
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wish You Were Here

Hey everybody, I'm a newlywed in Maui having a great time. (Sorry for the smooching pic.. it's the only wedding photo I've got at the moment.) Still finding a few minutes here and there to check in with the cardosphere, doing a decent job keeping up with the many blogs I follow. As much fun as I'm having on my trip, the obsessed card collector in me is anxious to return home to the haul of cards the post office has been accumulating for me.

Was kinda cool that Kershaw threw his first no-hitter on my wedding day, though I would have preferred it were Andrew Cashner. Oh well!

And it's cool that my blog's anniversary is just a few days before my wedding anniversary.. that'll help me remember! LOL.

My big contest is going great.. with lots of entrants and plugs and such. Thanks to everybody who has pimped the contest and/or followed. My goal of 100 subscribers is in reach too, with the current count at 90. Very nice! Let's add a little more incentive to get over the hump: If Baseball Card Breakdown cracks 100 subscribers by the end of June, I'll "unlock" another option for the grand prize pool for this contest.. a certified auto of a big-name first-ballot HOFer. Mysterious! So yeah, click that blue "Join this site" button if you haven't yet and comment on that contest post to enter. If you're planning to send in a PWE to help your cause, better hurry and get it in the mail soon so I'll receive it by the end of the month. And pretty soon we'll get a winner or two picked out. Thanks!


  1. Wedding on the beach? Very nice. Congratulations!

  2. Congrats! And that Hawaii thing ... geez, I never thought of that (maybe because it's more than 4,000 miles away). Enjoy.

  3. Very nice. Forget the cards. Enjoy Hawaii.

  4. If you're worried about cards, find a flea market there. :-). Congrats once again!

  5. Congratulations on your wedding. Being married is a great thing, and I wish I had my son when I was a lot younger. Don't wait too long.

  6. Replies
    1. Make sure you take a trip to Lahaina. Great little town.

  7. Gongrats, man! Marriage tip: Keep the honeymoon refractin' action private. Safe trip.
