
Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Sandlot collection

I posted about the Sandlot a bunch in 2018 (maybe too much. sorry). Now that I've re-completed the 2018 Archives auto set (picked up the hobby-only Karen Allen auto that came out later), I've been meaning to do a comprehensive post of my Sandlot collection. The film premiered 4/7/93, 26 years ago today, so seems like as good a time as any! (Er, didn't get it published quite as early as I liked, but it's still 4/7 here on the west coast as this post goes live.)

  • Victor Di Mattia as Timmy Timmons

  • Shane Obedzinski as Tommy "Repeat" Timmons

  • Grant Gelt as Bertram Weeks

  • Marty York as Alan "Yeah-Yeah" McClennan

  • David Mickey Evans as Narrator aka the adult Scott Smalls (also The Sandlot's director and co-writer)

Here are the base (non-auto) inserts from 2018 Archives. These and the autos all have various parallels that I'm not bothering going after.

And here are the 5 retail-exclusive coins from 2018 Archives.

This is the card set that was included in the 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition home video release. I've kept mine sealed-in-wrap so far, but you can see all 10 cards in a post of Fuji's from last year.

Also in the '62 Topps All-Star design: exclusive Squints auto from the 2018 National Baseball Card Convention.

And this set was included with the 20th Anniversary DVD release. The last one (Wendy) is a "card that should have been"... whipped it up a few years ago and it's still one of my favorite customs I've made.

More customs. Well, the Chuck Fick is a real minor league card (After his playing days, he became a "Hollywood" baseball player-- including playing the catcher in Naked Gun and the catcher in The Sandlot's final scene). I very much love the Karen Allen auto (which I made and sent out to her as a TTM request before it was announced she'd have an official auto in the long-delayed 2018 Archives hobby edition.)

The most recent addition to my collection is the Mr. Mertle "playing days" custom (available in both "vintage" and "reprint" styles), a mash-up from his Bingo Long character, imagining this was Mr. Mertle in his prime.

And closing out with my favorites: custom "Babe Ruth" cards I was thrilled to get signed by Art LaFleur himself.

So there you have it! I gotta think my Sandlot card collection measures up pretty well to any others out there, though I know there's still plenty of stuff I don't have. Feel free to get in touch if you've got anything available that I need.


  1. While I am not really a fan of the movie, I'm a fan of your custom work. The Mertle/Bingo Long card is phenomenal.

    JT, The Writer's Journey

  2. Pretty comprehensive compilation. Including your customs. Sorry to say I’ve never seen the movie

  3. Quite the collection! Very impressive.

  4. Sweet collection! I'm especially fond of those Archives autographs. I considered building the set... but I was waiting for them to become more affordable... which the last time I look... didn't happen.

  5. This is the best!

    I also just saw on demand the there is a Sandlot documentary. I need to watch it ASAP.

  6. I truly envy you and all these Sandlot cards.

  7. Didn't Netflix announce that the original cast is doing a follow-up series? If so, your collection is just starting!

  8. i still have to find me a squints bubble gum card.
