
Friday, January 4, 2019

John entices me with beautiful women

John Miller from Johnny's Trading Spot has been coming up with a long list of crazy customs for me to make for one of his minicollections, sending me some nice cards for my trouble, and here's the latest batch.

Candi Jones is a cutie.

Really like these cards, too. I already had different autos of Tiffany Toth and Alicia Johnson-- they must be Benchwarmer favorites-- but don't mind adding more. I was happy to score my first Michelle Baena autograph, a fellow Christmas Eve baby.

Speaking of the holidays, John's latest mailing wasn't all ladies..

From the fronts, these aren't anything special for my collection. But flip them over...

Christmas Cards!

And an assortment of guys I used to collect. The all-black Gavin and shiny pair of Myers are cool. John likes to bust my balls by sending me Josh Donaldson cards even after I begged him to stop. LOL

Thanks, John! I'll get cranking on your list soon, though it'll take me a while to get through it.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading.


  1. John is a good fella. I have a list for you if you ever have a lull in your Custom schedule

  2. LOL. Those are the ladies you asked for around mid year. Yes the Gavins and Josh's were for a LOL. I can't help it. I think they instinctly throw themselves into a pile for you. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some in the current pile.As for the customs just do them as you can. Thanks in advance.

  3. Lovely ladies and Christmas cards. You can't beat that!
