
Monday, February 2, 2015

Shiny from the card show

I've been down in the dumps for the past 24 hours or so. (I didn't think I was so invested in the Super Bowl, but that idiocy at the end really left me feeling hollow inside.)

But let's try to cheer up by looking at some shiny cards.

Ichiro, Wil Myers, Springer, Strasburg.

There are a few decent "shiny"/"shine" songs out there. This is one of them.

Gold Rush Maddux and a sticker(?) Aaron. Murica Will Clark. Larry Walker #/5000.

Mike Lowell #/2999. Julio Franco. Hoyt. Gwynn. (Sorry, this post is not my best gif work.)

Junior. Those 2 cards on top have legit coins built into them. Crazy! Did I mention each card in this post was 3-for-$1? That's 33.3 cents a pop for all these.

Hey, here's the trade bait portion of the post (Actually, I could probably be talked out of most cards in this post if you really want any of them). Jesse English on-card certified auto. Nick Johnson #'d 310/1000. Verlander refractor. Prior #'d 835/850. Anybody want any of these? Let me know!

I've got a few small stacks ready to send out to trader buddies. I had been holding off sending them out until after the card show just in case I picked up some additional cards to include. But yeah, 3 or 4 of you guy will be getting something from me soon. And if you've been meaning to get around to trading with me but haven't yet, now's a good time, so drop me an email!


  1. Nice pickups, Gav. Can't go wrong with coins built in to cards, either.

    Okay, actually, a lot can go wrong with that, but those Griffeys are pretty awesome.

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