personal goal for this contest is to hit 100 subscribers for Baseball Card Breakdown, so let's see how we do. I know "Blogger followers" is a dying stat and all, but still, it'd make me happy to crack triple digits. Currently at 79; this may be over ambitious, but let's give it a shot. How's this: If we get to 100 subscribers by the end of the contest, I'll hold a special "2nd chance" bonus contest for all the non-winning entrants soon thereafter.

So that's about it. Thanks for celebrating my blog's anniversary with me! I suppose it's nice to have a question to answer in the comments, so if you win this contest, which lot would you pick?

UPDATE 7/1/2014: The entry period of the contest is over. We got to 98 subscribers.. not bad! There will be some bonuses. Give me a couple days to sort out all the entries and we'll work toward crowning a big winner.


  1. Great contest! I'd go with the one that has the George Foster auto. I've become a collector of all things "Foster" related since my wife and I decided to choose that name for our son. That would be the first autograph in the Foster collection. I'll pimp it on the blog post I'm writing for today, and actually have some players you collect in a mailer that I need to get sent off to the post office next week.

    Thanks again for the contest, and congrats on the upcoming wedding. I know she has poor taste in men, but is she a baseball fan too?

    1. Ha, thanks.. good luck! Nah, other than the dragonboat team she's on, my lady isn't really into sports. Looking forward to the mailer! I gave you my new address, right? (1242...)

    2. Yep! Got it.

      Dragonboating? Sounds like an episode of Portlandia.

      Actually, we went to some dragon boat races in Austin a few weeks ago. Well, we went to the "opening ceremony", which was pretty cool, but they took so long getting everybody in the boats, that we left after waiting, like 45 mins because, you know, kids. LOOKED pretty cool, though.

  2. Gavin, I stopped by the blog just now copy your link for a post (a shout out for the Grilli gold parallel) and noticed the contest! I'm in- I'd probably grab the Al Oliver lot, although the Miggy is awful tempting.

    I'm going through your wantlist now- I'm going to send a mailer with a bunch of guys you collect. I think you'll like what you see. I'll leave it up to you to decide how many entries to assign!

    The contest has been pimped, as well. Thanks for contest!

  3. Thanks for the contest. I have my eyes set on that Davey Lopes card!

    Pimped you here:

    I will do my best to get some cards your way. I will shoot you an email soon.

  4. Thanks for the contest!

    I'd probably take that last lot if I won. It'd be awesome to have an autograph of Mr. Cub.

    1. Yeah, it's a neat card. I have 2, which is why I'm willing to part with it. Got them from the Nabisco offer back in the day.

  5. Lot D--As a Blue Jays fan, I want the Fernandez--thanks for the contest

  6. I would probably pick Lot F, although it would be hard to turn down any of them. I would go with F just because Daryl Boston is the closest thing to a Rockies card in any of the Topps Retired sets. It really bugs me that the D-Backs (and a manager no less) were included despite them being 5 years younger as a franchise.

    1. Good luck! As for Retired Rockies, don't forget about this card.

  7. In, and now following. I'd take the Miggy if I were to win.

  8. I'm in ill pimp later illl let you know.

  9. And here's a contest pimp:

  10. I'm in for lot F! Alex from Chavez Ravining referred me from his post.

    I will see if I can find something from your want list and send it your way.


  11. Wow! Color me in. All those autos are pretty tasty. Contest pimped/hyped/bumped @

  12. I gotta go for the Lopes and Oliver lot.
    Lopes stays home and I know a Planker who might like the Oliver.

  13. I'm in. No one referred me. I'm a regular reader. I'd probably go for Lot E. Bobby Richardson. Probably.

  14. Dang - I forgot to hit publish. I'm in. And one more entry for Roger at Sportscard Mask-a-Rade. His link brought me here. I am sure I would have been here sooner or later, but props go where they go.

  15. I am in, not sure which lot just yet, they are all pretty great. I got here via a link from Chavez Ravining, got to his post in my blog roll before your post.

  16. In and would love the Miggy auto.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I;m very much in on this contest! Happy Anny!

  19. Promoted ya!

  20. In like Flynn, baby. That Foster is sweet.

  21. So many choices! Please count me in, and thank you for the contest!

  22. I'm in, I would pick lot D if I won, and consider your contest pimped.

  23. I'd like to play, thanks for the contest and happy anniversary! I'm now following...I'd think I'd be leaning towards the Banks / Frey package.

    Please provide an extra entry to Swing And a Pop-Up too!

  24. I'm in. Thanks to your post. It was the first one I read that mentioned the contest. Give yourself an entry!

  25. I'm in. Would take the banks auto lot. Will also be pimping the contest later today. Great contest, I dream to hit that 100 follower mark too.

  26. Hey Gavin,
    Congratulations on the anniversary. I've been a follower for a while now, and even though I would have gotten to your contest post later in my blogroll, I did see it mentioned first on Greg's blog, the one with that pesky sweater, don't cha know!! I've also pimped it on my blog this morning ( and you know I'm after those sweet Phillies autos when I win!!
    Thanks for a neat contest with some awesome prizes!
    Dawgbones, a Phillies Phan (from Schmidt Happened!)
    and good luck with the 100 followers stat! I've been sitting at 99 for so long (almost a year now!), I've stopped thinking about it!! LOL

  27. Count me in. Tempted by Lot G because of Banks, but would probably go with Lot F for the Foster. Contest will be pimped tomorrow in "Random Awesomeness (part 165)." Thanks!

  28. Thanks for the contest. Please count me in too! I came here through Dawgbones....

  29. I'm in, thanks for having this swag-tastic blowout giveaway!

  30. I would pick the Phillies lot for the Fergie Jenkins card. I am a new subscriber, but I have this blog in my favorites so I have been checking in here for a while now. Thanks for the contest.

  31. I'm in, the Phillies lot as I'd try to turn all of them into the Mike Schmidt card from that same set! Loved your 'blinking eyes' card post last week!

  32. Frey was a Royal? I guess that was a little before my time. Anyway, that would be my preferred quarry. Thanks for the contest.

  33. This is one heck of a contest. I'm in!

  34. JT from thewritersjourney pimped you and here I am. I would select F since it is the letter I saw the most growing up!

  35. I subscribed before I even saw this post about the contest, haha. And looks interesting!

    Can we pimp this post through social media? My blog is still fairly new and I get much more traffic/views on here:

  36. I'm already subscribed and have you in my blogroll.

    1. I'd find it very difficult to pass up the Miggy auto, but I think I might go after that beautiful Earl Weaver.
    2. Pimped your contest here:

  37. Hi there, brand new subscriber here. Count me in. I also saw this over on Play At the Plate.

  38. You can toss my gigantic sombrero into the ring for this one. I have some PWE goodness to send you, but it won't get there before the 21st. Oh well.

  39. I'm a new subscriber as of a few days ago, I came over from Dennis at Too Many Verlanders. Awesome page, great contest!

  40. I think I'd probably go for the Phillies lot. And I promoted you Wednesday here:

  41. Man gotta love a good giveaway! Tough pick between the Banks and the Miggy - I guess ill just have to decide when I win haha

  42. im in thanks i loove retired im doing the set

  43. Saw your wish you were here post and wondered how i missed the contest post..Count me in.

  44. Better get in on this, right? Sorry I'm not in pimpin' mode at the moment, though...

  45. I think I got in under the time frame

  46. Did I make it to the party in time? Regardless this is one heck of a contest.

  47. Super selection of cards! So many for the winner to choo choo choose from!

  48. I was gonna sit this one out and then I saw the Drysdale. I'm in. Hopefully, I'll remember to send a PWE your way, but with the way things are going, it will be forgotten as soon as click off this.
