
Sunday, April 6, 2014

trade bait from the grocery store

I mentioned a little while ago that since I moved in February, our new local grocery store (Fred Meyer) has a respectable trading card section. This is handy for me because I never shop at Walmart and rarely shop at Target, so I don't come across cards for sale in the wild very often. I splurged a bit this weekend and bought some packs to rip.

I've been reading blogs about some good experiences lately with those $19.99 "20 packs + a hit" repacks, so when I saw one (the only one on the shelf), I threw it in the cart.

I wanted some '14 Heritage (hadn't busted any of that yet), but didn't see any. But then I noticed a few jumbo packs stacked on the back of a shelf, so grabbed one of those ($5.99).

Also stocked up on hot sauce while we were out.
So let's see if my $26 was well spent. I'll break these up into 2 posts. The first one, this one, is all trade bait. See a card you want? Let me know! The next post will be the keepers.

Let's start with the 2014 Heritage. Spoiler alert: it was a dud. No players I collect, no parallels, SPs, no nuthin'. A bunch of boring base cards plus a Malcolm X news flashback.

Now on to the 20-pack repack.

Here's the loose hit they threw in..

Meh, could be worse. Nice looking card, #'d 45/99. Wily Mo Pena never quite lived up to his potential in the majors. He's playing in Japan now, off to a great start in 2014 (batting .400 in the first 8 games).

And here's what else I got. Again, these are all up for grabs via a quick trade if you want.

One pack sure gave you a lot of cards back then.

It's like every base card is a yellow parallel!
Always lots of '08 UD/UDFE in these repacks. Ryan Howard's legs look funny.

Sorry this photo is worthless. Cliff Lee gold.

The Zito is #'d 739/2013, if memory serves.

Marichal mini.

There ya go. Again, I'd be happy to trade off any card in this post, so if anything caught your eye, just let me know.

Next up, I'll post the cards that will likely stick around in my collection.


  1. I'd be willing to go grocery shopping if my local Kroger started carrying baseball cards! That said, I'd love to get the Nyjer Morgan Sliding Star from you for my Brewers collection, Gav.

    1. You got it! I can throw together a Brew-tastic PWE for ya with that card and a few others. Drop me an email with your address.

  2. The following caught my eye: Malclom X, Frank White Tall Boy, Mays Golden Moments, Oswalt OPC. PWE trade?

    1. Right on. I think I've got a small stack for you that's been building for months. Let's finally get our inter-Oregon trade line started! Shoot me your address.

    2. Address has been shot... Thanks!

  3. What do you want for the Tapatio salsa picante? If I could find that stuff in a gallon jug I would probably only have to write it on my grocery list a few times a year. As it is, it seems like I'm always running out of that stuff.

    Rooster sauce? I just don't understand the Rooster sauce. It's the only "hot sauce" that I don't care for (of the ones that I can get down that is).

    The cards? I agree with you. Meh. Can't wait to see the keepers!

    1. This is my first time buying the big jug of Tapitio.. pretty excited about it.. love that stuff. As for Sriracha, I like splashing that on from time to time to mix things up. Especially with Asian-type foods.. stir fry, and the like.

  4. Nice cool that those came from a grocery store haul. It has been ages since the grocery stores in my area even carried any trading cards. I don't even think they carry Poke'mon in the toys section, if they have a toys section now-days. When I was a kid I think all the grocery stores at least had the rack-packs of whatever sport was currently "in season". But I think they stopped selling them around the "Junk Wax" hay days.

    1. Yeah, cards at the drug store and 7-11 and wherever.. those were the days.

  5. I like the Gypsey Queen Aparicio. I have some more 73's I can send your way

    1. You got it, Mark.. I'll send that Aparicio and an assortment of Sox your way asap.

  6. What do you want for the Tapatio & Sriracha?

    1. C'mon... I've got some wasabi for ya!

    2. Strangely enough, I've never been a big wasabi guy. Too close to horseradish and mustard, which I really dislike.
