Sunday, September 10, 2023


Quick post to show off this Joey Votto auto I scored the other day.

I think it took over a year, but I eventually found a "Christmas (on)Card (auto)" in the price range I was looking for. Now my Joey Votto PC is in a place of "good enough" for my mind, which is always a happy feeling. With some rookies and relics already acquired, the all-important "trifecta" has been achieved.

A Trifecta Pyramid! lol

And it's his 40th birthday today! He celebrated in style with a home run fresh of the IL. Great dude and fun ballplayer.

Here's a partial rainbow of his 2015 Bowman's Best card, just to squeeze a little more refraction into the post.

Thanks for reading and have a great week. 

I'll throw in a couple cute Ruby pics from the other day, as I think Mr. Votto would want it that way.


  1. Nice Votto collection, and that 12/25 is a beauty! Those Strata relics were one of my favorite GU releases of the past few years.

    Ruby hiding behind that tree is priceless lol

  2. That top Ruby photo needs to be made in to a 1972 Topps style In Action card.

  3. Eh, you no longer desire to keep any of those Votto's. Send them my way.

  4. Congratulations on your most recent get! I know of him by name only, so I can't say much more than that about your collection.
