
Friday, February 14, 2020

ignorable filler post: 1991 Cardboard Dreams #5: Madonna and Jose Canseco

This is a real card that was on the market in 1991. Crazy! Not a mainstream release, but still!

Those sketches are pretty terrible/awesome!

I already kinda talked about this card last year. But..

Speaking of sketches, I found out there's a FB group specifically for MST3K trading cards and I'm pretty excited about it. Maybe I'll be able to trade for the remaining glow-in-the-dark inserts I need.

Check out this dual auto I got! This is the MST3K equivalent of a dual auto of Joe DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig.

And this is the Babe Ruth!

  (Mike Nelson is Hank Aaron in this scenario, but he didn't sign for this product because he's kinda uncool when it comes to stuff like that, sadly.)

I made an attempt at improving on the 2020 Topps design (right). Not perfect (hint of '94 Topps?) but I prefer it my way.

Check out under Trout in the original (left) version.. is that..? could it be..?

 Amy Poehler!

Ha, maybe?

I got that (not trimmed) Mike Schmidt auto back thanks to the seller being cool!

Wii Sports Resort - Island Flyover is one of my favorite video games. Especially when you're eating frozen grapes, if you know what I mean! Anybody else like it?

I only have one spot left to find after stumbling upon one the other day, but honestly I kinda hope I never find the last one because then the mystery will be gone and playing the game might lose some of the magic.

Some of my toys.

I hear ya, bud! #thankstopps

Bunny alert! Also, we've had a squirrel trying to get into our attic. I tried dousing the area in a jalapeno-vinegar soup which will hopefully get him to scram.

I got a Tom(my) Lasorda autograph! Not a refractor, but still cool.

Madonna and Jose? No! It's us from the big work party last month. It was a masquerade theme. I got a lot of different fake mustaches and swapped them out thru the night.

I'm "going thru some shit" and probably won't be posting much for the next few weeks. But don't worry, it's not relationship shit or health shit or money shit (a.k.a. the heavy shit), but shit none the less.

Have a great holiday weekend, everybody!


  1. I just love the Canseco/Madonna card for being unable to spell "Havana". I mean, not as bad as the card I have of "Willie Mayes", but probably worse than the one that claims Tom Glavine's nickname is "Mr. Glavin".

  2. Is it sad I could identify and name all the GI Joes in your box?

  3. I couldn't name any GI Joes but I had that Transformers tape deck (Shockwave?) and I still have every single Star Wars figure. Except Walrus Man and Hammerhead. Never had those.

  4. That Schmidty looks like Clint Eastwood at a glance. I LOVE YOUR 2020 TOPPS DESIGN. I would buy the entire set. Take care! See you on the other side of your sh!t. :)

  5. I remember Mario going on a Twitter rant about that Canseco/Madonna card, thankfully you didn't feel the need to do so as well. TOYS!!!! How'd that GPK movie treat you? Hopefully your other sh*t won't take too long to deal with, as posts like this will be sorely missed while you're gone.

  6. That's a bit more artsy than my custom. Madonna got around a bit back in the last couple decades.
