
Monday, December 23, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Cards: 10th day (Vida Blue Christmas)

Welcome to the 10th of 12 posts in this holiday extravaganza! I explained it in more detail in the prologue, but essentially I'm celebrating my twelve favorite Christmas Cards (cards that are serial numbered 12/25), one a day till Christmas. Here's a fun one.. a Vida Blue Christmas card.

Vida Blue 2004 Donruss Timelines #12/25

 Christmas Card :

 Holiday Music :
(A Christmas carol / holiday song for each card.)

"Blue Christmas"

Yesterday, I mentioned Christmas with the Chipmunks was a perennial holiday favorite of mine. The Beach Boys' Christmas Album is right there with it as another album I've listened to at least once every Christmastime since I can remember.

Seeing as this is an Oakland A's card, "Greensleeves" is another apt song. I already posted the John Coltrane jazz version a couple days ago, but here's a nice orchestral version.

 Wrapping Paper :
(This is the section where I wrap up the card itself: the design, the photo, etc.)

Ah, I miss Donruss. (A panini is a type of a sandwich.. dumb name for a sportscard company.) I also miss non-Topps baseball cards with logos.

Sticker auto. This is a decent-looking card, but really the reason it's so high on my list of favorites is that I love Vida Blue. (and yes, the Blue Christmas pun is pretty great.)

 Naughty or Nice :
(This is the section where I check my list twice on the subject of the card.)

Back during my initial stint of collecting in the early 90s, one of my prized cards was a Vida Blue RC. I still have it and smile every time I flip through my cards and it comes up. Not sure exactly how he became one of my main collecting guys, since he never played for my hometown Padres or anything. I probably gravitated toward him because (a) he has a cool name, and (b) he often looks like he's genuinely having a good time on his cards.. his '71 and '74 Topps cards, especially.

Vida had that one amazing year mentioned on the card back above, and a few other really good years, picking up 3 rings along the way.

 Yuletide Stat :
(Here's where I dig around for a Christmas-y stat.)

I came up dry here, so instead I'll mention that Vida Blue's middle name is Rochelle. That's pretty funny.

 Spreading the Christmas Spirit :
(Here's where I photoshop the card to make it even more Christmas-y than it already is.)

 Singalong :
(Here's where we keep a running tab of the 12 Days of Christmas Cards so far... in song.)

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Two thousand four Donruss Vida Blue
Two thousand thirteen Panini Playbook Art Monk

Two thousand thirteen Spencer Scott Benchwarmer
Two thousand four Topps Retired Orlando Cepeda
Two thousand twelve thirteen Upper Deck Dominique Wilkins
Two thousand eight Topps Hanley Ramirez
Two thousand one Donruss Xavier Nady
Two thousand four Topps Retired Jim Piersall
Two thousand eleven Santonio Holmes Prime Signatures
And a Jody Gerut two thousand four Leaf

Happy Holidays, and see you tomorrow for the next Christmas Card!

 Stocking Stuffer :
(A bit of bonus content)

Ah, a vacation day. Finally a chance to just chill out. Feels good. Still got lots to do, though.. Wrap gifts, chores around the house, etc. I hope you guys out there are having a fun and safe mid-December to remember.

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