
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Mega Mailday / Hawaii recap

I'm home from a lovely Hawaiian vacation. That was a lot of fun. Highlights included:
  • getting married on the beach to my special lady
  • snorkeling with tons of neat-looking fish and some really cool sea turtles
  • a private stand-up paddling lesson (basically stand on a big surfboard and paddle it around kinda like a gondola) where we again ran into some turtles
  • hanging out with a "wild" cat that lives on the patio of a place on the beach where we stayed the first part of our trip
  • watching baseball on TV (as mentioned last trip, I don't get TV service at home)
  • we went to a luau, which was mostly boring but the fire-spinning part was cool
  • the bride's side of the family stayed in a pretty sweet mansion, and we had some fun swimming in the pool. I spent so much time in/on the water this past week that I still occasionally feel the sensation of gently bobbing around. crazy
  • even the flights were fun; the in-laws sprung for first-class tickets for us, so the booze and on-demand entertainment helped pass the hours.

And the best part of coming home was getting a week's worth of mail, including lots and lots of cards.

Hey, I just realized that today is my half-birthday. So this is a pretty sweet half-birthday haul of cards from blog buddies, eBay sellers, and in one case, an eBay seller/blog buddy hybrid. I'll get several posts' worth from these packages and envelopes.

Today, I'll crack into the mega mailday with a 2-card PWE courtesy of Jeff at 2x3 Heroes. He used my old address, but luckily the post office was on top of things, as it didn't seem to cause any delay getting to me. Jeff also used a bunch of old-timey stamps to mail the envelope, which are pretty cool in their own right!

A couple sweet 2014 Topps parallels of Padres. Very cool. I think that Josh Johnson is my first camo parallel.. first one from 2014, at the very least. The Colt Hynes blood rain is pretty snazzy too.

Thanks a bunch, Jeff! I'll add a couple extra entries for you in my big auto contest as well as add you to my mental "I owe ya one" list.. actually, you were probably already on it. But yeah, I owe ya one.

And thanks to everybody else who mailed me some cards.. I look forward to covering them in posts over the next week or so.

Also thanks to everybody who congratulated me on getting hitched. It's pretty nice, I gotta say. I'm in my mid 30s, but this is my first time tying the knot. I feel good about taking my time and making sure it was right. We're a perfect match for each other and are very happy together. But enough sap. Thanks for stopping by. I'll leave you with a few more photos from the trip.


  1. Sounds and looks like you had a blast! Looking forward to seeing all the cards!

  2. Great photos from the trip. I waited all the way until I was 38 to get married, so I know what you mean about how it's great to have waited for the right woman. Congratulations to both of you again!

  3. As someone who also waited until their 30s to get married, I say good call. (Especially since if the girl I'd asked in my 20s had said yes, my life would have been a whole lot worse...) Congrats, again.

  4. Great photos..... Looks like a fun trip
