I always get a kick out of seeing baseball cards pop up on film and in television shows. I looked around online and didn't find a definitive list of movies and TV shows featuring baseball cards, so I set out to compile one myself. I'm going to need the help of readers to improve the list, so please comment, tweet, or email me with any additions, clarifications, or corrections.
Keep in mind I haven't personally watched everything in the list, so it might not be completely accurate. As far as the scope, I'm mainly interested in when real baseball cards are shown on screen.. but I think I'll be flexible enough to also include "made up" cards, and could also include non-baseball trading cards, and baseball memorabilia if it's notable enough. I'll sometimes even include mentions of cards, though ideally they will be shown on screen.
A couple more notes: There are a lot of pictures, so I kept the display size small in an effort to keep the page's file size down, but I encourage you to click on any image to enlarge it. Also, while videos of many of these can be found online, I won't include links to any "unauthorized" uploads, simply because they often get taken down and then I'm left with a bunch of dead links. But by all means, if something interests you and you want to watch it, try searching for it on YouTube, DailyMotion, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.
Recent updates:
11/7/2021: Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens (new entry), Cheers ('78 Bill See), The Princess Bride (new entry), Tiny Toon Adventures (new entry), The Sandlot (updated), Finding Steve McQueen (new entry), CBS This Morning (new entries), The Goldbergs ('74 Schmidt), Flipped (new entry), Loki (new entry), Wonder Woman (new entry), The Pallbearer (new entry), Kevin Can F**k Himself (new entry), Wayne's World (new entry), Prom (new entry), The Wonder Years (reboot, new entry), CSI (new entry), Double Indemnity (new entry), Big Audio Dynamite (new entry), Modern Family (pic added), Fury (new entry), According to Jim (another episode), Barney Miller (new entry), Amazing Stories (Mark Hamill episode), The Norm Show (new entry), Switchback (new entry), Ray Donovan (new entry), The Larry Sanders Show (new entry), It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (a couple new episodes), Bob's Burgers (another episode), Fletch (new entry), Encyclopedia Brown (updated with pics), Law & Order (another episode), Goof Troop (new entry), Searching for Bobby Fischer (new entry), and Storage Wars (a couple more episodes)
Ok, let's go!
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965 television special) - There's a scene where Lucy argues with Schroeder that Beethoven wasn't so great. "He never got his picture on bubblegum cards, did he? Have you ever seen his picture on a bubblegum card? Hmmm? How can you say someone is great who's never had his picture on bubblegum cards?"
A Christmas Story (1983 film) - There are three cards on Ralphie's headboard in this holiday classic: John Rucker 1940 Play Ball, T206 Ed Reulbach ("glove showing" version), and T206 Jimmy Hart. The movie takes place in 1940 in an Indiana town outside of Chicago. Only Reulbach has any clear connection to the area, playing for the Cubs from 1905-1913, winning 182 games and two World Series titles with Chicago.
A Kiss Before Dying (1991 film) - Matt Dillon and Sean Young star in this erotic thriller. A scene in a bedroom features a few cards from the 70s hanging up on the walls. Seem to be mostly Pirates and Angels. Among those identifiable are 1978 Topps #383 Mario Mendoza and 1974 Topps #571 Rich Hand. In an apparent continuity error, the cards are rearranged later in the scene.
A League of Their Own (1992 film) - There's no crying in baseball! This comedy-drama tells a fictionalized account of the real-life All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) of the 1940s/50s. At one point early on, one of the players hands manager Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks) a card of his to sign for her husband, which Jimmy promptly tears up. Looks like it might be a 1933 Goudey or at least a prop based on that release. (Jimmy Dugan's character is loosely based on Jimmie Foxx, Hall of Fame player who managed the Fort Wayne Daisies of the AAGPBL for one season in 1952.) Later in the movie, he signs a baseball for a couple boys: "Avoid the clap -Jimmy Dugan." It's also worth noting that the theatrical poster, the soundtrack CD cover, and some of the blu-ray releases of the movie feature artwork showing mocked-up baseball cards of Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, and Madonna. Some versions of the 25th Anniversary Blu-ray release include actual cards as a bonus (though they are thrown into the case willy-nilly and are therefore usually are dinged up by the time the owner first opens it).
According to Jim (2002 episode "Cheryl's Day Off" [Season 1, Episode 21]) - This episode begins with Jim Belushi's character fighting to save his Ernie Banks rookie card from being eaten by his baby, who has apparently gotten into a few baseball cards strewn on the floor. Jim pulls away the gnawed Mr. Cub card and gives the baby a card of a lesser player to chew instead. ("Here-- Rube Walker, lifetime .227-- Eat him!") The actual cards used seem to be 2001 Topps. The damaged "Ernie Banks rookie" is actually 2001 Topps #471 Tom Lampkin. There are another couple cards in the mix I haven't been able to identify (perhaps creations by the show's prop department), but the card the baby is chewing at the end of the scene is an altered version of the same '01 Lampkin (back border has been turned purple, back photo covered up, and name changed to "pitch...") but the stat area is definitely Lampkin, evidenced by the background photo.
According to Jim (2005 episode "Kentucky Fried Beltzman" [S4 E21]) - Jim is shocked to learn that his recently deceased friend will be buried with a rare baseball card (Ernie Banks rookie). Jim believes the guy had stolen the card from him, and sets out to retrieve it before it's too late.
The Accountant (2016 film) - Crime thriller starring Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, and J. K. Simmons. A little after an hour into the movie, a drawer is pulled out containing a T206 Honus Wagner, a T205 Dick Hoblitzell, and a 1915 Cracker Jack Christy Mathewson, plus a pair of old comic books including Action Comics with the first appearance of Superman, and All-American Comics #16 from 1940 featuring the first appearance of Green Lantern on the cover. Neither comic used are original issues.
The Adventures of Pete & Pete (1994 episode "Don't Tread on Pete" [S1 E6]) - A character named Trader Tim is introduced. He swaps multiple items at lunch and is rumored to have traded up for a fig bar and a 1909 Honus Wagner.
Airplane! (1980 film) - Capt. Rex Kramer (Robert Stack) says "Flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle, just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes."
Alone Together (2018 episode "The Big One" [S1 E7]) - A Fred McGriff autographed bat is referenced near the end of this episode.
Amazing Stories (1986 episode "Gather Ye Acorns" [S1 E16]) - In a story by Steven Spielberg, a young boy in the 1930s finds a troll who tells him the world needs more dreamers and promises the boy he can live his entire life without working if he can only keep his collection of childhood junk-- comic books, cards, toys, etc.-- long enough, which he does in a nice car. His parents want him to be a doctor, and eventually kick him out (He's played by Mark Hamill at this point). The years go by and he falls on hard times, homeless with just his crap and his old car. By the time the 1980s roll around, he's a sad old man contemplating suicide before the realization that some of his crap is worth a lot of money now in the yuppy 80s and finally he has a happy life, never having worked a day. Some cards can be seen on the wall in the kid's room early on, and later in his treasure trove among some nice comics is a rare 1931 Lefty Grove photograph. This episode is thought to have fueled the "I'll be able to retire on this stuff!" mentality many collectors had during the junk card era of the late 80s and early 90s.
Amazing Stories (2020 episode "The Cellar" [S1 E1]) - While restoring an old Iowa farmhouse, a guy discovers a time portal in the storm cellar that transports him to 1919. The story ends in the present day with the discovery of a Honus Wagner card.
American Dad (2016 episode "Mine Struggle" [S11 E18]) - In a flashback, while playing a treasure hunt game with a young Steve, Stan buries a pack of baseball cards in a box for Steve to find, although he is more distracted by the rocks in the dirt pile. When Steve opens the pack, he finds it is full of Ken Griffey, Jr. rookie baseball cards, which Stan immediately takes away, swapping him the mineral rights on the Smith property so he may play with his rocks and Stan can secure the valuable cards. Years later however, they find what they believe to be a large salt deposit on the property and Steve is pressured to sell the rights to the Gordon Salt Company. Stan is still satisfied with his baseball cards, until he learns that Roger has destroyed them by placing them in the spokes of a bicycle. When the property is revealed to have a surprise owner later in the episode, Griffey is listed among the candidates.
American Pickers (show) - There's an episode where Frank buys a couple monster boxes filled with various baseball cards in top loaders. Some vintage cards and some newer cards seem to be visible in the stacks.
The Americans (00s show) - In at least one episode in the first season, there are a couple 1987 Topps cards (John Russell and Jeff Calhoun) and one 1985 Fleer (Steve Braun) on Henry's headboard. The show takes place in 1982-- not quite accurate!
Angie Tribeca (2016 episode "The Famous Ventriloquist Did It" [S1 E3]) - This episode of the show-- a satire of the police procedural genre-- has a flashback scene of a kid who dreams of being a ventriloquist. On his wall is a 9-pocket page with 8 ventriloquist cards. Seem to be based on late 80s Star cards, if you ask me.
Antiques Roadshow (show) - One episode featured a collection of 300 tobacco cards, including Ty Cobb. Suggested Insurance estimate was 200k. I would assume other baseball cards and memorabilia have popped up in other episodes of this long-running appraisal series, as well.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2013 episode "Storage Zeebles" [S10 E8]) - Carl acquires a storage unit and discovers the mystical kingdom of the Zeebles. Despite Frylock's ethical concerns about Carl's imperialist attitudes, Carl promptly exploits the fantasy world of its natural resources. Near the end, the Zeebles devise a plan that includes burning valuable baseball cards to distract Carl. The cards shown feature fictional players, with designs reminiscent of Topps cards from the mid 70s and T205 tobacco cards. There's also a Mike Piazza poster visible on Carl's wall in many episodes of this show.
Author! Author! (1982 film) - This Al Pacino comedy-drama is about a Broadway playwright who strives to solve his family and relationship troubles while also trying to get a new play into production. He has several children he lives with, picked up from his various relationships over the years, some not his biological offspring. There's a scene where one of the boys, Spike, shows Pacino's character photos and a card of his father, a professional baseball player (The card is in the style of 1975 Topps). Near the end of the film, Spike gives some of his baseball cards to the other guys. The youngest boy (whose father is Spanish) is especially interested in Latin players. "What I really wanted was a Luis Aparicio. Maybe a Valenzuela, but of course Ed Figueroa. I had an Aparicio autograph, but I sold it for $4 to a tourist." A pair of 1974 Topps team checklists are visible in his handful of cards.
The Avengers (2012 film) - Agent Coulson has 1941 Captain America trading cards in his locker. After Coulson is stabbed, Nick Fury uses the blood stained cards to motivate the Avengers. While there were no real cards of Captain America issued in the 1940s, similar cards were made available in 2012. If you shelled out the $100 for the set, you got both the normal and blood stained versions.
Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens ('20s show) - Nora's dad's home office features a framed display of sportscards on the wall visible in the background in some episodes such as the 3rd episode of season one.
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977 film) - Timmy Lupus is unable to travel with the Bears for their big game. A shy, bedridden outfielder for the team who broke his leg while skateboarding and only appears in one scene early on in the film, Timmy cannot join the team on their trip to Houston. He's good friends with Tanner Boyle, who carries the mantra "Let's win one for the Looper" during the team's journey. There are a few baseball cards at the foot of Timmy's bed, and behind him can be seen a stack of 1964 Topps Giants. Looks like there's a Hank Aaron visible on the bed, with Johnny Callison, Juan Marichal, and Dave Wickersham on the headboard.
Barney Miller (1975 episode "The Social Worker" [S2 E2]) - A 1936 Yankees World Series baseball supposedly signed by some big names is featured in this episode as the guys deal with a master forger.
Baywatch (1993 episodes "Shattered, Part I and II" [S3 E19-20) - Mitch (David Hasselhoff) ends up in a wheelchair after suffering an injury while rescuing teens trapped on a cliff. He befriends Jason, a boy also in a wheelchair. Jason shows Mitch his best baseball cards, including a 1989 Upper Deck Ken Griffey, Jr. rookie. Turns out Jason witnessed a murder and is in danger from bad guys who want to silence him... permanently. Jason is then kidnapped, and drops a trail of 1989 Upper Deck cards on the ground to help Mitch track him down before it's too late.
Beastie Boys Story (2020 film) - This documentary briefly features two wax boxes of 80s Fleer cards visible on a shelf in a record shop called the Rat Cage.
Better Call Saul (2016 episode "Cobbler" [S2 E2]) - Pryce, a wannabe drug dealer, not only has his drug supply and cash stolen by members of another drug crew, but they also swipe his prized baseball card collection with valuable cards from the likes of Ty Cobb and Hank Aaron. When he finally gets them back, they are loose in a monster box. The box of cards used in the show, while supposed to be a collection worth thousands, would be quickly dismissed by knowledgeable collectors as actually just full of overproduction era stuff like '88 Donruss and '91 Fleer.
Beverly Hills 90210 (1993 episode "Duke's Bad Boy" [S3 E23]) - Brandon struggles with his gambling debt and considers selling his baseball cards to make some quick cash. He looks through his shoebox full of cards, with a 1993 Topps #56 Chad Mottola draft pick shown on top. His dad enters his room to have a talk, and is impressed with a Jose Canseco rookie card: "Oh, what's this? Jose Canseco rookie card. Must be worth 6 or 7 bucks." Brandon answers back, "Twenty, if it's mint." We can tell the Canseco his dad picks up is 1986 Topps Traded.
Big (1988 film) - During the opening credits of this Tom Hanks classic, the boys each open a pack of 1987 Topps, and Josh goes through his pack ("Need it, got it, got it, need it..."). Tough to pick out specific cards, but one seems to be Eric Show.
Big Audio Dynamite (1986 music video for the song "E=MC2") - At around 2:25 in this music video, during the line "Hall of Fame Baseball", someone briefly flashes a card that sort of looks like a knock off of Al Kaline's 1962 Topps all-star.
Big Mouth (2018 episode "The Planned Parenthood Show" [S2 E5]) - This adult-oriented animated Netflix series features a scene were there appears to be some baseball cards displayed on Andrew's bedroom wall. They're visible in some other episodes as well, plus a poster that might be Dwight Gooden.
The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976 film) - This is a baseball comedy about a team of enterprising ex-Negro League ballplayers in the era of racial segregation, starring Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones, and Richard Pryor. At the film's conclusion, a credit sequence plays showing the characters/actors on baseball cards. There are also cards used in the design of the DVD menu.
Blacklist (2020 episode "Brothers" [S7 E17]) - Agent Ressler is looking through some childhood items to find his dad's St. Michael medal. There's a stack of cards in the drawer with Billy Martin's '72 Topps card visible on top.
Blue Bloods (2011 episode "Little Fish" [S1 E11]) - In the final scene of this police procedural episode, Tom Selleck's character returns a baseball card to the mother of a recently deceased boy. The kid had it on him when he died; Yep, he loved baseball, and so this is meaningful, I guess. The card shown is a mock-up in the style of 2008 Topps featuring made-up player Mike Shaw, pitcher for the fictional New York Empires.
Bob's Burgers (2018 episode "Mission Impos-slug-ble" [S8 E20]) - Not baseball related, but the episode revolves around the kids retrieving Burobo (Pokemon-like) cards from a mean teacher.
Bob's Burgers (2021 episode "An Incon-Wheelie-ent Truth" [S11 E13]) - This episode begins at a flea market where the Belcher kids briefly take a look at some baseball cards for sale.
GENE: "What are all these small pictures of baseball players?"
TINA: "They don't look that athletic, but they are holding bats."
LOUISE: "Is this guy smoking?"
GENE: "Oh yeah!"
Born on the Fourth of July (1989 film) - This Oliver Stone film depicts the life of Ron Kovic (Tom Cruise) over a twenty-year period, detailing his childhood, his military service and paralysis during the Vietnam War, and his transition to anti-war activism. Several baseball cards can be seen in Ron's bedroom. Look like mostly Topps cards ranging from '54 through '62, with an emphasis on Yankees.
Boys Meets World (90s show) - In several episodes, you can see cards on the walls in Cory and Eric's room, such as a 1993 Upper Deck Phillies team set framed on the back wall. The show takes place in Philadelphia and plenty of local sports stuff pops up over the course of the series (Eagles, 76ers, Flyers, and Phillies). There are also a couple other specific baseball card references in the show (below).
Boy Meets World (1993 episode "Grandma was a Rolling Stone" [S1 E7]) - Cory's grandmother (Rue McClanahan) drops in and gives him a Cal Ripken rookie card-- which card collectors can clearly tell is specifically Cal's 1982 Fleer #176-- and says she's taking him on a road trip to Baltimore on Sunday to get it signed. Cory is ecstatic and asks how she got the card, to which she deadpans she shot a man in Reno just to watch him die and then pried it out of his cold, dead fingers. "...Or I bought it for 7 bucks at a swapmeet. You make the call." The next scene shows Cory looking through a binder of cards, excited for the next day's trip. But Grandma splits in the night and leaves Cory high and dry. He's upset at first, but then realizes she's a flakey lady but he still loves her. At the end of the episode, Cory and Shawn are looking at his cards and Shawn tells him the Ripken is worth more like $150, not $7. It's hard for the viewer to get a good look at the cards in the binder, but they appear to be various years of Fleer.
Boy Meets World (1994 episode "Risky Business" [S1 E16]) - In the middle of this episode about gambling and risk, Cory is babysitting his little sister when he abruptly leaves her alone to go with his buddy Shawn to a pizzeria where Lenny Dykstra is eating dinner. The pizzeria scene isn't shown (Lenny Dykstra doesn't appear in the episode), but Cory and Shawn return home happy with a dozen autographed Lenny Dykstra rookie cards, only to find that in their absence the little girl broke a window and ran off. The viewer doesn't get a great look at the cards, but give the prop guy credit, as it appears the cards are in fact 1986 Donruss #482 Lenny Dykstra rookies.
Brewster's Millions (1985 film) - A minor league baseball player (Richard Pryor) has to spend thirty million dollars in thirty days in order to inherit three hundred million dollars. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the deal. There aren't actually any baseball cards featured, though they were included among the film's props. Apparently, cards were planned to play a part in the movie, but instead they used the famous "Inverted Jenny" upside down stamp. Some of the packs from the film have since been auctioned off by a dealer who specializes in movie props. These such packs are stamped "Universal Studios Prop Department" on the back, and have apparently included a 1967 cello pack and 1974 Topps wax pack among them.
Canadian Pickers (2010s show) - The reality show (also syndicated as "Cash Cowboys" outside of Canada, and similar in format to American Pickers) has an episode where the guys go to a card shop in Montreal and do some buying. They show multiple hockey and baseball cards and the guys buy an autographed jersey and a couple autographed hockey 8x10's while in there. Almost half the episode takes place in the card shop and the owner even takes the pickers to the basement were he keeps stuff that the public doesn't get to see.
Boys Meets World (90s show) - In several episodes, you can see cards on the walls in Cory and Eric's room, such as a 1993 Upper Deck Phillies team set framed on the back wall. The show takes place in Philadelphia and plenty of local sports stuff pops up over the course of the series (Eagles, 76ers, Flyers, and Phillies). There are also a couple other specific baseball card references in the show (below).
Boy Meets World (1993 episode "Grandma was a Rolling Stone" [S1 E7]) - Cory's grandmother (Rue McClanahan) drops in and gives him a Cal Ripken rookie card-- which card collectors can clearly tell is specifically Cal's 1982 Fleer #176-- and says she's taking him on a road trip to Baltimore on Sunday to get it signed. Cory is ecstatic and asks how she got the card, to which she deadpans she shot a man in Reno just to watch him die and then pried it out of his cold, dead fingers. "...Or I bought it for 7 bucks at a swapmeet. You make the call." The next scene shows Cory looking through a binder of cards, excited for the next day's trip. But Grandma splits in the night and leaves Cory high and dry. He's upset at first, but then realizes she's a flakey lady but he still loves her. At the end of the episode, Cory and Shawn are looking at his cards and Shawn tells him the Ripken is worth more like $150, not $7. It's hard for the viewer to get a good look at the cards in the binder, but they appear to be various years of Fleer.
Boy Meets World (1994 episode "Risky Business" [S1 E16]) - In the middle of this episode about gambling and risk, Cory is babysitting his little sister when he abruptly leaves her alone to go with his buddy Shawn to a pizzeria where Lenny Dykstra is eating dinner. The pizzeria scene isn't shown (Lenny Dykstra doesn't appear in the episode), but Cory and Shawn return home happy with a dozen autographed Lenny Dykstra rookie cards, only to find that in their absence the little girl broke a window and ran off. The viewer doesn't get a great look at the cards, but give the prop guy credit, as it appears the cards are in fact 1986 Donruss #482 Lenny Dykstra rookies.
Brewster's Millions (1985 film) - A minor league baseball player (Richard Pryor) has to spend thirty million dollars in thirty days in order to inherit three hundred million dollars. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the deal. There aren't actually any baseball cards featured, though they were included among the film's props. Apparently, cards were planned to play a part in the movie, but instead they used the famous "Inverted Jenny" upside down stamp. Some of the packs from the film have since been auctioned off by a dealer who specializes in movie props. These such packs are stamped "Universal Studios Prop Department" on the back, and have apparently included a 1967 cello pack and 1974 Topps wax pack among them.
Canadian Pickers (2010s show) - The reality show (also syndicated as "Cash Cowboys" outside of Canada, and similar in format to American Pickers) has an episode where the guys go to a card shop in Montreal and do some buying. They show multiple hockey and baseball cards and the guys buy an autographed jersey and a couple autographed hockey 8x10's while in there. Almost half the episode takes place in the card shop and the owner even takes the pickers to the basement were he keeps stuff that the public doesn't get to see.
CBS Sunday Morning (news show) - On the show broadcast November 7, 2021, there's a segment spotlighting Bob Costas where he pulls out a 1958 Topps Mickey Mantle all-star from his coat. The card is clearly from the series of Mantle reprints Topps put out in 1997, so must not be the original one from when Costas started the tradition as a teenager.
CBS This Morning (news show) - On the show broadcast January 9, 2021, there's a segment with Dr. Fauci where he can be seen with graded 1959 Topps cards of Yogi Berra and Mickey Mantle on the shelves behind him.
Cheap Seats without Ron Parker (2004 episode [S1E1]) - This comedy show broadcast on ESPN Classic for a while (2004-2006) features brothers Randy and Jason Sklar making jokes over old sports footage. The first episode focuses on Mid South Wrestling, and fake cards are shown of some made up lesser-known wrestlers. One of the cards is similar to the 1987 Topps design.
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule (2010s show) - One episode of this silly Adult Swim show features a mock-up of Lefthander "Spruce" Mouthman.
Cheers (80s-90s show) - In Sam Malone's office, there are framed displays of T205 and T206 cards visible on the wall in some episodes. (And a poster of Yaz in the back pool room. And Wade Boggs briefly guests in another episode.)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018 film) - This Netflix original holiday movie starring Kurt Russell follows a brother and sister who, after accidentally crashing Santa Claus' sleigh, must save Christmas. At one point, Santa offers a guy a mint '52 Topps Mantle in exchange for his Porsche. The guy seems totally into the deal, but his mean wife takes the card and rips it in half, believing Santa to be just a crazy guy. The card used (thankfully) seems to be an obvious reprint.
Clarissa Explains It All (90s show) - The main character's little brother collects
cards and there's a wooden frame or two filled with late 80s cards on the wall in his bedroom, seen in several episodes. And in one episode, he's got a book about cards next to him as he drools in his sleep.
The Cleveland Show (2010 episode "Fat and Wet" [S2 E6]) - At one point Donna enters and says, "Cleveland, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave your baseball cards spread out over our bed?!" To which he answers, "I was seeing which guys I had and which guys I need!" And in the episode "Til Deaf" [S3 E12], Donna tells Cleveland that she sold his baseball cards to pay for her plans, much to his dismay. In another episode, "March Dadness" [S3 E14], Cleveland's dad says something about awkward posing on football cards, and later a football card of a fictional Washington Redskin (Cannonball Williams) is shown for a moment.
Coach (1991 episode "A Father and Son Reunion" [S3 E21]) - Hayden finds Luther's long-lost father, who is running a memorabilia shop. Luther says that it explains what happened to his baseball cards, which evidently disappeared the same time as his father.
Comedy Bang! Bang! (2015 episode "Judy Greer Wears a Navy Blouse and Strappy Sandals" [S4 E32]) - Near the beginning of this hockey-themed episode, a couple mocked-up early 90s hockey cards featuring Kid Cudi are shown.
Comedy Bang! Bang! (2015 episode "Adam Pally Wears a Navy Blazer and Bright Blue Sneakers" [S4 E38]) - They have a character on as a guest who used to be a baseball player and Cudi mentions that he is a big fan and owns all the guy's baseball cards. But it turns out the guy cheated by stealing bases while riding a motorcycle. Yes, it's a very silly show!
Comic Book Villains (2002 film) - Two comic shops vie to score a sweet comic book collection that was left to an elderly woman. Baseball cards are mentioned by the narrator at the end: "Robinson, Koufax, Mays, Mantle, and a billion other names I'd never even heard of. Together worth even more than the comics." As for the lot of cards shown, well there's some '88 Donruss identifiable and maybe a couple '91 Topps-- and is that '84 Donruss sticking out on the right?-- but unless there's a vintage treasure trove hidden somewhere that we can't see, the cards pictured here aren't actually worth much.
The Commish (90s show) - There's an episode that had supposedly old cards featured, but they are obviously 90s cards used.
Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000 episode "The Wire" [S1 E6]) - Larry's agent Jeff takes in a foster kid who then robs his house, including his baseball card collection which is said to include a nice Mickey Mantle. Baseball also pops up in the plot of later episodes of this HBO series, such as a Joe Pepitone jersey ("The Anonymous Donor" [S6 E2]), and there's a great episode with Mookie Wilson and Bill Buckner ("Mister Softee" [S8 E9]).
The Dan Patrick Show (show) - Among other sports stuff, a signed 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken can often be seen displayed in front of Dan on this syndicated sports talk show.
D.E.A. (show) - In one episode, they walk into someone's house and find a bunch of old Stadium Club in boxes on the ground.
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 episode "My Blond-Haired Brunette" [S1 E2]) - Dick's son Richie collects baseball cards in this classic tv series. In this particular episode, Dick comes home and gives Richie a couple packs of baseball cards. At the end of the episode, Richie is seen holding a stack of cards, revealed to be 1961 Topps by the looks of their backs. While no other cards are shown in the series, Richie's hobby is mentioned in a few other episodes: "Jealousy!" (The beautiful guest actress demonstrates she knows about Rob and his family at the end by mentioning she knows Richie likes baseball cards), "The Unwelcome Houseguest" (Richie lists off the stuff he has packed up for a family trip: "I've got my sweater, my pajamas, my baseball cards, my teethbrush, and my half a teddy bear."), "A Word a Day" (Turns out Richie traded 200 baseball cards to another kid for a turtle), and "A Bird in the Head Hurts" (Laura mentions that Richie has about a thousand baseball cards and a picture of Willie Mays on his dresser).
Diff'rent Strokes (80s show) - One episode has a scene where the red-haired kid (Danny Cooksey) is sorting Topps cards. Need more details on this one.
Diminished Capacity (2008 film) - This movie concerns an old guy (Alan Alda) who has a rare pre-war card in mint condition that he's looking to sell for a big payday. His nephew (Matthew Broderick) takes him to a card convention in Chicago, aiming to sell it there. Both men are struggling with memory loss, which complicates matters. The card is a T206 Frank "Wildfire" Schulte (Back to Camera variation) which is a real card, though looks like a reprint is used, and in reality a mint original is not worth the high six-figures the film claims. There are a ton of other cards and memorabilia shown in the scenes at the card show, plus a cameo by Ernie Banks.
The Dirt Bike Kid (1985 film) - This movie starring Peter Billingsley (best known for A Christmas Story) is about a boy who discovers a magic dirt bike that has a mind of its own. The Doghouse, a local hot dog joint where the kids hang out, features some baseball cards (Fleer stickers?) up on the wall.
DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story (2004 film) - Looks like there may be some football cards on the wall a little after the 14 minute mark.
Double Indemnity (1944 film) - The walls in the apartment of insurance salesman Walter Neff (played by Fred MacMurray in this noir classic) are decorated with enlargements of several T-220 boxing cards, including John L. Sullivan and Jim Corbett.
Duckman (1995 episode "The Germ Turns" [S2 E6]) - This animated adult-oriented series originally airing on the USA Network had an episode where Duckman [Jason Alexander], in a desperate attempt to be a better father, pampers his boys by showering them with gifts, including "video games, pogs, sizzling CDs by some of today's hottest and most sociopathic rap stars, and to top it off: rare, rookie season baseball cards featuring each of your favorite players." The cards are only shown for a split-second and aren't very identifiable, but there's lots of red. Perhaps they're 1990 Donruss cards? I'll bet the likes of Juan Gonzalez, Sammy Sosa, and John Olerud are in there.
Dumb and Dumber (1994 film) - When they're in the car just starting their trip to Aspen, Lloyd (Jim Carrey) confesses to Harry (Jeff Daniels) that he sold some baseball cards, a sack of marbles, and their (dead) parakeet to a blind kid in their apartment complex for $25.
Edward Scissorhands (1990 film) - Shortly after Winona Ryder's character first comes home and is surprised to see Edward in her bed (about 43 minutes into the movie), she's brought to her little brother's room to sleep in his spare bunk. The blankets on the bed are MLB branded with a design that looks like generic baseball cards (I found one for sale online and it's copyrighted 1989. The players are drawings with team names and positions, but no player names). But wait, there's more! Also in this scene, there are baseball cards displayed all along the window. They're hard to make out, but looks like the cards are all 1988 Donruss and 1989 Fleer. Somebody must have been a Blue Jays fan, as I was able to identify '89 Fleer cards of Jim Clancy, Cecil Fielder, Mike Flanagan, and Jimmy Key.
Encyclopedia Brown (1990 episode "The Case of the Burgled Baseball Cards") - This kids show based on a series of books about a boy detective ran for a few episodes on HBO. Most of this particular episode takes place at a card show. Many real cards get brief screen time-- mostly '88/'89 "junk", but some older cards too, such as a '57 Topps Ernie Banks (which the characters erroneously refer to as a '59, and somehow confuse for '55 Bowman's television design). The only card to really get a good close-up is a prop "Corky Lodato card from 1962" (featuring guest-star G. Gordon Liddy). The prop is actually a modified 1989 Donruss #485 Kevin Mitchell, at least on the back. Strange that the prop department would chose that year's NL MVP to deface out of every player in the set!
Everyone Loves Raymond (1996 episode "The Ball" [S1 E12]) - When Ray confronts his dad about a Mickey Mantle signed baseball he gave him as a child, Frank admits that it is a fake and that he signed it himself. Ray is very hurt and decides never to lie to his kids. His resolution is put to test when Ally asks about Santa Claus.
Everyone Loves Raymond (1997 episode "The Children's Book" [S2 E8]) - There's a scene where Ray is sitting at his computer talking to his wife, and there are what look like four 1990 Topps cards visible on his file cabinet in the background. Can anyone identify these?
Everyone Loves Raymond (1999 episode "Big Shots" [S3 E19]) - In order to impress Robert at the Baseball Hall of Fame, Ray tries to use his status as a sports writer to jump to the front of the line to meet the 1969 Mets. Robert wants to wait in the line, but Ray insists on cutting the line, specifically in an attempt to get Art Shamsky's autograph.
Everyone Loves Raymond (1999 episode "Cousin Gerard" [S4 E7]) - There's a poster of some classic cards on the wall in Raymond's basement office, plus a couple more cards affixed to the hot water heater.
The Fairly OddParents (2008 episode "Fairly OddBaby" [S6 E1]) - Nickelodeon cartoon. Cosmo is pregnant and has cravings, so he eats Timmy’s baseball cards. He confirms Darryl Strawberry does not taste like a Strawberry.
Family Guy (2017 episode "Peter's Lost Youth" [S15 E17]) - Peter gets jealous when Lois upstages him at a Red Sox Fantasy Baseball camp. In one scene, the coach says they all want her to sit with the players at the head table, telling her, "You're the only one here who doesn't have a fist full of baseball cards for us to sign!" As the coach is talking, Peter slowly pulls out a fist full of baseball cards from his pocket. He quickly puts them back dejectedly and says, "I wasn't gonna have 'em sign 'em, I was just gonna tell 'em their stats." Baseball cards have been mentioned other times on this long-running animated series, too. In one, Mayor West randomly says he hates baseball cards: "Oh, God. I love this song. And I love it when amateurs sing the lyrics. But I hate baseball cards." In another episode, Peter chews gum from a pack of cards: "I'm all hopped up on hard baseball card gum. [Peter crunches baseball card gum] Mmmm. It's like eating a Mastercard."
Family Matters (1992 episode "Love and Kisses" [S3 E20]) - As the episode opens, Eddie and Waldo are admiring Urkel's cards sprawled out on the dining room table. Urkel reveals he owns two Mickey Mantle rookie cards in mint condition. Later in the episode he trades one to R&B singer Johnny Gill in exchange for Gill singing to Laura. Steve is scheming to get a kiss from the girl he adores, but ends up fainting just before his big moment. (Serious card collectors would have pointed out to Urkel that the 1952 Topps Mantle, while a very desirable card, isn't considered his rookie card, as Mickey has an earlier issue in the 1951 Bowman set.) Steve also drops the names Ty Cobb and Honus Wagner while trying to book Gill to sing at his future wedding. The cards used in the show all seem to be 1952 Topps reprints.
The Fan (1996 film) - Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes) is a San Francisco Giants star player who deals with an obsessed fan. At one point in the movie, a Bobby Rayburn baseball card is shown, appearing to be a '96 Leaf card.
Garage Sale Mystery: Guilty Until Proven Innocent (2016 film) - Lori Loughlin is back in the hobby again in this Hallmark made-for-tv movie. No sexy Jim Palmer cards for her this time, but she plays an antiques dealer who solves crime in her spare time. A man is murdered over a stack of vintage cards including a T205 and an E90 Philadelphia Caramel Shoeless Joe Jackson card, all in screwdowns, and Lori's character investigates after an old college friend becomes the prime suspect.
Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987 film) - This live-action film adaptation of Topps' line of silly/gross trading cards (stickers) is considered one of the worst movies of all time. During the opening credits, the main cast is introduced via Garbage Pail Kids mockups.
Garden State (2004 film) - Some 1991 Topps Desert Storm cards appear in this Zach Braff romantic comedy-drama.
Gilmore Girls (2002 episode "Dead Uncles and Vegetables" [S2 E17]) - Luke's uncle dies and leaves a list of stuff he wants buried with him, including his baseball card collection (not shown). Luke explains to Lorelai why he thinks his uncle was a jerk. "The man was rotten and mean and selfish all his life. For God's sake, he's even selfish in death. Other people would've loved to have had those baseball cards. I would've loved to have those baseball cards. He's got Lou Gehrig's rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others – but no! My uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!"
Girl 6 (1996 film) - Spike Lee's character talks about baseball cards, including about how he owns autographed cards of Willie Mays and Hank Aaron. "My retirement plan is to collect one thousand 1989 Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr. rookies and when they get to $1000 a piece, then I will have my first million dollars."
The Goldbergs (2014 episode "For Your Own Good" [S1 E18]) - This sitcom is set in Philadelphia in 1980-something and occasionally features references to notable Philly athletes. Baseball player Rubén Amaro, Jr. (played by Niko Guardado) is a recurring character. Anyways, in this episode, Adam gets his older brother Barry to agree to protect him against a bully by giving him his binder of Garbage Pail Kids, saying they're like baseball cards but funny. Garbage Pail Kids stickers can also often be seen around Adam's room in various other episodes. Another episode features a brief scene with Starting Lineup figures.
The Goldbergs (2014 episode "The Age of Darkness" [S1 E21]) - Barry gets hooked on playing Punch Out at the arcade, and it's mentioned that he sold his baseball card collection to help fund his addiction. There's also a signed Moses Malone jersey in this episode.
The Goldbergs (2015 episode "DannyDonnieJoeyJonJordan" [S2 E10]) - Adam and Barry discover their sister Erica used to be obsessed with New Kids on the Block. They tease her about it, including covering her bedroom walls with NKOTB posters and trading cards. Seem to be real cards and stickers put out by Topps in 1989.
The Goldbergs (2015 episode "The Adam Bomb" [S2 E17]) - Early in the episode, Adam is admiring his binder of Garbage Pail Kids, while Barry prefers baseball cards. Barry shows off a prized shoe that was worn by Charles Barkley. Adam's April Fools joke tricks Barry into thinking the sneaker was ruined, and Barry destroys Adam's Castle Grayskull for revenge before the prank can be revealed. In retaliation, Adam draws on Barry's baseball cards. The cards shown are props, with what appears to be members of the cast and crew posing as baseball players under fake names (including one with Jeff Garlin, who plays the dad in the show).
The Goldbergs (2021 episode "Poker Night" [S8 E20]) - Adam wins a "mint condition" 1974 Topps Mike Schmidt card from Barry in a poker game.
Good Will Hunting (1997 film) - There are some classic cards visible on the wall and behind the desk of the character played by Robin Williams. As was kindly pointed out in the comments of this webpage, this seems to be part of a poster for the Burdick Collection by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Goodfellas (1990 film) - At an hour and 5 minutes into this classic gangster flick, Morrie the wig guy says: "I want my money, he owes it, otherwise pitch baseball cards, kid" and mimics flipping cards.

The Goonies (1985 film) - When the Goonies encounter the skeleton of lost explorer Chester Copperpot, Mikey finds a beat-up old Lou Gehrig card among his stuff. The card used in the movie is actually a Lou Gehrig "All-Time Grand Slam Leader" card from 1973 Topps.
The Groomsmen (2006 film) - This comedy stars Edward Burns, John Leguizamo and Jay Mohr. Mohr and Leguizamo's characters were close friends until Leguizamo stole his '67 Tom Seaver rookie.
Growing Pains (80s show) - Ben is trying to build a set of Donruss cards. He holds the pack to his head chanting Paul O'Neill over and over. Confirmation needed on this one.
Hart to Hart (1982 episode "The Harts Strike Out" [S3 E22]) - A boy inherits a briefcase of sweet baseball cards that soon get stolen by a pair of crooks. The Harts (Robert Wagner & Stephanie Powers) try to recover it, culminating in a flipping contest with an old man who has the cards. Among them is a 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle. It appears they use real star cards from the '50s like Musial and Clemente. They flipped cards by holding them against the wall about 5 feet high, and letting them drop. Yikes, hope they weren't real cards!
Heaven Help Us (1985 film) - This comedy-drama takes place at a Catholic boys school in 1965. About 7 minutes into the movie, a student (Kevin Dillon) is flipping 1964 Topps cards with Brother Timothy (John Heard), with the latter winning the cards, a Mickey Mantle among them. Looks like a real '64 Mantle was used (and tossed on the ground.. ouch!). A #377 Bob Skinner is also shown in-hand, while visible faceup on the ground are #374 Bobby Bolin, #31 Dave Nicholson, and #372 Howie Koplitz. Later in the film (33 minutes in), John Heard's character returns the '64 Mantle saying, "Never gamble with what you don't want to lose." (In this scene, if you look closely, there's also a bag of plastic baseball figures on the shelf behind Mary Stuart Masterson's character.)
Hey Arnold! (1996 episode "The Baseball" [S1 E5b]) - Fictional ballplayer Mickey Kaline is featured prominently in a couple episodes of this Nickelodeon cartoon. He is Arnold's favorite baseball player and plays for the Hillwood Black Sox. He retires after hitting a homer on the final swing of his career, which Arnold catches and gives back to him. Kaline pops up again in the 1998 episode "Dangerous Lumber" (S3 E2a) inspiring Arnold to play in the big game. Some of his cards are shown on display.
Highway to Heaven (1987 episode "The People Next Door" [S4 E4]) - Near the beginning of this episode, a boy has a binder of cards and talks about trading with a friend.
Home Alone (1990 film) - When Kevin climbs the shelves in Buzz's room, they collapse and release a Tarantula. Kevin scours the loot and finds cash inside a 1989 Fleer glossy factory set tin. A Fred McGriff card is visible.
Home Improvement (1992 episode "Jill's Birthday" [S1 E16]) - The two older boys blow all their allowance on a stack of baseball cards, apparently a 1991 Topps lot of Detroit Tigers with what seems to be #746 John Shelby on top. Then, needing money for a birthday gift for their mom, trick their younger brother into paying them a Little Brother Tax. The show originally aired 2/4/92. Also, in some other episodes, cards are visible on the walls of their bedroom.
Home Improvement (1993 episode "Dollars and Sense" [S3 E9]) - When the three boys' savings bonds come due, they decide to combine their money and buy a baseball card as an investment. They argue over the names Brooks Robinson, Roger Maris, Sandy Koufax, and Yogi Berra, all the while fighting over a price guide. Their reasoning for investing in a card is that a Honus Wagner card originally sold for a penny and is now worth $450,000: By that math, if they buy a card for $150 now, it could eventually be worth $6 billion. There's a scene in a hobby shop with various cards and memorabilia on display. They check out the likes of Andy Pafko, but ultimately, influenced by their dad, decide to buy an autographed Rick Mears remote controlled car instead, which they soon end up damaging by playing with it. At the end of the episode, their mom goes to the card shop and buys three (unidentified) cards for the boys, plus a Bjorn Borg frying pan for Tim.
Homer and Eddie (1989 film) - This comedy-drama stars Jim Belushi and Whoopi Goldberg. In the movie's opening scene, some cards can be seen displayed in two 9-pocket pages on the side of a bookshelf. The cards range from 1977 through 1986, all Topps besides one '86 Donruss (#397 Tom Niedenfuer). There also looks to be a couple '88 Topps cards on the shelf, including #561 Rick Cerone.
Houseguest (1995 film) - Sinbad's character is scheming to become rich, and near the beginning of the movie, he gets a big box full of unopened packs of 1994 baseball cards. Talking to his friend, he mentions Ken Griffey Jr, Barry Bonds, and Jose Canseco. Says he'd hate to see it happen, but if a player gets injured, the value of his baseball cards will go up. (Um, that's not really how it works!) Shown are packs of 1994 Topps Series II.
How I Met Your Mother (2006 episode "Aldrin Justice" [S2 E6]) - Upset with Ted's jerk boss (Bryan Cranston), Lily "takes away one of his toys"—she steals his prized baseball "signed three times by Pete Rose."
I Trapped the Devil (2019 film) - 1984 Topps cards make an appearance.
The Interview (2014 film) - Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy where they go to North Korea to interview Kim Jong Un. Not exactly cards, but the CIA uses magnetic one-touch cases to hold the poison strips they plan to use to assassinate Kim.
Iron Eagle (1986 film) - This action movie features some cards taped to a kids' bedroom wall. When Doug Masters, the young hotshot pilot, goes to find his little brother in his bedroom, plainly visible is a selection of 1985 Topps cards affixed to the bedroom wall, highlighted by a Rickey Henderson All-Star card right next to Doug's face. Pete Rose, Darryl Strawberry, and George Brett are among the other notable players that can easily be picked out.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2006 episode "The Gang Runs for Office" [S2 E8]) - A big binder of Garbage Pail Kids gets some screen time in this episode.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2010 episode "The Gang Gets a New Member" [S6 E8]) - The gang digs up a time capsule they buried 10 years earlier full of things that they thought would be valuable. The first thing they pull out is a "Gregg Jefferies baseball card". In typical gang fashion, the card isn't even a rookie card or anything special, just his 1997 Score #10, a pretty basic common. Fellow Phillies Chase Utley and Ryan Howard guest in another episode ("The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods" [S6 E11]). HOFer Wade Boggs pops up in another ("The Gang Beats Boggs" [S10 E1]).
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (another episode) - Whoops, I lost the specifics to this one, but I'll find it soon. It's a later episode (Season 14?) where the gang is out walking and looking at baseball cards briefly.
It's Garry Shandling's Show (1989 episode "Big Brother" [S3 E16]) - Garry volunteers for the Big Brother program, spending time with a kid who is the son of a fictional football player, the late, great John Coleman, nose tackle for the Saints. "He was famous for helping players up after he tackled 'em," says Garry. "In fact, the picture on his football playing card was like this: [Garry stands up and reaches out his hand]." Also, at the end of the episode, the little boy says he wants to show Garry his baseball cards.
Jacob's Ladder (1990 film) - This psychological horror film starring Tim Robbins features a scene where his son (Macaulay Culkin) drops some baseball cards (1973 Topps) on the road.
Monsters University (2013 film) - This Pixar movie has a scene where Mike and Sully discuss their collection of "Scarer" cards, and the end credits show different monsters as collectable cards.
Mr. 3000 (2004 film) - confirmation/details needed
Mr. Baseball (1992 film) - Tom Selleck's character gives out what look like 1991 Upper Deck cards of himself instead of business cards to team executives.
Mr. Show (1996 episode "Operation Hell on Earth" [S2 E5]) - A skit about Bob Odenkirk's childhood features 8 framed Pirates cards on the wall: '70 Richie Hebner, '81 Fleer Dave Parker, '70 Matty Alou, '72 Rookie Stars Pirates (Fred Cambria and Richie Zisk), '81 Pirates Future Stars (Vance Law, Tony Pena, and Pascual Perez), '76 John Candelaria, '72 Bob Moose, and '67 Al McBean. One might assume that Odenkirk is from the Pittsburgh area, but no, he grew up in Illinois.
My Brother and Me (1994 episode "The Charity") - Nickelodeon show that ran for one season. In this episode, Alfie and Dee-Dee are supposed to be working the dunking booth at the carnival, but then Goo arrives to inform them that Kendall Gill (real basketball player who guest stars) is at the comic book store for an autograph signing, so the boys abandon their post to get their basketball cards signed. Other basketball and baseball cards may show up in other episodes as well.
My Three Sons (60s show) - There's an early episode where Chip tries to play ball, tries to toss his cards, and Bub fishes them out of the trash.
The Odd Couple (1974 episode "Shuffling Off to Buffalo" [S4 E18]) - Felix's Unger brother Floyd offers him an executive position at his bubble gum factory in Buffalo. Felix's big idea for the business is producing a line of "Great Moments in Opera" trading cards, including #16 Mimi Gets Tuberculosis. "Do you know how many seven-year-old opera fans there are in this world?," Floyd Unger asks Oscar as he regrets hiring Felix at Unger Gum. "These kids will be trading in 50 Beverly Sills for one Ron Swoboda." Also of note is that Oscar is a big Mets fan and he wears a Mets cap in many episodes of this classic ABC sitcom.
The Odd Couple II (1998 film) - This modern sequel to 1968's The Odd Couple reunites Jack Lemmon as Felix Ungar and Walter Matthau as Oscar Madison. Oscar gives his son baseball cards as a wedding gift, among them a Babe Ruth Goudey and a Mickey Mantle.
Ozark (2020 episode) - In a season 3 episode of this Netflix crime drama, there are some framed 1908 Detroit Free Press Tigers postcards in the background of a scene. Need to pin down the specific episode, but in the scene, Wendy goes out to the garage to take a phone call.
Paddleton (2019 film) - At one point in this Netflix dramedy, Ray Romano's character mentions that he has a Rod Carew rookie card in his closet.
Parks & Recreation (2011 episode "Time Capsule" [S3 E3]) - In a town hall meeting, the townspeople are arguing over what stuff goes in which time capsule. A pet painting is slated for capsule 4, but an old guy stands up and objects, "No, that's baseball cards!" To which Leslie replies, "No, baseball cards are in capsule 9: childhood memorabilia."
Parks & Recreation (2011 episode "Meet n Greet" [S4 E5]) - There's a card in Andy's toolbox. Ron Swanson to camera: "No home is complete without a proper toolbox. Here's April and Andy's: A hammer, half of a pretzel, baseball card, some cartridge that says 'Sonic and Hedgehog', a scissor half, and a flashlight... Filled with jelly beans." The show's co-creator has confirmed that for rights reasons, the card used in the show is a prop constructed by the art department. The back is a '89 Topps Walt Terrell, while the front image seems to be a 2000 Topps #60 Pedro Martinez with modified borders and background.
Parks & Recreation (2014 "Anniversaries" [S6 E14]) - In an attempt to get positive publicity for the merger of the two towns, the Parks & Rec gang wants to celebrate the wedding anniversary of a local couple where one is from Pawnee and the other is from Eagleton. They show up to their door with a big fake check, but the couple is disappointed to learn they didn't actually win any money. Scrambling for something to give them, Andy pulls out football cards and a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash to give them. Like with the previous sportscard appearance on the show, the card used seems to be something whipped up by the prop department.
Partridge Family (1972 episode "You're Only Young Twice" [S3 E6]) - At one point in this episode, Danny is showing off his baseball cards to Laurie's boyfriend. The only card clearly shown is a Hank Aaron 1972 Topps In Action (with the name covered up for some reason). Danny also impresses the guy with a Sandy Koufax card.
Patriots Day (2016 film) - This crime-drama starring Mark Wahlberg about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the subsequent terrorist manhunt shows his character sorting baseball cards briefly at one point near the beginning. Seems he was a big Score fan! Among identifiable cards in his hands are 1993 Select #215 Randy Myers, 1991 Score #810 Benito Santiago, and 1989 Score 100 Hottest Players #46 Glenn Davis. In the box you can see multiple copies of 1990 Score #293 Johnny Ray as well as the back of a 1991 Score #690 Jose Canseco Master Blaster. Some of the cards seem to have names and logos covered up by the prop department.
Pawn Stars (show) - This long-running reality show on the History Channel chronicles the daily activities at a busy Las Vegas pawn shop. Pre-war baseball cards have been featured on the show a few times over the years, including 1923 Babe Ruth PSA 10 Strip Card, W515-1 Babe Ruth PSA 10, 1915 Babe Ruth card, and a 1909 Cy Young card. There's also an episode (S15 E7) where a woman brings in a complete retail box of unopened 1965 Fleer Gomer Pyle cards.
Pecker (1998 film) - This John Waters comedy-drama stars Edward Furlong and Christina Ricci. Cards are visible behind the bar run by the title character’s father. You can spot some '87 Fleer and '88 Topps Big on one side and a '93 Topps Troy Neel on the other.
Penelope (1966 film) - Comedy about a bored wife of a banker who robs her husband's bank. In one scene, Penelope (Natalie Wood) is walking with Lieutenant Bixbee (Peter Falk) who hands her a pack of baseball cards. She opens it and asks, "Who's Ron Swoboda?" To which Bixbee replies, "I just chew the gum." The viewer doesn't get to see the card, but there's enough of the wrapper and the card backs to confirm it was a pack of 1966 Topps. Filming began in New York in May 1966 and the movie hit theaters November 10, 1966.
The People's Court (late 80s/early 90s episode "How much for a Billy Ripken?") - Two young guys were on an episode of this old courtroom show fighting over a 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken "error card". Judge Wapner couldn't understand how it had any real value.
Pepper Ann (2000 episode "P.A.'s Pop Fly" [S4 E13b]) - This Disney cartoon has a baseball-themed episode where Pepper Ann catches a milestone home run ball, then she and her father have to decide what to do with it. They go to an agent's office where there's memorabilia on the walls, including what seems to be a framed tobacco card. "It's like the history of baseball here," her dad says. "There's Casey Stengel's chaw, and a vial of Roberto Alomar's spit, and look-- a hot dog signed by Rod Carew!" There's also a framed dollar bill that the agent says was the first dollar he ever made as an agent: "I got Mickey Mantle a latte."
Picket Fences (1993 episode "Bad Moons Rising" [S1 E14]) - Lauren Holly's character presents a mint Ted Williams rookie card as part of a kid's sexy fantasy sequence. The card used in the show is actually a 1992 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes insert #28 Ted Williams: 1939 Rookie Year. I guess the prop department deserves credit for having a real Ted Williams card that says "rookie" on it, but perhaps a reprint of his 1939 Play Ball card would have been a better choice.
The Plot Against America (2020 episode "Part 3" [S1 E3]) - This HBO alternate history drama miniseries is based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Philip Roth. In episode 3, circa 1941, two kids flip baseball cards against a Newark, NJ stoop. Visible are 1938 Goudey Heads Up and possibly a Bob Feller.
Poison Ivy (1985 film) - There's a brief scene where two boys are sitting on their camp bed playing with a box of 1985 Fleer cards.
Pride of the Yankees (1942 film) - A young Lou Gehrig in the beginning of the film trades tobacco cards for a chance to play hardball with the big kids. The kids call the cards Sweet Caporals, but they seem to be M101-4's, and the names mentioned (Mathewson, Ruth, etc) don't appear to match players on the prop cards.
Prison Break (2005 episode "Tweener" [S1 E9]) - The character "Tweener" explains to the other inmates that he ended up in a maximum security prison because he got caught stealing a T206 Honus Wagner from his friend's dad. He didn't realize at the time that the card was worth over a million dollars, therefore constituting grand larceny, landing him a harsher sentence than a typical small-time theft he thought he was pulling.
Psych (show) - There's an episode where Shawn needs Gus to pick a lock on a shed door, and Gus says he'll only do it for Shawn's Tony Gwynn rookie card. Shawn reluctantly agrees. And in another episode ("And Down the Stretch Comes Murder" [S2 E5]) Gus uses his Wally Joyner mini bat as protection against a childhood bully.
Rain Man (1988 film) - Dustin Hoffman's character Raymond has a bunch of cards and other baseball stuff in his room. The young lady holds up a 1960 Topps #505 Ted Kluszewski and Ray lists off some stats and facts. He then sorts a stack of cards featuring a few '53 Topps and a '59 Frank Robinson among others. Among the many cards on the walls are a few oversized Donruss All-Stars and uncut sheets of 1985 Topps and 1982 Fleer.
Ray Donovan (2010s show) - An episode (perhaps around season 5?) featured some T205s on the wall when Ray enters a New York basement.
The Real Ghostbusters (1987 episode "Once Upon a Slime" [S2 E4])- Baseball cards are mentioned in this episode as the Ghostbusters are engaging a giant come to life from from a fairy tale book:
Peter: "Tell you what, big guy, let us go and I'll give you my entire collection of baseball cards. My team's the Giants."
Giant: "(grunt)"
Winston: "I don't think he's a baseball fan, Peter."
Peter: "Then maybe he collects food stamps?"
Winston: "I think he just collects food."
Recess (1997 episode "The Legend of Big Kid" [S1 E16]) - This Disney cartoon begins with a kid calling Kirby Puckett the greatest outfielder that ever lived. The other kid argues back, "What about Babe Ruth, Reggie Jackson, Willie Mays?" They hold up some cards, but no players or actual card designs are really identifiable.
Recess (1999 episode "The Spy Who Came In From The Playground" [S4 E4]) - James, a new kid, says his dad works for Bubble Ball Trading Cards and pulls out some cards, apparently including some good rookie cards, though no specific players are mentioned.
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018 video game) - Sneaking a video game into this list. There are cigarette cards you can collect within this game that are based on the late 1800s Allen & Ginter cards.
Road to Perdition (2002 film) - Tom Hanks' sons have a couple '33 Goudey Babe Ruth cards.
The Rookie (1990 film) - Around 1:21 in, a few baseball cards are shown hanging up, including '53 Topps reprints[?] of Hoyt Wilhelm and Ron Kline plus some yellow '90 Classic cards.
Rookie of the Year (1993 film) - About 7 minutes into this movie, an Upper Deck banner can been seen on the outfield fence.
Rounders (1998 film) - Around the 1:17 mark, there’s a Starting Lineup figure, perhaps one of the full team displays with like 9-10 guys.
Royal Pains (2009 episode "Pilot" [S1 E1]) - The first episode of this medical comedy-drama on the USA Network briefly features a couple T206 Honus Wagner cards and a pair of unidentifiable autographed baseballs on display in the fancy Bryant house (a little after 34 minutes in).
Ruby Cairo (1992 film) - A widow (Andie MacDowell) finds a stack of old baseball cards that her late husband (Viggo Mortensen) used in a money laundering scheme. She discovers that player names and markings on certain numbers on the back of the cards are clues to bank accounts, a discovery that leads her on a suspenseful trail around the world as she attempts to collect the money and solve the questions surrounding her husband's death. If all that defacing wasn't enough to bother a card collector, after she closes out the bank account of each corresponding baseball card, she rips the card in half. Ouch! They all seem to be authentic Topps cards. Among the cards getting screen time are 1985 Onix Concepción, 1981 Manny Sanguillén, 1973 Milt Pappas, 1967 Orlando Cepeda, 1959 Don Mueller, 1961 Rocky Nelson, 1962 Harvey Haddix, 1960 Bobby Thomson, and 1965 Bill Mazeroski (The film also opens with a black & white scene of a kid catching Maz's famous home run). Additionally, there's a brief yard sale scene that features a table of cards, heavy on 1990 Topps. The movie was a box office dud and was later retitled Deception when it was recut and released on video.
Rugrats (1991 episode "Baseball" [S1 E5.2]) - Tommy goes to a ballgame and, while crawling around the stadium, finds himself carried over to the announcers booth via the popcorn vendor Dominic, who then negotiates a baseball card trade with the radio station's play-by-play guy, Chuck. Chuck trades away a "perfect condition" Willie Mays to Dominic in exchange for a Darryl Strawberry and a Vida Blue. Sounds like a sweet deal for Dominic!
The Sandlot (1993 film) - Lots of cards in this 90s classic. Early on, the dad is eating cereal with some old Post cards on the box. There are also several cards on the clubhouse walls, including 1962 Topps Bennie Daniels, Jack Curtis, and Lou Brock, as well as 1989 Pacific Baseball Legends Mel Harder and Yogi Berra. The dream sequence with Babe Ruth prominently features a 1954 Topps Hank Aaron rookie card. Less easy to spot in that scene are a few more cards on the wall of the bedroom, including a 3-year run of Braves cards: 1961 Topps #29 Don Nottebart, 1962 Topps #289 Mike Krsnich, and 1963 Topps #390 Hank Aaron. Additionally, Mr. Mertle, the old blind man, has lots of cool baseball memorabilia in his house.
The Sopranos (1999 episode "Isabella" [S1 E12]) - At a funeral, Junior Soprano ponders why people don't collect prayer cards like baseball cards. Mentions Honus Wagner. Looks at a prayer card.
South Park (2001 episode "Here Comes The Neighborhood" [S5 E12]) - Token sings a song about being an outcast since his family is better off financially than the rest of South Park. He mentions he plays baseball with autographed bats, as we see he's got a bat signed by Barry Bonds.
South Park (2005 episode "Trapped in the Closet" [S9 E12]) - As this episode starts, the boys are walking out of a comic/card shop, opening packs of football cards. Kyle: "Oh dude, check it out: I got a Jake Plummer."
Cartman: "Aw man, I got a crappy AJ Feeley again!"
SpongeBob SquarePants - (2008 episode "The Card" [S6 E13B]) - This episode of the long-running Nickelodeon cartoon revolves around SpongeBob trying to pull a rare Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy trading card: the short-printed "#54 card." Patrick ends up pulling the card, but he doesn't appreciate how valuable the card is, and SpongeBob stresses out the rest of the episode over how poorly Patrick treats it, using it to clean his grill and such.
Stand By Me (1986 film) - In the older brother's room (John Cusack), a 1958 Topps Mickey Mantle All-Star card can be seen tacked to the wall above a 1960 Topps Yogi Berra. (Whoops, the movie takes place in 1959.) There's also a photo of a pitcher who I'm assuming is Whitey Ford.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 episode "If Wishes Were Horses" [S1 E16]) - There's a baseball great in the Star Trek universe named Harmon Buck Gin Bokai, often simply referred to as "Buckaroo" Bokai or "Buck" Bokai. He was a Human baseball player in the 21st century, best known for breaking Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak record. While the legend originated back in TNG era ("The Big Goodbye"), the character's name originated in a baseball card proposed by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine illustrator (and baseball fan) Ricardo Delgado as a decorative item for Ben Sisko's desk. Star Trek model maker Greg Jein (another baseball fan) provided photos of himself in a baseball jersey that were converted into a prop card. Greg also provided the fictional bio of his character and the statistics that appeared on the card. Bokai, whose name was a vague allusion to Buckaroo Banzai, from the movie of the same name, was mentioned in the episode "The Storyteller", but not actually seen until "If Wishes Were Horses", in which Bokai was played by actor Keone Young, who bore a resemblance to Jein. The prop baseball card, which was revised for the episode, has Young's photo on the front, but still shows Jein on the back."
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1997 episode "In the Cards" [S5 E25]) - Jake wants to give his father Ben a present to cheer him up, a 1951 Bowman Willie Mays baseball card, but runs into complications with a mysterious geneticist. As for the card used, we can tell it's not real because the back is blank.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1990 episode "The Most Toys" [S3 E22]) - Kivas Fajo, an alien "collector", kidnaps Data to add him to his collection. One of the items in Fajo's collection is a 1962 Topps #1 Roger Maris, which he says is the only known mint copy left in existence.
Step By Step (90s show) - There's an episode where the kid in red glasses gets a set of cards and decides to order them by player salary. And there's another episode where Duffy threatens to throw the oldest kid's cards into a wood chipper.
Step By Step (1995 episode "Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?" [S4 E21]) - Cody takes Brendan to a baseball game featuring his favorite player, Kenny Barton, so he can meet his hero and ask for his autograph. Barton turns out to be a jerk and demands $50 for an autograph. After consoling Brendan, Cody confronts the egotistical Barton during a TV interview and exposes his demeanor. The interviewer, Hall of Famer Harmon Killebrew (playing himself), is equally outraged and kindly offers to sign Brendan's baseball at no charge. Impressed, Brendan mentions he has Harmon's baseball card, while Cody points out that Harmon has more career homers than Reggie Jackson and Mickey Mantle. Funny enough, the only real player named Kenny Barton to ever play professional baseball went to my high school, Granite Hills High School in El Cajon, California. He played in the minors from 1976 to 1981. Not sure if he was an inspiration for the character, but chances are the name is just a coincidence.
Stepfather II (1989 film) - None are pictured, but the mom mentions buying her son several packs of baseball cards at the local Los Angeles suburb pharmacy, telling him, "Got to be a Pedro Guerrero in there someplace." The kid then slowly walks away sad and says, "The Dodgers traded Guerrero." It's only downhill from there for the poor guy, as his soon-to-be step-dad turns out to be a psycho murderer. Guerrero was traded by Los Angeles to the Cardinals for John Tudor on August 16, 1988. The film was released November 3, 1989.
Storage Wars (show) - This A&E reality show has an episode where the buyer of an abandoned storage locker comes across some monster boxes of trading cards. The buyer rattles off modern HOFers and stars (Gwynn, Ripken, Bonds, etc) as well as a hefty price for all the cards and how awesome it was. The cards seem to actually be mostly from the overproduction era and likely not worth much.
Strange Brew (1983 film) - At one point, Bob and Doug recognize a brewery employee as one-time hockey great Jean "Rosie" LeRose, who suffered a career-ending nervous breakdown, and they ask him to autograph his hockey card. The actual card seems to be a 72-73 Topps or OPC hockey card, though collectors haven't had any luck finding a match, so it's likely the card is a specially made prop.
Stuart Little (1999 film) - Around 51 minutes in, there's a 1954 Bowman Willie Mays card against the wall in Stuart's room in the castle that's part of a miniature golf hole.
Sugarboy (2012 webseries episode "Kung Fu Mom") - Set in NYC in 1977, a badass lady organizes her cards (many 80s cards briefly shown) and tracks down her stolen "Rollie Fingers Rated Rookie card" (which looks like a modified 1975 Topps card). Stars Ilana Glazer of Broad City fame. [YouTube link]
Superstore (2019 episode "#Cloud9Fail" [S4 E20]) - Baseball cards are briefly featured in a gag in this episode where some of the store's employees bring their junk from home to sell in the store. A small stack of cards with a '52 Mickey Mantle on top is deemed worthless and tossed into the garbage. LOL
Swindle (2013 film) - Nickelodeon movie based on a kids book. Two boys find a T206 Honus Wagner and stupidly sell it for $350 to a sleazy guy. After learning the card is worth well over a million dollars, they assemble a team (including Ariana Grande) to take the card back in an elaborate heist. The card used is clearly not an original; in fact, it's much larger than a real tobacco card, more like the size of today's standard sportscards. Some other old cards can be seen in the sleazy guy's collectibles shop, again resized props.
Switchback (1997 film) - 1974 Topps Tom Seaver in this movie? Need confirmation.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949 film) - This baseball-themed musical starring Frank Sinatra, Esther Williams, and Gene Kelly has a scene where baseball cards are used to ID the characters, including a T206-style card of Sinatra's character.
There's Something About Mary (1998 film) - Looks like there might be some hockey cards in young Ben Stiller's room in one scene about 34 minutes in or so.
This Is Us (2019 episode "Songbird Road: Part Two" [S3 E12]) - This episode has a subplot about cards. In February '92 (the show jumps between different time periods), 11-year-old Kevin goes to a card shop to get John Smiley's autograph on a card. At the end of the episode, it's shown to be a 1987 Topps Traded card. Smiley (played by actor Troy Doherty) tells Kevin's mother that Kevin, knowing Smiley was rumored to be traded to the Twins, had researched where to play pool and take karate lessons in Minnesota, because the back of the card mentioned those were Smiley's hobbies (which are indeed mentioned on the actual card). The card shown does look like Smiley's '87 Topps Traded card, but with the actor's face photoshopped on.
This Is Us (2020 episode "Clouds" [S4 E15]) - At the very end of this episode, the character of Kevin reunites with a baseball card that had eluded him for decades; a 1991 Topps baseball card featuring Toronto Blue Jays pitcher John Candelaria (#777). It's a token for Kevin to remember his mother by, as they had searched for the card together when he was a kid. The show closes with him putting the card in his wallet. (#WalletCard appearance!)
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo (2019 episode "Empty Nesters" [S1 E2]) - This reality show on Netflix follows Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, as she visits families to help them organize and tidy their homes. This episode features a bunch of baseball cards that the husband needs to tidy up. Lots of boxes are identifiable, such as '89 Fleer, some Score, and Topps Traded. Specific cards don't get much screen time and in fact are sometimes blurred out for some reason (legal B.S., I suppose). I think I spotted autos of Brooks Robinson, Ken Griffey Jr, and maybe Mike Trout on the guy's desk.
Tiny Toon Adventures (1990 episode "Rainy Daze" [S1 E29]) - The cartoon in the first act features a gag where Buster Bunny asks Montana Max if he collects baseball cards, but turns out Max collects baseball players. Max then pulls "Fernando" out of a box and tells him to lose weight.
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (2014 talk show episode, December 16, 2014) - There's a recurring sketch Jimmy Fallon does with Justin Timberlake called "Camp Winnipesaukee" with them playing themselves as kids at summer camp. One such sketch, set in 1997, shows five 1989 Topps cards on the wall of the cabin, and the two sing "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind-- every Camp Winnipesaukee sketch features a different song. Looks like all Phillies on display: Kevin Gross, Greg Harris, Marvin Freeman, Brad Moore, and Greg Gross. [YouTube link]
Twilight Zone (1988 episode "Extra Innings" [S3 E2]) - Ex-baseball player Ed Hamler (Marc Singer), forced to retire early due to injury, is given an old baseball card that transports him to the past to be the player he used to be. Looks like a Goudey card.
Unsolved Mysteries (October 12, 1988 episode [S1 E2]) - This true crime reality show featured a segment on Dennis Walker, a sports memorabilia collector from Medford, Oregon whose collection was valued at over $10 million, highlighted by some nice Babe Ruth items. He conned people out of millions of dollars in investment schemes and fled town when police closed in. He was found dead a year later in 1987, though most of his collection was never found. Some footage of a card show is featured, and later in a reenactment, Dennis visits a card shop and several nice cards from '51-'78 are shown under glass. A 1951 Bowman Mantle and Mays cards are given close-ups. The Mantle is miscut and priced at $995. The Mays looks good on the front, but has a "24" stamp mark on the back, and is priced at $225. Later, we see an uncut Goudey sheet and some nice tobacco cards including a pair of Honus Wagners.
Unsolved Mysteries (November 16, 1988 episode [S1 E6] and updated November 30, 1988 [S1 E8]) - Similar to the Dennis Walker segment from a previous episode, Steven Cox was a con man from the Medford, Oregon area. Thanks in part to the Unsolved Mysteries broadcast, Cox was soon captured, and the show ran an update a couple episodes later. In his car, authorities found suitcases filled with jewelry, rings, necklaces, baseball cards, coins, and other expensive items believed to be items Cox stole from his investors. Several nice vintage baseball cards are shown.
Untamed Heart (1993 film) - This romantic drama stars Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei. At one point they go to a Minnesota North Stars hockey game and an Upper Deck ad can be seen on the boards.
U.S. Open advertisement (2020 tv commercial) - Some nice cardboard in the Fox 120th U.S. Open commercial featuring Don Cheadle. The cards are 1911 Mecca T201 Double Folders. Players are Walter Johnson, Sam Crawford, Iron Joe McGinnity, Larry Doyle, Ed Walsh, and Tris Speaker.
The Venture Bros. (2006 episode "Showdown at Cremation Creek Part I" [S2 E12]) - Dr. Orpheus and his team, the Order of the Triad, try to hone their powers together, but have mixed success. "We were able to materialize a spirit from the beyond-- or at least from a trading card." A guy resembling Nien Nunb from the Star Wars universe is then seen stumbling around, with the suggestion being he was summoned there out of a Topps Return of the Jedi trading card. His origin is touched on again in the following episode, "Showdown at Cremation Creek Part II."
Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (show) - This late-night talk show on Bravo has been known to have cards and other baseball memorabilia displayed on the back wall of the set. Looks like there's a Willie Mays autographed baseball and a 1933 Goudey of New York Giants infielder Andy Cohen, namesake of the show's host.
Wayne's World (1992 film) - Looks like a pair of hockey cards on display behind Ed O'Neill's character in a scene.
Welcome Back Kotter (70s show) - A basketball card can be seen behind Kotter's desk in at least one episode, perhaps a 1975 Kevin Joyce?
Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (2015 episode "Lunch" [S1 E2]) - It's a silly show on Netflix that takes place at a summer camp in 1981. JJ (Zak Orth) impresses Lindsay (Elizabeth Banks) by giving her a rare Sandy Koufax card. The front looks like a real 1964 Topps card, while the back seems to be 1988 Donruss.
Who's The Boss (1986 episode "The Christmas Card" [S3 E11]) - Tony (Tony Danza) doesn't want to sell the only baseball card he has from his playing days (he played second base for the Cardinals), so he lies and tells a guy asking about it that he doesn't own one. Angela hears this and wants to get him one as a Christmas gift. There's a scene where Angela and Mona visit a card shop searching unsuccessfully for the card, agreeing to pay $325 for it. The dealer later calls Tony and offers $225 for his card, which he could use to buy Angela a nice Christmas present. The Tony Micelli baseball card shown on screen for a moment has a similar design to 1981 Donruss. There's also a part in the episode where Jonathan loses his best card (Mickey Mantle) in a flipping game to the guy who wants the Micelli card.
The Winning Season (2004 film) - TNT movie. A kid finds a Honus Wagner card in the attic, then dreams he's assisting Wagner in the 1909 World Series verses Ty Cobb.
The Cleveland Show (2010 episode "Fat and Wet" [S2 E6]) - At one point Donna enters and says, "Cleveland, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave your baseball cards spread out over our bed?!" To which he answers, "I was seeing which guys I had and which guys I need!" And in the episode "Til Deaf" [S3 E12], Donna tells Cleveland that she sold his baseball cards to pay for her plans, much to his dismay. In another episode, "March Dadness" [S3 E14], Cleveland's dad says something about awkward posing on football cards, and later a football card of a fictional Washington Redskin (Cannonball Williams) is shown for a moment.
Coach (1991 episode "A Father and Son Reunion" [S3 E21]) - Hayden finds Luther's long-lost father, who is running a memorabilia shop. Luther says that it explains what happened to his baseball cards, which evidently disappeared the same time as his father.
Comedy Bang! Bang! (2015 episode "Judy Greer Wears a Navy Blouse and Strappy Sandals" [S4 E32]) - Near the beginning of this hockey-themed episode, a couple mocked-up early 90s hockey cards featuring Kid Cudi are shown.
Comedy Bang! Bang! (2015 episode "Adam Pally Wears a Navy Blazer and Bright Blue Sneakers" [S4 E38]) - They have a character on as a guest who used to be a baseball player and Cudi mentions that he is a big fan and owns all the guy's baseball cards. But it turns out the guy cheated by stealing bases while riding a motorcycle. Yes, it's a very silly show!
Comic Book Villains (2002 film) - Two comic shops vie to score a sweet comic book collection that was left to an elderly woman. Baseball cards are mentioned by the narrator at the end: "Robinson, Koufax, Mays, Mantle, and a billion other names I'd never even heard of. Together worth even more than the comics." As for the lot of cards shown, well there's some '88 Donruss identifiable and maybe a couple '91 Topps-- and is that '84 Donruss sticking out on the right?-- but unless there's a vintage treasure trove hidden somewhere that we can't see, the cards pictured here aren't actually worth much.
The Commish (90s show) - There's an episode that had supposedly old cards featured, but they are obviously 90s cards used.
Community (2014 episode "Basic Sandwich" [S5 E13]) - Dean leads a treasure hunt into hidden areas of the school, and among the underwhelming loot they uncover are some vintage basketball cards, specifically white players. Looks like the cards used are props, perhaps featuring crew members.
Conan O'Brien Show (late night talk show) - In an episode circa early April 2019, there was a "behind the scenes" piece showing some of the show's offices, and a Mark Sanchez 2009 Topps National Chicle Rookie Jersey card can be spotted on one of Conan's employee's desk.
Cop and a Half (1993 film) - A guy's angry girlfriend tosses his baseball cards out of their apartment window in one scene.
Cop Out (2010 film) - NYPD detective Jimmy Monroe (Bruce Willis) decides to sell a treasured keepsake to raise money for his daughter's extravagant wedding: "It's a gem mint 10 Andy Pafko. 1952, the Topps Gum Company came out with the first modern baseball cards. Andy Pafko was #1, the first card in that set. Kids would collect the cards, right? And they'd stack 'em up, wrap rubber bands around them. My pop never wrapped any rubber bands around his card. Loved Andy Pafko. Always took good care of him. About 4 or 5 years ago, they sold one of these gem mint 10s at auction for about $83,000." The Pafko is shown (looks to be a reprint, and isn't graded). There's also a brief flashback where it looks like some various '52 Topps props (not real cards) are seen being handled by kids. Then there's a scene in a hobby shop. Among other stuff (cards, bobbleheads, Starting Lineups), looks like several '89 Topps cello packs available. The shop is robbed, including the Pafko, just as Jimmy is about to sell it, and so he and his partner (Tracy Morgan) have to track it down. Spoiler alert: the card ends up being ruined by a bullet hole.
Criminal Minds (2006 show) - A 1963 Topps Nellie Fox is shown in a Season 1 episode. Fox was Gideon's favorite player growing up and the card is part of a riddle Spencer solves.
Cop and a Half (1993 film) - A guy's angry girlfriend tosses his baseball cards out of their apartment window in one scene.
Cop Out (2010 film) - NYPD detective Jimmy Monroe (Bruce Willis) decides to sell a treasured keepsake to raise money for his daughter's extravagant wedding: "It's a gem mint 10 Andy Pafko. 1952, the Topps Gum Company came out with the first modern baseball cards. Andy Pafko was #1, the first card in that set. Kids would collect the cards, right? And they'd stack 'em up, wrap rubber bands around them. My pop never wrapped any rubber bands around his card. Loved Andy Pafko. Always took good care of him. About 4 or 5 years ago, they sold one of these gem mint 10s at auction for about $83,000." The Pafko is shown (looks to be a reprint, and isn't graded). There's also a brief flashback where it looks like some various '52 Topps props (not real cards) are seen being handled by kids. Then there's a scene in a hobby shop. Among other stuff (cards, bobbleheads, Starting Lineups), looks like several '89 Topps cello packs available. The shop is robbed, including the Pafko, just as Jimmy is about to sell it, and so he and his partner (Tracy Morgan) have to track it down. Spoiler alert: the card ends up being ruined by a bullet hole.
Criminal Minds (2006 show) - A 1963 Topps Nellie Fox is shown in a Season 1 episode. Fox was Gideon's favorite player growing up and the card is part of a riddle Spencer solves.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2002 episode "Identity Crisis" [S2 E13]) - A 1974 Topps Tom Seaver card is used as evidence to catch a serial killer.
Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000 episode "The Wire" [S1 E6]) - Larry's agent Jeff takes in a foster kid who then robs his house, including his baseball card collection which is said to include a nice Mickey Mantle. Baseball also pops up in the plot of later episodes of this HBO series, such as a Joe Pepitone jersey ("The Anonymous Donor" [S6 E2]), and there's a great episode with Mookie Wilson and Bill Buckner ("Mister Softee" [S8 E9]).
The Dan Patrick Show (show) - Among other sports stuff, a signed 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken can often be seen displayed in front of Dan on this syndicated sports talk show.
D.E.A. (show) - In one episode, they walk into someone's house and find a bunch of old Stadium Club in boxes on the ground.
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 episode "My Blond-Haired Brunette" [S1 E2]) - Dick's son Richie collects baseball cards in this classic tv series. In this particular episode, Dick comes home and gives Richie a couple packs of baseball cards. At the end of the episode, Richie is seen holding a stack of cards, revealed to be 1961 Topps by the looks of their backs. While no other cards are shown in the series, Richie's hobby is mentioned in a few other episodes: "Jealousy!" (The beautiful guest actress demonstrates she knows about Rob and his family at the end by mentioning she knows Richie likes baseball cards), "The Unwelcome Houseguest" (Richie lists off the stuff he has packed up for a family trip: "I've got my sweater, my pajamas, my baseball cards, my teethbrush, and my half a teddy bear."), "A Word a Day" (Turns out Richie traded 200 baseball cards to another kid for a turtle), and "A Bird in the Head Hurts" (Laura mentions that Richie has about a thousand baseball cards and a picture of Willie Mays on his dresser).
Diff'rent Strokes (80s show) - One episode has a scene where the red-haired kid (Danny Cooksey) is sorting Topps cards. Need more details on this one.
Diminished Capacity (2008 film) - This movie concerns an old guy (Alan Alda) who has a rare pre-war card in mint condition that he's looking to sell for a big payday. His nephew (Matthew Broderick) takes him to a card convention in Chicago, aiming to sell it there. Both men are struggling with memory loss, which complicates matters. The card is a T206 Frank "Wildfire" Schulte (Back to Camera variation) which is a real card, though looks like a reprint is used, and in reality a mint original is not worth the high six-figures the film claims. There are a ton of other cards and memorabilia shown in the scenes at the card show, plus a cameo by Ernie Banks.
The Dirt Bike Kid (1985 film) - This movie starring Peter Billingsley (best known for A Christmas Story) is about a boy who discovers a magic dirt bike that has a mind of its own. The Doghouse, a local hot dog joint where the kids hang out, features some baseball cards (Fleer stickers?) up on the wall.
DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story (2004 film) - Looks like there may be some football cards on the wall a little after the 14 minute mark.
Double Indemnity (1944 film) - The walls in the apartment of insurance salesman Walter Neff (played by Fred MacMurray in this noir classic) are decorated with enlargements of several T-220 boxing cards, including John L. Sullivan and Jim Corbett.
Duckman (1995 episode "The Germ Turns" [S2 E6]) - This animated adult-oriented series originally airing on the USA Network had an episode where Duckman [Jason Alexander], in a desperate attempt to be a better father, pampers his boys by showering them with gifts, including "video games, pogs, sizzling CDs by some of today's hottest and most sociopathic rap stars, and to top it off: rare, rookie season baseball cards featuring each of your favorite players." The cards are only shown for a split-second and aren't very identifiable, but there's lots of red. Perhaps they're 1990 Donruss cards? I'll bet the likes of Juan Gonzalez, Sammy Sosa, and John Olerud are in there.
Dumb and Dumber (1994 film) - When they're in the car just starting their trip to Aspen, Lloyd (Jim Carrey) confesses to Harry (Jeff Daniels) that he sold some baseball cards, a sack of marbles, and their (dead) parakeet to a blind kid in their apartment complex for $25.
Edward Scissorhands (1990 film) - Shortly after Winona Ryder's character first comes home and is surprised to see Edward in her bed (about 43 minutes into the movie), she's brought to her little brother's room to sleep in his spare bunk. The blankets on the bed are MLB branded with a design that looks like generic baseball cards (I found one for sale online and it's copyrighted 1989. The players are drawings with team names and positions, but no player names). But wait, there's more! Also in this scene, there are baseball cards displayed all along the window. They're hard to make out, but looks like the cards are all 1988 Donruss and 1989 Fleer. Somebody must have been a Blue Jays fan, as I was able to identify '89 Fleer cards of Jim Clancy, Cecil Fielder, Mike Flanagan, and Jimmy Key.
Encyclopedia Brown (1990 episode "The Case of the Burgled Baseball Cards") - This kids show based on a series of books about a boy detective ran for a few episodes on HBO. Most of this particular episode takes place at a card show. Many real cards get brief screen time-- mostly '88/'89 "junk", but some older cards too, such as a '57 Topps Ernie Banks (which the characters erroneously refer to as a '59, and somehow confuse for '55 Bowman's television design). The only card to really get a good close-up is a prop "Corky Lodato card from 1962" (featuring guest-star G. Gordon Liddy). The prop is actually a modified 1989 Donruss #485 Kevin Mitchell, at least on the back. Strange that the prop department would chose that year's NL MVP to deface out of every player in the set!
Everyone Loves Raymond (1996 episode "The Ball" [S1 E12]) - When Ray confronts his dad about a Mickey Mantle signed baseball he gave him as a child, Frank admits that it is a fake and that he signed it himself. Ray is very hurt and decides never to lie to his kids. His resolution is put to test when Ally asks about Santa Claus.
Everyone Loves Raymond (1997 episode "The Children's Book" [S2 E8]) - There's a scene where Ray is sitting at his computer talking to his wife, and there are what look like four 1990 Topps cards visible on his file cabinet in the background. Can anyone identify these?
Everyone Loves Raymond (1999 episode "Big Shots" [S3 E19]) - In order to impress Robert at the Baseball Hall of Fame, Ray tries to use his status as a sports writer to jump to the front of the line to meet the 1969 Mets. Robert wants to wait in the line, but Ray insists on cutting the line, specifically in an attempt to get Art Shamsky's autograph.
Everyone Loves Raymond (1999 episode "Cousin Gerard" [S4 E7]) - There's a poster of some classic cards on the wall in Raymond's basement office, plus a couple more cards affixed to the hot water heater.
The Fairly OddParents (2008 episode "Fairly OddBaby" [S6 E1]) - Nickelodeon cartoon. Cosmo is pregnant and has cravings, so he eats Timmy’s baseball cards. He confirms Darryl Strawberry does not taste like a Strawberry.
Family Guy (2017 episode "Peter's Lost Youth" [S15 E17]) - Peter gets jealous when Lois upstages him at a Red Sox Fantasy Baseball camp. In one scene, the coach says they all want her to sit with the players at the head table, telling her, "You're the only one here who doesn't have a fist full of baseball cards for us to sign!" As the coach is talking, Peter slowly pulls out a fist full of baseball cards from his pocket. He quickly puts them back dejectedly and says, "I wasn't gonna have 'em sign 'em, I was just gonna tell 'em their stats." Baseball cards have been mentioned other times on this long-running animated series, too. In one, Mayor West randomly says he hates baseball cards: "Oh, God. I love this song. And I love it when amateurs sing the lyrics. But I hate baseball cards." In another episode, Peter chews gum from a pack of cards: "I'm all hopped up on hard baseball card gum. [Peter crunches baseball card gum] Mmmm. It's like eating a Mastercard."
Family Matters (1992 episode "Love and Kisses" [S3 E20]) - As the episode opens, Eddie and Waldo are admiring Urkel's cards sprawled out on the dining room table. Urkel reveals he owns two Mickey Mantle rookie cards in mint condition. Later in the episode he trades one to R&B singer Johnny Gill in exchange for Gill singing to Laura. Steve is scheming to get a kiss from the girl he adores, but ends up fainting just before his big moment. (Serious card collectors would have pointed out to Urkel that the 1952 Topps Mantle, while a very desirable card, isn't considered his rookie card, as Mickey has an earlier issue in the 1951 Bowman set.) Steve also drops the names Ty Cobb and Honus Wagner while trying to book Gill to sing at his future wedding. The cards used in the show all seem to be 1952 Topps reprints.
The Fan (1996 film) - Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes) is a San Francisco Giants star player who deals with an obsessed fan. At one point in the movie, a Bobby Rayburn baseball card is shown, appearing to be a '96 Leaf card.
Fargo (2020 episode "Raddoppiarlo" [S4 E3]) - Set in Kansas City in 1950, at one point a boy is seen holding a 1958 Topps card. There may also be some 1948 Leaf baseball cards shown somewhere in this season.
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989 film) - This movie about development of the U.S. nuclear weapons program of the early 40s shows John Cusack's character is pinning several old cards to a bulletin board in his barracks.
Field of Dreams (1989 film) - The opening shows versions of Cracker Jack cards of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Joe Jackson (picturing Ray Liotta, who plays Shoeless Joe in the film).
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends (2006 episode "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" [S3 E14]) - In this episode of the Cartoon Network show, Coco the bird makes trading cards of all of the friends in the house, mainly to spite Bloo who insulted her earlier in the episode. Bloo goes mad trying to collect the entire set, even the parallels (like the holographic cards) that come out later. Turns out these cards were kinda actually made after the show aired and were distributed at that year's Comic Con.
Frasier (90s show) - There's an episode where Sam Malone (Ted Danson), the former ballplayer from Cheers, visits Frasier in Seattle. At one point, Frasier's dad (John Mahoney) pulls out a binder of baseball cards hoping to get one signed by Sam.
Fred & Vinnie (2011 film) - One of the characters always carries his binder of baseball cards around with him.
Friends (90s show [S6 E6]) - There's a 1992 Upper Deck #450 Duane Ward card on the bulletin board of Chandler and Joey's apartment. It's also visible in other episodes around this time. It likely has something to do with actor Matthew Perry growing up in Ontario.
The Fugitive (1965 episode "Nemesis" [S2 E5]) - Dr. Richard Kimble escapes in Lt. Gerard's car, but unbeknownst to him, Gerard's son (played by Kurt Russell) is in the backseat. The boy has football cards with him, including a Jim Brown, and drops a trail of them out the window so his father can track him.
Full House (1993 episode "Please Don't Touch the Dinosaur" [S6 E18]) - Stephanie cleans Joey's car and finds some baseball cards from 1968. DJ takes a look at them: "Look at these guys! Wilbur Wood, bad hair. Nolan Ryan, bad hair. Don Zimmer, no hair. Hey, this Jim Palmer guy's pretty cute." Stephanie keeps the cute guy's card, but gives the others to DJ's boyfriend Steve, who then takes off. Rebecca pops in, sees the card and says, "Hey, what's this? Jim Palmer, the guy from the underwear ads. Wow, he looks good even with his pants on!" Aunt Becky (Lori Loughlin) then explains that her brother is a card collector, and oh by the way, his Nolan Ryan 1968 rookie card is now worth over $2000. Steph and DJ are like, "!!!" They try to get ahold of Steve, but by the time they do, he has already sold the card to a 9 year-old for $30. The cards used in the show are actually 1991 Topps at first, though the card Rebecca looks at is a 1982 Topps #80 Jim Palmer. Give the prop guy credit for using a real Jim Palmer card, I guess, even if the year was off. It is a little strange when the card backs go from being salmon colored to green all of a sudden.
Fury (1959 episode "The Big Leaguer") - This is a 50s western show about a boy and his horse. In this episode, a drifter is hired on at the ranch, eventually recognized by the boys as a famous baseball player thanks to their card collection. Possibly 1958 Topps cards shown, though need confirmation on that.
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989 film) - This movie about development of the U.S. nuclear weapons program of the early 40s shows John Cusack's character is pinning several old cards to a bulletin board in his barracks.
Field of Dreams (1989 film) - The opening shows versions of Cracker Jack cards of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Joe Jackson (picturing Ray Liotta, who plays Shoeless Joe in the film).
Finding Steve McQueen (2019 film) - Towards the end of this movie based in 1972, there's a scene with a binder of baseball cards, including a 1988 Roger Clemens all-star.
Fletch (1985 film) - Los Angeles Times undercover reporter Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher (Chevy Chase) is a big Lakers fan. There seem to be 2 or 3 cards among the various basketball stuff on the wall of his apartment, seen a little after a half hour in, though it's tough to get a good look.
Flipped (2010 film) - During a scene in this coming-of-age flick (about 1 hour and 6 minutes in), there are 1960 Topps cards on a boy's bedroom floor and a Detroit Tigers pennant above his bed.
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends (2006 episode "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" [S3 E14]) - In this episode of the Cartoon Network show, Coco the bird makes trading cards of all of the friends in the house, mainly to spite Bloo who insulted her earlier in the episode. Bloo goes mad trying to collect the entire set, even the parallels (like the holographic cards) that come out later. Turns out these cards were kinda actually made after the show aired and were distributed at that year's Comic Con.
Frasier (90s show) - There's an episode where Sam Malone (Ted Danson), the former ballplayer from Cheers, visits Frasier in Seattle. At one point, Frasier's dad (John Mahoney) pulls out a binder of baseball cards hoping to get one signed by Sam.
Fred & Vinnie (2011 film) - One of the characters always carries his binder of baseball cards around with him.
Friends (90s show [S6 E6]) - There's a 1992 Upper Deck #450 Duane Ward card on the bulletin board of Chandler and Joey's apartment. It's also visible in other episodes around this time. It likely has something to do with actor Matthew Perry growing up in Ontario.
The Fugitive (1965 episode "Nemesis" [S2 E5]) - Dr. Richard Kimble escapes in Lt. Gerard's car, but unbeknownst to him, Gerard's son (played by Kurt Russell) is in the backseat. The boy has football cards with him, including a Jim Brown, and drops a trail of them out the window so his father can track him.
Full House (1993 episode "Please Don't Touch the Dinosaur" [S6 E18]) - Stephanie cleans Joey's car and finds some baseball cards from 1968. DJ takes a look at them: "Look at these guys! Wilbur Wood, bad hair. Nolan Ryan, bad hair. Don Zimmer, no hair. Hey, this Jim Palmer guy's pretty cute." Stephanie keeps the cute guy's card, but gives the others to DJ's boyfriend Steve, who then takes off. Rebecca pops in, sees the card and says, "Hey, what's this? Jim Palmer, the guy from the underwear ads. Wow, he looks good even with his pants on!" Aunt Becky (Lori Loughlin) then explains that her brother is a card collector, and oh by the way, his Nolan Ryan 1968 rookie card is now worth over $2000. Steph and DJ are like, "!!!" They try to get ahold of Steve, but by the time they do, he has already sold the card to a 9 year-old for $30. The cards used in the show are actually 1991 Topps at first, though the card Rebecca looks at is a 1982 Topps #80 Jim Palmer. Give the prop guy credit for using a real Jim Palmer card, I guess, even if the year was off. It is a little strange when the card backs go from being salmon colored to green all of a sudden.
Fury (1959 episode "The Big Leaguer") - This is a 50s western show about a boy and his horse. In this episode, a drifter is hired on at the ranch, eventually recognized by the boys as a famous baseball player thanks to their card collection. Possibly 1958 Topps cards shown, though need confirmation on that.
Garage Sale Mystery: Guilty Until Proven Innocent (2016 film) - Lori Loughlin is back in the hobby again in this Hallmark made-for-tv movie. No sexy Jim Palmer cards for her this time, but she plays an antiques dealer who solves crime in her spare time. A man is murdered over a stack of vintage cards including a T205 and an E90 Philadelphia Caramel Shoeless Joe Jackson card, all in screwdowns, and Lori's character investigates after an old college friend becomes the prime suspect.
Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987 film) - This live-action film adaptation of Topps' line of silly/gross trading cards (stickers) is considered one of the worst movies of all time. During the opening credits, the main cast is introduced via Garbage Pail Kids mockups.
Garden State (2004 film) - Some 1991 Topps Desert Storm cards appear in this Zach Braff romantic comedy-drama.
Gilmore Girls (2002 episode "Dead Uncles and Vegetables" [S2 E17]) - Luke's uncle dies and leaves a list of stuff he wants buried with him, including his baseball card collection (not shown). Luke explains to Lorelai why he thinks his uncle was a jerk. "The man was rotten and mean and selfish all his life. For God's sake, he's even selfish in death. Other people would've loved to have had those baseball cards. I would've loved to have those baseball cards. He's got Lou Gehrig's rookie card, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, tons of others – but no! My uncle, King Tut, has to take all of them to the afterlife with him!"
Girl 6 (1996 film) - Spike Lee's character talks about baseball cards, including about how he owns autographed cards of Willie Mays and Hank Aaron. "My retirement plan is to collect one thousand 1989 Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr. rookies and when they get to $1000 a piece, then I will have my first million dollars."
The Goldbergs (2014 episode "For Your Own Good" [S1 E18]) - This sitcom is set in Philadelphia in 1980-something and occasionally features references to notable Philly athletes. Baseball player Rubén Amaro, Jr. (played by Niko Guardado) is a recurring character. Anyways, in this episode, Adam gets his older brother Barry to agree to protect him against a bully by giving him his binder of Garbage Pail Kids, saying they're like baseball cards but funny. Garbage Pail Kids stickers can also often be seen around Adam's room in various other episodes. Another episode features a brief scene with Starting Lineup figures.
The Goldbergs (2014 episode "The Age of Darkness" [S1 E21]) - Barry gets hooked on playing Punch Out at the arcade, and it's mentioned that he sold his baseball card collection to help fund his addiction. There's also a signed Moses Malone jersey in this episode.
The Goldbergs (2015 episode "DannyDonnieJoeyJonJordan" [S2 E10]) - Adam and Barry discover their sister Erica used to be obsessed with New Kids on the Block. They tease her about it, including covering her bedroom walls with NKOTB posters and trading cards. Seem to be real cards and stickers put out by Topps in 1989.
The Goldbergs (2015 episode "The Adam Bomb" [S2 E17]) - Early in the episode, Adam is admiring his binder of Garbage Pail Kids, while Barry prefers baseball cards. Barry shows off a prized shoe that was worn by Charles Barkley. Adam's April Fools joke tricks Barry into thinking the sneaker was ruined, and Barry destroys Adam's Castle Grayskull for revenge before the prank can be revealed. In retaliation, Adam draws on Barry's baseball cards. The cards shown are props, with what appears to be members of the cast and crew posing as baseball players under fake names (including one with Jeff Garlin, who plays the dad in the show).
The Goldbergs (2021 episode "Poker Night" [S8 E20]) - Adam wins a "mint condition" 1974 Topps Mike Schmidt card from Barry in a poker game.
Good Will Hunting (1997 film) - There are some classic cards visible on the wall and behind the desk of the character played by Robin Williams. As was kindly pointed out in the comments of this webpage, this seems to be part of a poster for the Burdick Collection by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Goodfellas (1990 film) - At an hour and 5 minutes into this classic gangster flick, Morrie the wig guy says: "I want my money, he owes it, otherwise pitch baseball cards, kid" and mimics flipping cards.
Goof Troop (1992 episode "Lethal Goofin'" [S1 E36]) - In the second half of this episode, Max and PJ stumble upon a scheme where the school's newspaper editor, Douglas, is buying everyone's very common "Lefty McGuffin" baseball card for 25 cents. It's then revealed that he plans on destroying all the Lefty cards in the laundry except for one, leaving it as the most rare and valuable card.
The Goonies (1985 film) - When the Goonies encounter the skeleton of lost explorer Chester Copperpot, Mikey finds a beat-up old Lou Gehrig card among his stuff. The card used in the movie is actually a Lou Gehrig "All-Time Grand Slam Leader" card from 1973 Topps.
The Groomsmen (2006 film) - This comedy stars Edward Burns, John Leguizamo and Jay Mohr. Mohr and Leguizamo's characters were close friends until Leguizamo stole his '67 Tom Seaver rookie.
Growing Pains (80s show) - Ben is trying to build a set of Donruss cards. He holds the pack to his head chanting Paul O'Neill over and over. Confirmation needed on this one.
Hart to Hart (1982 episode "The Harts Strike Out" [S3 E22]) - A boy inherits a briefcase of sweet baseball cards that soon get stolen by a pair of crooks. The Harts (Robert Wagner & Stephanie Powers) try to recover it, culminating in a flipping contest with an old man who has the cards. Among them is a 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle. It appears they use real star cards from the '50s like Musial and Clemente. They flipped cards by holding them against the wall about 5 feet high, and letting them drop. Yikes, hope they weren't real cards!
Heaven Help Us (1985 film) - This comedy-drama takes place at a Catholic boys school in 1965. About 7 minutes into the movie, a student (Kevin Dillon) is flipping 1964 Topps cards with Brother Timothy (John Heard), with the latter winning the cards, a Mickey Mantle among them. Looks like a real '64 Mantle was used (and tossed on the ground.. ouch!). A #377 Bob Skinner is also shown in-hand, while visible faceup on the ground are #374 Bobby Bolin, #31 Dave Nicholson, and #372 Howie Koplitz. Later in the film (33 minutes in), John Heard's character returns the '64 Mantle saying, "Never gamble with what you don't want to lose." (In this scene, if you look closely, there's also a bag of plastic baseball figures on the shelf behind Mary Stuart Masterson's character.)
Hey Arnold! (1996 episode "The Baseball" [S1 E5b]) - Fictional ballplayer Mickey Kaline is featured prominently in a couple episodes of this Nickelodeon cartoon. He is Arnold's favorite baseball player and plays for the Hillwood Black Sox. He retires after hitting a homer on the final swing of his career, which Arnold catches and gives back to him. Kaline pops up again in the 1998 episode "Dangerous Lumber" (S3 E2a) inspiring Arnold to play in the big game. Some of his cards are shown on display.
Highway to Heaven (1987 episode "The People Next Door" [S4 E4]) - Near the beginning of this episode, a boy has a binder of cards and talks about trading with a friend.
Hillbilly Elegy (2020 film) - There's a scene in this Ron Howard-directed drama that takes place in a card shop in the 90s. The store features the typical fare, from Becketts to factory sets (1989 Bowman, 1990 Donruss, 1992 Topps baseball, etc) to Kenner SLU's. A stack of Joe Montana cards gets some screen time.
Home Alone (1990 film) - When Kevin climbs the shelves in Buzz's room, they collapse and release a Tarantula. Kevin scours the loot and finds cash inside a 1989 Fleer glossy factory set tin. A Fred McGriff card is visible.
Home Improvement (1992 episode "Jill's Birthday" [S1 E16]) - The two older boys blow all their allowance on a stack of baseball cards, apparently a 1991 Topps lot of Detroit Tigers with what seems to be #746 John Shelby on top. Then, needing money for a birthday gift for their mom, trick their younger brother into paying them a Little Brother Tax. The show originally aired 2/4/92. Also, in some other episodes, cards are visible on the walls of their bedroom.
Home Improvement (1993 episode "Dollars and Sense" [S3 E9]) - When the three boys' savings bonds come due, they decide to combine their money and buy a baseball card as an investment. They argue over the names Brooks Robinson, Roger Maris, Sandy Koufax, and Yogi Berra, all the while fighting over a price guide. Their reasoning for investing in a card is that a Honus Wagner card originally sold for a penny and is now worth $450,000: By that math, if they buy a card for $150 now, it could eventually be worth $6 billion. There's a scene in a hobby shop with various cards and memorabilia on display. They check out the likes of Andy Pafko, but ultimately, influenced by their dad, decide to buy an autographed Rick Mears remote controlled car instead, which they soon end up damaging by playing with it. At the end of the episode, their mom goes to the card shop and buys three (unidentified) cards for the boys, plus a Bjorn Borg frying pan for Tim.
Homer and Eddie (1989 film) - This comedy-drama stars Jim Belushi and Whoopi Goldberg. In the movie's opening scene, some cards can be seen displayed in two 9-pocket pages on the side of a bookshelf. The cards range from 1977 through 1986, all Topps besides one '86 Donruss (#397 Tom Niedenfuer). There also looks to be a couple '88 Topps cards on the shelf, including #561 Rick Cerone.
Houseguest (1995 film) - Sinbad's character is scheming to become rich, and near the beginning of the movie, he gets a big box full of unopened packs of 1994 baseball cards. Talking to his friend, he mentions Ken Griffey Jr, Barry Bonds, and Jose Canseco. Says he'd hate to see it happen, but if a player gets injured, the value of his baseball cards will go up. (Um, that's not really how it works!) Shown are packs of 1994 Topps Series II.
How I Met Your Mother (2006 episode "Aldrin Justice" [S2 E6]) - Upset with Ted's jerk boss (Bryan Cranston), Lily "takes away one of his toys"—she steals his prized baseball "signed three times by Pete Rose."
I Trapped the Devil (2019 film) - 1984 Topps cards make an appearance.
The Interview (2014 film) - Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy where they go to North Korea to interview Kim Jong Un. Not exactly cards, but the CIA uses magnetic one-touch cases to hold the poison strips they plan to use to assassinate Kim.
Iron Eagle (1986 film) - This action movie features some cards taped to a kids' bedroom wall. When Doug Masters, the young hotshot pilot, goes to find his little brother in his bedroom, plainly visible is a selection of 1985 Topps cards affixed to the bedroom wall, highlighted by a Rickey Henderson All-Star card right next to Doug's face. Pete Rose, Darryl Strawberry, and George Brett are among the other notable players that can easily be picked out.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2006 episode "The Gang Runs for Office" [S2 E8]) - A big binder of Garbage Pail Kids gets some screen time in this episode.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (show) - Some episodes, at least in Season 3, feature a Players Cigarettes poster of tobacco cards on a wall in Paddy's Pub.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2010 episode "The Gang Gets a New Member" [S6 E8]) - The gang digs up a time capsule they buried 10 years earlier full of things that they thought would be valuable. The first thing they pull out is a "Gregg Jefferies baseball card". In typical gang fashion, the card isn't even a rookie card or anything special, just his 1997 Score #10, a pretty basic common. Fellow Phillies Chase Utley and Ryan Howard guest in another episode ("The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods" [S6 E11]). HOFer Wade Boggs pops up in another ("The Gang Beats Boggs" [S10 E1]).
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (another episode) - Whoops, I lost the specifics to this one, but I'll find it soon. It's a later episode (Season 14?) where the gang is out walking and looking at baseball cards briefly.
It's Garry Shandling's Show (1989 episode "Big Brother" [S3 E16]) - Garry volunteers for the Big Brother program, spending time with a kid who is the son of a fictional football player, the late, great John Coleman, nose tackle for the Saints. "He was famous for helping players up after he tackled 'em," says Garry. "In fact, the picture on his football playing card was like this: [Garry stands up and reaches out his hand]." Also, at the end of the episode, the little boy says he wants to show Garry his baseball cards.
Jacob's Ladder (1990 film) - This psychological horror film starring Tim Robbins features a scene where his son (Macaulay Culkin) drops some baseball cards (1973 Topps) on the road.
Jeopardy (TV show) - Champion Brayden Smith talked about his card collector during the interview segments a couple times in episodes broadcast December 2020. I'm sure cards have also been mentioned other times on this long-running game show.
Jerry Maguire (1996 film) - Former NBA basketball player Brent Barry is briefly featured in the movie as an athlete who refuses to sign an autograph for a young boy due to a contractual obligation. "I can't sign that particular brand of card. I can only sign Pro-Jam Blue Dot cards."
Jimmy Kimmel Live (2018 episode from October 19th [S16 E142]) - While interviewing Bryan Cranston, Jimmy pulls out an oversized baseball card of Cranston made from a fantasy baseball camp he attended in 1996. Bryan, a big Dodgers fan, also talks a bit about Wally Moon, a favorite player from his youth.
Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021 show) - A Wade Boggs rookie card gets mentioned several times in season one.
The Kids Are Alright (2018 episode "Pilot" [S1 E1]) - A Laurie Partridge (Susan Dey) card is shown for a moment in this ABC sitcom that takes place in the early 70s. Looks somewhat similar to a real 1971 Topps Partridge Family card, but seems to actually be a prop. And in another episode ("Peggy's Day Out" [S1 E4]), one of the boys freaks out and says, "I have $9 and a Pee-Wee Reese rookie card in my top sock drawer. Take them and go. You can start a new life."
The Kids Are Alright (2019 episode "Wendi's House" [S1 E16]) - In this episode, there's a point where the mom is trying to lure out her son from hiding: "Eddie! I brought your favorite baseball card: Dick Allen with the ridiculous sideburns. (Can't believe an adult man goes outside like that.) On the count of 3 I'm tearing it to pieces. 1, 2, 3." She then tears up the card, despite the young man not being present. The viewer doesn't get a great look at the card, but if you really make an effort, you can tell it's a '71 Topps. He's listed as Rich Allen on that card, so she must know her baseball! Not sure if it's a reprint prop or an authentic card.
King of Queens (2004 episode "Trash Talker" [S6 E18]) - Arthur is talking to Doug about a boyhood enemy of his who had gotten him kicked out of school by alleging that he had stolen his Moe Berg baseball card. Doug asked him why he said that and Arthur replies that it was because he had in fact stolen it.
King of the Hill (2003 episode "New Cowboy on the Block" [S8 E3]) - Hank has a card of his new neighbor, a Dallas Cowboy from the late 70s.
The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019 film) - This movie centers on the efforts of a young Black man to reclaim his childhood home, a now-expensive Victorian house in a gentrified neighborhood of San Francisco. A character named Bobby (Mike Epps) lives in his car and there are a couple sports cards visible in there. Looks to be a 1995 Topps Barry Bonds and 1992 Sports Illustrated For Kids Jim Brown.
The Last Boy Scout (1991 film) - Action comedy starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. Wayans plays a former quarterback, and there's a scene where a girl asks him to sign a Pro-Set football card. Confirmation needed.
Jerry Maguire (1996 film) - Former NBA basketball player Brent Barry is briefly featured in the movie as an athlete who refuses to sign an autograph for a young boy due to a contractual obligation. "I can't sign that particular brand of card. I can only sign Pro-Jam Blue Dot cards."
Jimmy Kimmel Live (2018 episode from October 19th [S16 E142]) - While interviewing Bryan Cranston, Jimmy pulls out an oversized baseball card of Cranston made from a fantasy baseball camp he attended in 1996. Bryan, a big Dodgers fan, also talks a bit about Wally Moon, a favorite player from his youth.
Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021 show) - A Wade Boggs rookie card gets mentioned several times in season one.
The Kids Are Alright (2018 episode "Pilot" [S1 E1]) - A Laurie Partridge (Susan Dey) card is shown for a moment in this ABC sitcom that takes place in the early 70s. Looks somewhat similar to a real 1971 Topps Partridge Family card, but seems to actually be a prop. And in another episode ("Peggy's Day Out" [S1 E4]), one of the boys freaks out and says, "I have $9 and a Pee-Wee Reese rookie card in my top sock drawer. Take them and go. You can start a new life."
The Kids Are Alright (2019 episode "Wendi's House" [S1 E16]) - In this episode, there's a point where the mom is trying to lure out her son from hiding: "Eddie! I brought your favorite baseball card: Dick Allen with the ridiculous sideburns. (Can't believe an adult man goes outside like that.) On the count of 3 I'm tearing it to pieces. 1, 2, 3." She then tears up the card, despite the young man not being present. The viewer doesn't get a great look at the card, but if you really make an effort, you can tell it's a '71 Topps. He's listed as Rich Allen on that card, so she must know her baseball! Not sure if it's a reprint prop or an authentic card.
King of Queens (2004 episode "Trash Talker" [S6 E18]) - Arthur is talking to Doug about a boyhood enemy of his who had gotten him kicked out of school by alleging that he had stolen his Moe Berg baseball card. Doug asked him why he said that and Arthur replies that it was because he had in fact stolen it.
King of the Hill (2003 episode "New Cowboy on the Block" [S8 E3]) - Hank has a card of his new neighbor, a Dallas Cowboy from the late 70s.
The Larry Sanders Show (1998 episode "Adolf Hankler" [S6 E6]) - There's a scene where Larry's brother pays him a visit, and Larry gets out the old baseball cards. They're going through them, but all his brother wants to do is talk about investment schemes he's trying to get Larry to finance. Viewers don't get a good look at specific cards, but backs of '65 and '87 Topps are visible. At the end of the scene, the brother offers to buy Larry's Roberto Clemente card off him.
The Last Boy Scout (1991 film) - Action comedy starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. Wayans plays a former quarterback, and there's a scene where a girl asks him to sign a Pro-Set football card. Confirmation needed.
Law & Order (1992 episode "Helpless" [S3 E6]) - Near the end of this episode, Ben Stone tells Danielle Melnick that when he was a kid, he collected baseball cards, and someone conned him into trading his Duke Snider for a Gene Hermanski, to make the point that if she wants him to make a concession, she needs to offer something of equal value.
Law & Order (1994 episode "Wager" [S4 E18]) - A star baseball player's father is murdered, and the detectives find several autographed cards of the player in the father's apartment. A card is shown that seems to be a prop made with a modified 1988 Donruss card. Keith Hernandez appears as himself in the episode.
Leave it to Beaver (1960 episode "Ward's Baseball" [S3 E28]) - Ward is happy with a new display pedestal he just got for an autographed baseball he's had since he was young. He proudly rattles off some names on it-- Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Lefty Grove, Ki-Ki Cuyler, Augie Galan-- but wife June is unimpressed. Upstairs, the boys take a greater interest. Bill Dickey and Grover Cleveland Alexander are read off, and Beaver is impressed by the baseball-playing president. Later, Beaver's dimwitted friend Larry comes over and insists on playing catch with the major-league ball. When Larry overthrows, pretending to be Don Drysdale, the ball is crushed by a garbage truck. Larry tries to recreate the baseball by signing "Baby Ruth" and other mangled names on his own 25¢ hardball. Later, Ward takes the ball out to show it off to a friend and the deception is discovered. Ward is furious with Beaver and gives him a stiff punishment. Other episodes have baseball stuff in them too, such as one where the Beav's pals Larry and Whitey have some 1959 Topps cards (anyone know the specific episode?). Another episode has Beaver, Gilbert and Whitey getting in trouble for making a long distance phone call to Dodger Stadium to talk to Don Drysdale, guest-starring as himself.
Little Big League (1994 film) - This movie is about a 12-year-old who suddenly becomes the owner and then manager of the Minnesota Twins. At one point, a baseball card of the kid, Billy Heywood, is seen, resembling a modified 1993 Score card (the back of the card is also similar to '93 Score). Later, there's a scene where Billy must release his personal favorite Twins player, Jerry Johnson, and tries to make him feel better by pointing out he owns Jerry's baseball card and wouldn't give it up for a Wade Boggs and a Sammy Sosa. At another point, a 1992 Donruss Dann Howitt card is seen displayed in the locker room with a sign below it strangely reading "DANN HOWITT HAS REPRODUCED AGAIN".
Little Monsters (1989 film) - There are several cards on the walls of the little brother's bedroom (Ben Savage). 1988 Topps, 1987 Topps, 1986 Topps, 1986 Donruss, and several 1987 Hygrade Baseball's All-Time Greats are among those that can be spotted. The only time the cards are mentioned is when Maurice (Howie Mandel) notices the cards on the wall and says, "Wow, baseball cards! I love baseball cards! Got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em, got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em, need 'em, need 'em, got 'em..."
Lizzie McGuire (2002 episode "First Kiss" [S2 E1]) - Matt needs only one baseball card-- a Paul O'Neill-- to complete his card collection but only Melina has it. Melina agrees to give the card to Matt, but only if he does her homework and other chores for her.
Little Big League (1994 film) - This movie is about a 12-year-old who suddenly becomes the owner and then manager of the Minnesota Twins. At one point, a baseball card of the kid, Billy Heywood, is seen, resembling a modified 1993 Score card (the back of the card is also similar to '93 Score). Later, there's a scene where Billy must release his personal favorite Twins player, Jerry Johnson, and tries to make him feel better by pointing out he owns Jerry's baseball card and wouldn't give it up for a Wade Boggs and a Sammy Sosa. At another point, a 1992 Donruss Dann Howitt card is seen displayed in the locker room with a sign below it strangely reading "DANN HOWITT HAS REPRODUCED AGAIN".
Little Monsters (1989 film) - There are several cards on the walls of the little brother's bedroom (Ben Savage). 1988 Topps, 1987 Topps, 1986 Topps, 1986 Donruss, and several 1987 Hygrade Baseball's All-Time Greats are among those that can be spotted. The only time the cards are mentioned is when Maurice (Howie Mandel) notices the cards on the wall and says, "Wow, baseball cards! I love baseball cards! Got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em, got 'em, got 'em, need 'em, got 'em, need 'em, need 'em, got 'em..."
Lizzie McGuire (2002 episode "First Kiss" [S2 E1]) - Matt needs only one baseball card-- a Paul O'Neill-- to complete his card collection but only Melina has it. Melina agrees to give the card to Matt, but only if he does her homework and other chores for her.
Loki (2021 episode "Glorious Purpose" [S1 E1) - Brief appearance of the famous Honus Wagner card. There's a T206 Honus in the drawer full of infinity stones at the TVA.
The Looney Tunes Show (2009 show) - A 1952 Topps Mantle may have been shown in an episode of this modern Looney Tunes reboot. Confirmation needed.
Love American Style (1973 episode "Love and the Mind Reader" [S4 E22]) - Shelly (Danny Goldman) has a box of baseball cards... 1971 Topps?
Lucas Bros. Moving Co. (2014 episode "Freedom Town" [S1 E4]) - A Satchel Paige autographed baseball is featured in an episode of this quirky animated show.
Mac and Me (1988 film) - Regarded as one of the worst movies of all time, this shameless E.T. ripoff revolves around a family from the Chicago area who move to California and encounter a weird little alien guy. The brothers have some Cubs and Bears gear, and at one point a few Garbage Pail Kids can be seen tacked up on the bedroom wall.
MacGyver (1990 episode "Squeeze Play" [S6 E11]) - A neighborhood boy steals Frank Colton's baseball cards, and Mama Colton asks MacGyver to get them back. He teams up with Wendy, the daughter of former baseball star Novis Riley, and they stumble onto a card counterfeiting operation. The ringleader kidnaps Wendy in an attempt to extort Novis into stealing memorabilia originally used by Reggie Jackson in the 1977 World Series. MacGyver goes undercover as a dorky card collector to get to the bottom of things. Reggie Jackson guest stars as himself. There are a couple scenes in a card shop, and lots of cards and memorabilia are shown. Many '90 Donruss and '90 Topps are displayed on the back wall of the card shop (lol). Among the many cards getting screen time in the episode are '83 Topps Sandberg, '75 Yount, and several nice Bowman cards, including a couple Mantles.
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (2015 music video "Downtown") - Ken Griffey, Jr. briefly recreates the pose from his iconic 1989 Upper Deck in this music video that got 173+ million views on YouTube. Junior later pops up riding a moped. The shoot took place in Spokane, Washington. The artists and directors were big Griffey fans growing up.
Magnum, P.I. (1987 episode "Infinity and Jelly Doughnuts" [S8 E1]) - The first episode of the final season of this action drama TV show starring Tom Selleck features a scene where Rick gives Magnum an Al Kaline rookie card. It does appear to be a legit 1954 Topps Al Kaline card. Selleck was born in Detroit and his character is a big Detroit Tigers fan, often wearing a Tigers cap on the show.
Major League (1989 film) - There are 6 cards taped up in Pedro Cerrano's locker around Jobu in this popular baseball comedy. During spring training, the cards are in a row above Jobu. Later during the season, they're spread out behind Jobu. The cards are 1984 Donruss Eddie Murray (Diamond King), 1968 Topps Roberto Clemente (Game insert), 1959 Bazooka Willie Mays, 1971 Topps Willie McCovey, 1954 Topps Hank Aaron, and 1952 Topps Jackie Robinson. I suspect the cards used are photocopies.
The Man from Left Field (1993 film) - This made-for-tv movie was produced and directed by Burt Reynolds. He stars along with Reba McEntire. The story revolves around a homeless man who takes a job coaching a little league baseball team. In one scene, several cards are shown, including a 1986 Topps Charlie Lea, 1993 Topps George Bell, 1993 Topps Joel Adamson, 1990 Donruss Vance Law, and a made up Burt Reynolds card in a 1967 Topps design out front.
Married... With Children (1988 episode "Guys and Dolls" [S2 E14]) - Steve and Al get Bud to take up baseball card collecting as a hobby, but the men get caught up in it and sell Marcy's collectible Barbie doll to get the money for some rare baseball cards, including a nice Ernie Banks. Another episode (1993's "Dances with Weezie" [S8 E10]) features Ernie Banks, Joe Namath, and Johnny Bench guest-starring as the guys go to the opening of a new sports bar.
Married... With Children (1991 episode "I Who Have Nothing" [S6 E13]) - Al gets depressed that he has nothing to show for his life, so Bud tries to reassure him that it's not totally true, as he happens to have a 45 of "Under The Boardwalk", a baseball card of Joe Nuxhall, and a copy of "Sports Hijinx" on Betamax. Later, Jefferson takes the Nuxhall card and folds it, talking about how he and his friends folded cards into little boats when they were young and would sail them into the sewers. Near the end of the show, Al decides that instead of his prized football (from the time he scored 4 touchdowns in one game), he will leave the Nuxhall card to Bud instead, and be buried with his football.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017 episode "Mrs. X at the Gaslight" [S01E06]) - Abe is recruited to join Bell Labs. Midge's brother Noah and his wife Astrid (a gentile who enthusiastically converted to Judaism to impress the family) visit to join in the celebration. At one point, Astrid is going through a few postcard-sized rabbi info cards with the baby, excited over their big-name pulls. Midge replies, "To be honest, I've never seen rabbi trading cards."
Mask (1985 film) - Based on a true story, Rocky Dennis (Eric Stoltz) is a teenage boy with a misshapen face from birth. He's a card collector, with particular interest in Dodgers. The movie opens with him thumbing through a stack of 1973 Topps (visible are #218 Aurelio Rodriguez, #304 Duke Sims, and #34 Pat Dobson). He displays 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers cards on a board on his wall (mix of Topps and Bowman, with some '56 Topps also squeezing in), highlighted by a 1955 Topps Jackie Robinson. A family friend gives him a card and asks if he needs it, but it's a 1974 Topps Steve Garvey and he already has two of them. The main card he's looking for is 1955 Topps #108 Rube Walker, which he soon manages to score in a trade with a buddy, unloading one of his extra '74 Garvey cards for it (also visible here is a '75 Topps Bill North). There's a scene with Rocky having a fight with his mother (played by Cher) and she tears a 1974 Topps Ron Cey in half (but don't worry, he had 3 of those, too). His grandfather gifts him a 1955 Bowman Pee-Wee Reese card (though collectors will cringe when the old man tacks it directly onto the board, as opposed to Rocky's better method of putting a card in a baggie then tacking the baggie to the wall [looks like he eventually moved Reese into a baggie, too]). The final scene features a 1973 Topps Bill Russell along with the previously seen '74 Garvey and Cey cards.
Memphis Belle (1990 film) - One of the crew members has a small stack of 1939/40 Play Ball cards.
Mermaids (1990 film) - An unconventional single mother (Cher again!) relocates with her two daughters (Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci) to a small Massachusetts town in '63, striking up a relationship with a shop owner named Lou (Bob Hoskins). Lou, a big baseball fan, has a few Topps cards displayed on his cash register. A total of 6 cards are identifiable to the eagle-eyed viewer, all of which are Red Sox cards from Topps: 1963 Hal Kolstad, 1962 Ike Delock, 1963 Chet Nichols, 1962 Chet Nichols, and in a later scene: 1963 Earl Wilson and 1963 Russ Nixon.
Mike and Molly (2011 episode "Peggy's New Beau" [S1 E24]) - In an awkward attempt to make a good first impression, Molly's mother's new boyfriend gives Mike a pack of Upper Deck baseball cards in this sitcom episode. From the wrapper, we can identify them as 1991 Upper Deck, specifically.
Modern Family (2011 episode "Express Christmas" [S3 E10]) - Phil has the idea to buy his father-in-law a rare Joe DiMaggio baseball card for Christmas, though things don't exactly go according to plan. The card used in the show doesn't appear to be a real Joltin' Joe, but rather a fake prop card... which is probably for the best given its fate (but you'd think the prop department could at least have tried to make it look like a vintage card).
The Looney Tunes Show (2009 show) - A 1952 Topps Mantle may have been shown in an episode of this modern Looney Tunes reboot. Confirmation needed.
Love American Style (1973 episode "Love and the Mind Reader" [S4 E22]) - Shelly (Danny Goldman) has a box of baseball cards... 1971 Topps?
Lucas Bros. Moving Co. (2014 episode "Freedom Town" [S1 E4]) - A Satchel Paige autographed baseball is featured in an episode of this quirky animated show.
Mac and Me (1988 film) - Regarded as one of the worst movies of all time, this shameless E.T. ripoff revolves around a family from the Chicago area who move to California and encounter a weird little alien guy. The brothers have some Cubs and Bears gear, and at one point a few Garbage Pail Kids can be seen tacked up on the bedroom wall.
MacGyver (1990 episode "Squeeze Play" [S6 E11]) - A neighborhood boy steals Frank Colton's baseball cards, and Mama Colton asks MacGyver to get them back. He teams up with Wendy, the daughter of former baseball star Novis Riley, and they stumble onto a card counterfeiting operation. The ringleader kidnaps Wendy in an attempt to extort Novis into stealing memorabilia originally used by Reggie Jackson in the 1977 World Series. MacGyver goes undercover as a dorky card collector to get to the bottom of things. Reggie Jackson guest stars as himself. There are a couple scenes in a card shop, and lots of cards and memorabilia are shown. Many '90 Donruss and '90 Topps are displayed on the back wall of the card shop (lol). Among the many cards getting screen time in the episode are '83 Topps Sandberg, '75 Yount, and several nice Bowman cards, including a couple Mantles.
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (2015 music video "Downtown") - Ken Griffey, Jr. briefly recreates the pose from his iconic 1989 Upper Deck in this music video that got 173+ million views on YouTube. Junior later pops up riding a moped. The shoot took place in Spokane, Washington. The artists and directors were big Griffey fans growing up.
Magnum, P.I. (1987 episode "Infinity and Jelly Doughnuts" [S8 E1]) - The first episode of the final season of this action drama TV show starring Tom Selleck features a scene where Rick gives Magnum an Al Kaline rookie card. It does appear to be a legit 1954 Topps Al Kaline card. Selleck was born in Detroit and his character is a big Detroit Tigers fan, often wearing a Tigers cap on the show.
Major League (1989 film) - There are 6 cards taped up in Pedro Cerrano's locker around Jobu in this popular baseball comedy. During spring training, the cards are in a row above Jobu. Later during the season, they're spread out behind Jobu. The cards are 1984 Donruss Eddie Murray (Diamond King), 1968 Topps Roberto Clemente (Game insert), 1959 Bazooka Willie Mays, 1971 Topps Willie McCovey, 1954 Topps Hank Aaron, and 1952 Topps Jackie Robinson. I suspect the cards used are photocopies.
The Man from Left Field (1993 film) - This made-for-tv movie was produced and directed by Burt Reynolds. He stars along with Reba McEntire. The story revolves around a homeless man who takes a job coaching a little league baseball team. In one scene, several cards are shown, including a 1986 Topps Charlie Lea, 1993 Topps George Bell, 1993 Topps Joel Adamson, 1990 Donruss Vance Law, and a made up Burt Reynolds card in a 1967 Topps design out front.
Married... With Children (1988 episode "Guys and Dolls" [S2 E14]) - Steve and Al get Bud to take up baseball card collecting as a hobby, but the men get caught up in it and sell Marcy's collectible Barbie doll to get the money for some rare baseball cards, including a nice Ernie Banks. Another episode (1993's "Dances with Weezie" [S8 E10]) features Ernie Banks, Joe Namath, and Johnny Bench guest-starring as the guys go to the opening of a new sports bar.
Married... With Children (1991 episode "I Who Have Nothing" [S6 E13]) - Al gets depressed that he has nothing to show for his life, so Bud tries to reassure him that it's not totally true, as he happens to have a 45 of "Under The Boardwalk", a baseball card of Joe Nuxhall, and a copy of "Sports Hijinx" on Betamax. Later, Jefferson takes the Nuxhall card and folds it, talking about how he and his friends folded cards into little boats when they were young and would sail them into the sewers. Near the end of the show, Al decides that instead of his prized football (from the time he scored 4 touchdowns in one game), he will leave the Nuxhall card to Bud instead, and be buried with his football.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017 episode "Mrs. X at the Gaslight" [S01E06]) - Abe is recruited to join Bell Labs. Midge's brother Noah and his wife Astrid (a gentile who enthusiastically converted to Judaism to impress the family) visit to join in the celebration. At one point, Astrid is going through a few postcard-sized rabbi info cards with the baby, excited over their big-name pulls. Midge replies, "To be honest, I've never seen rabbi trading cards."
Mask (1985 film) - Based on a true story, Rocky Dennis (Eric Stoltz) is a teenage boy with a misshapen face from birth. He's a card collector, with particular interest in Dodgers. The movie opens with him thumbing through a stack of 1973 Topps (visible are #218 Aurelio Rodriguez, #304 Duke Sims, and #34 Pat Dobson). He displays 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers cards on a board on his wall (mix of Topps and Bowman, with some '56 Topps also squeezing in), highlighted by a 1955 Topps Jackie Robinson. A family friend gives him a card and asks if he needs it, but it's a 1974 Topps Steve Garvey and he already has two of them. The main card he's looking for is 1955 Topps #108 Rube Walker, which he soon manages to score in a trade with a buddy, unloading one of his extra '74 Garvey cards for it (also visible here is a '75 Topps Bill North). There's a scene with Rocky having a fight with his mother (played by Cher) and she tears a 1974 Topps Ron Cey in half (but don't worry, he had 3 of those, too). His grandfather gifts him a 1955 Bowman Pee-Wee Reese card (though collectors will cringe when the old man tacks it directly onto the board, as opposed to Rocky's better method of putting a card in a baggie then tacking the baggie to the wall [looks like he eventually moved Reese into a baggie, too]). The final scene features a 1973 Topps Bill Russell along with the previously seen '74 Garvey and Cey cards.
Memphis Belle (1990 film) - One of the crew members has a small stack of 1939/40 Play Ball cards.
Mermaids (1990 film) - An unconventional single mother (Cher again!) relocates with her two daughters (Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci) to a small Massachusetts town in '63, striking up a relationship with a shop owner named Lou (Bob Hoskins). Lou, a big baseball fan, has a few Topps cards displayed on his cash register. A total of 6 cards are identifiable to the eagle-eyed viewer, all of which are Red Sox cards from Topps: 1963 Hal Kolstad, 1962 Ike Delock, 1963 Chet Nichols, 1962 Chet Nichols, and in a later scene: 1963 Earl Wilson and 1963 Russ Nixon.
Mike and Molly (2011 episode "Peggy's New Beau" [S1 E24]) - In an awkward attempt to make a good first impression, Molly's mother's new boyfriend gives Mike a pack of Upper Deck baseball cards in this sitcom episode. From the wrapper, we can identify them as 1991 Upper Deck, specifically.
Modern Family (2011 episode "Express Christmas" [S3 E10]) - Phil has the idea to buy his father-in-law a rare Joe DiMaggio baseball card for Christmas, though things don't exactly go according to plan. The card used in the show doesn't appear to be a real Joltin' Joe, but rather a fake prop card... which is probably for the best given its fate (but you'd think the prop department could at least have tried to make it look like a vintage card).
Monsters University (2013 film) - This Pixar movie has a scene where Mike and Sully discuss their collection of "Scarer" cards, and the end credits show different monsters as collectable cards.
Mr. 3000 (2004 film) - confirmation/details needed
Mr. Baseball (1992 film) - Tom Selleck's character gives out what look like 1991 Upper Deck cards of himself instead of business cards to team executives.
Mr. Show (1996 episode "Operation Hell on Earth" [S2 E5]) - A skit about Bob Odenkirk's childhood features 8 framed Pirates cards on the wall: '70 Richie Hebner, '81 Fleer Dave Parker, '70 Matty Alou, '72 Rookie Stars Pirates (Fred Cambria and Richie Zisk), '81 Pirates Future Stars (Vance Law, Tony Pena, and Pascual Perez), '76 John Candelaria, '72 Bob Moose, and '67 Al McBean. One might assume that Odenkirk is from the Pittsburgh area, but no, he grew up in Illinois.
My Brother and Me (1994 episode "The Charity") - Nickelodeon show that ran for one season. In this episode, Alfie and Dee-Dee are supposed to be working the dunking booth at the carnival, but then Goo arrives to inform them that Kendall Gill (real basketball player who guest stars) is at the comic book store for an autograph signing, so the boys abandon their post to get their basketball cards signed. Other basketball and baseball cards may show up in other episodes as well.
My Three Sons (60s show) - There's an early episode where Chip tries to play ball, tries to toss his cards, and Bub fishes them out of the trash.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1992 episode "The Indestructible Man" [S4 E9]) - About 11 minutes left in episode, the Indestructible Man quickly throws the lid off his found hidden treasure. "Baseball cards!" riffs Joel.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1994 episode "Last of the Wild Horses" [S6 E11]) - Around 33 minutes in, rival cowboys part ways after a tussle. "Okay, see you at card club."
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1999 episode "Girl in Gold Boots" [S10 E2]) - Around 18:35 into the episode, a guy gets off his motorcycle and Crow riffs, "My baseball card fell out of my spokes."
The Natural (1984 film) - This movie recounts the experiences of Roy Hobbs (Robert Redford), an individual with great baseball talent, spanning decades of Roy's ups and downs. At one point in the film, there's a Roy Hobbs card featured that is modeled on the 1941 Play Ball design, shown in uncut sheets. The cards were created for the film by TCMA, a card company known for minor league sets and other oddball releases.
Needful Things (1993 film) - A 1956 Topps Mickey Mantle is featured in this movie based on Stephen King's 1991 novel. (Fun fact: In the book it was a 1955 Topps Sandy Koufax rookie card.) One of the opening scenes has Brian making a deal with a devilish store owner for a '56 Mantle card signed "to my good friend Brian, Mickey Mantle." In exchange, he has to throw apples and break out all of a neighbors windows. When he touches the card he is transformed back for a moment to a point in a game where Mantle hits a home run
The Neighbors (2010s show) - Sci-fi sitcom that aired on ABC for two seasons from 2012-2014. In some episodes, the character named Reggie Jackson has several pictures on his bedroom wall of the famous baseball player who shares his name. That alone probably wouldn't be enough to get mentioned on this list, however, it seems many of the photos are autographed, so that counts under the "memorabilia" umbrella.
No More Baths (1998 film) - The kids have some rare, old baseball cards in their treehouse (a Hank Aaron is featured) and later try to sell them to raise money.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1999 episode "Girl in Gold Boots" [S10 E2]) - Around 18:35 into the episode, a guy gets off his motorcycle and Crow riffs, "My baseball card fell out of my spokes."
The Natural (1984 film) - This movie recounts the experiences of Roy Hobbs (Robert Redford), an individual with great baseball talent, spanning decades of Roy's ups and downs. At one point in the film, there's a Roy Hobbs card featured that is modeled on the 1941 Play Ball design, shown in uncut sheets. The cards were created for the film by TCMA, a card company known for minor league sets and other oddball releases.
Needful Things (1993 film) - A 1956 Topps Mickey Mantle is featured in this movie based on Stephen King's 1991 novel. (Fun fact: In the book it was a 1955 Topps Sandy Koufax rookie card.) One of the opening scenes has Brian making a deal with a devilish store owner for a '56 Mantle card signed "to my good friend Brian, Mickey Mantle." In exchange, he has to throw apples and break out all of a neighbors windows. When he touches the card he is transformed back for a moment to a point in a game where Mantle hits a home run
The Neighbors (2010s show) - Sci-fi sitcom that aired on ABC for two seasons from 2012-2014. In some episodes, the character named Reggie Jackson has several pictures on his bedroom wall of the famous baseball player who shares his name. That alone probably wouldn't be enough to get mentioned on this list, however, it seems many of the photos are autographed, so that counts under the "memorabilia" umbrella.
No More Baths (1998 film) - The kids have some rare, old baseball cards in their treehouse (a Hank Aaron is featured) and later try to sell them to raise money.
The Norm Show (90s show) - Need confirmation on which, but one episode guest-stars Super Dave as a sports collectables shop owner. Norm is looking to buy a nice Hank Aaron card for a kid to impress a woman. The shop's most expensive Aaron isn't specified but is a card in a very thick case said to be "Only 4 in circulation. $31,000." (I suspect the card used is a 1972 Topps #299 Hank Aaron, but hard to tell.) Norm balking at the price instead asks for the least expensive Hank card, which turns out to be "Kmart Legends of the Game series. Six bucks." (Looks like a 1973 Topps #100 Hank Aaron is actually used for this one.) The shop owner then talks Norm into a "1954 Henry Aaron rookie season. $12,000." (Not sure what this actual card is [see below], but doesn't look like a real '54 Aaron). Later, when Norm is trying to trade in his old sports stuff for credit towards his debt, a 1989 Topps #267 Jeff Robinson can be seen in a display with a baseball on the shelf behind Super Dave.
The Odd Couple (1974 episode "Shuffling Off to Buffalo" [S4 E18]) - Felix's Unger brother Floyd offers him an executive position at his bubble gum factory in Buffalo. Felix's big idea for the business is producing a line of "Great Moments in Opera" trading cards, including #16 Mimi Gets Tuberculosis. "Do you know how many seven-year-old opera fans there are in this world?," Floyd Unger asks Oscar as he regrets hiring Felix at Unger Gum. "These kids will be trading in 50 Beverly Sills for one Ron Swoboda." Also of note is that Oscar is a big Mets fan and he wears a Mets cap in many episodes of this classic ABC sitcom.
The Odd Couple II (1998 film) - This modern sequel to 1968's The Odd Couple reunites Jack Lemmon as Felix Ungar and Walter Matthau as Oscar Madison. Oscar gives his son baseball cards as a wedding gift, among them a Babe Ruth Goudey and a Mickey Mantle.
Ozark (2020 episode) - In a season 3 episode of this Netflix crime drama, there are some framed 1908 Detroit Free Press Tigers postcards in the background of a scene. Need to pin down the specific episode, but in the scene, Wendy goes out to the garage to take a phone call.
Paddleton (2019 film) - At one point in this Netflix dramedy, Ray Romano's character mentions that he has a Rod Carew rookie card in his closet.
The Pallbearer (1996 film) - About 40 minutes in, David Schwimmer's character visits the home of the deceased and is seduced by grieving mother (Barbara Hershey). But not before she tells him her son loved the Mets and opens a shoebox of cards.
Parks & Recreation (2011 episode "Time Capsule" [S3 E3]) - In a town hall meeting, the townspeople are arguing over what stuff goes in which time capsule. A pet painting is slated for capsule 4, but an old guy stands up and objects, "No, that's baseball cards!" To which Leslie replies, "No, baseball cards are in capsule 9: childhood memorabilia."
Parks & Recreation (2011 episode "Meet n Greet" [S4 E5]) - There's a card in Andy's toolbox. Ron Swanson to camera: "No home is complete without a proper toolbox. Here's April and Andy's: A hammer, half of a pretzel, baseball card, some cartridge that says 'Sonic and Hedgehog', a scissor half, and a flashlight... Filled with jelly beans." The show's co-creator has confirmed that for rights reasons, the card used in the show is a prop constructed by the art department. The back is a '89 Topps Walt Terrell, while the front image seems to be a 2000 Topps #60 Pedro Martinez with modified borders and background.
Parks & Recreation (2014 "Anniversaries" [S6 E14]) - In an attempt to get positive publicity for the merger of the two towns, the Parks & Rec gang wants to celebrate the wedding anniversary of a local couple where one is from Pawnee and the other is from Eagleton. They show up to their door with a big fake check, but the couple is disappointed to learn they didn't actually win any money. Scrambling for something to give them, Andy pulls out football cards and a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash to give them. Like with the previous sportscard appearance on the show, the card used seems to be something whipped up by the prop department.
Partridge Family (1972 episode "You're Only Young Twice" [S3 E6]) - At one point in this episode, Danny is showing off his baseball cards to Laurie's boyfriend. The only card clearly shown is a Hank Aaron 1972 Topps In Action (with the name covered up for some reason). Danny also impresses the guy with a Sandy Koufax card.
Patriots Day (2016 film) - This crime-drama starring Mark Wahlberg about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the subsequent terrorist manhunt shows his character sorting baseball cards briefly at one point near the beginning. Seems he was a big Score fan! Among identifiable cards in his hands are 1993 Select #215 Randy Myers, 1991 Score #810 Benito Santiago, and 1989 Score 100 Hottest Players #46 Glenn Davis. In the box you can see multiple copies of 1990 Score #293 Johnny Ray as well as the back of a 1991 Score #690 Jose Canseco Master Blaster. Some of the cards seem to have names and logos covered up by the prop department.
Pawn Stars (show) - This long-running reality show on the History Channel chronicles the daily activities at a busy Las Vegas pawn shop. Pre-war baseball cards have been featured on the show a few times over the years, including 1923 Babe Ruth PSA 10 Strip Card, W515-1 Babe Ruth PSA 10, 1915 Babe Ruth card, and a 1909 Cy Young card. There's also an episode (S15 E7) where a woman brings in a complete retail box of unopened 1965 Fleer Gomer Pyle cards.
Pecker (1998 film) - This John Waters comedy-drama stars Edward Furlong and Christina Ricci. Cards are visible behind the bar run by the title character’s father. You can spot some '87 Fleer and '88 Topps Big on one side and a '93 Topps Troy Neel on the other.
Penelope (1966 film) - Comedy about a bored wife of a banker who robs her husband's bank. In one scene, Penelope (Natalie Wood) is walking with Lieutenant Bixbee (Peter Falk) who hands her a pack of baseball cards. She opens it and asks, "Who's Ron Swoboda?" To which Bixbee replies, "I just chew the gum." The viewer doesn't get to see the card, but there's enough of the wrapper and the card backs to confirm it was a pack of 1966 Topps. Filming began in New York in May 1966 and the movie hit theaters November 10, 1966.
The People's Court (late 80s/early 90s episode "How much for a Billy Ripken?") - Two young guys were on an episode of this old courtroom show fighting over a 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken "error card". Judge Wapner couldn't understand how it had any real value.
Pepper Ann (2000 episode "P.A.'s Pop Fly" [S4 E13b]) - This Disney cartoon has a baseball-themed episode where Pepper Ann catches a milestone home run ball, then she and her father have to decide what to do with it. They go to an agent's office where there's memorabilia on the walls, including what seems to be a framed tobacco card. "It's like the history of baseball here," her dad says. "There's Casey Stengel's chaw, and a vial of Roberto Alomar's spit, and look-- a hot dog signed by Rod Carew!" There's also a framed dollar bill that the agent says was the first dollar he ever made as an agent: "I got Mickey Mantle a latte."
Picket Fences (1993 episode "Bad Moons Rising" [S1 E14]) - Lauren Holly's character presents a mint Ted Williams rookie card as part of a kid's sexy fantasy sequence. The card used in the show is actually a 1992 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes insert #28 Ted Williams: 1939 Rookie Year. I guess the prop department deserves credit for having a real Ted Williams card that says "rookie" on it, but perhaps a reprint of his 1939 Play Ball card would have been a better choice.
The Plot Against America (2020 episode "Part 3" [S1 E3]) - This HBO alternate history drama miniseries is based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Philip Roth. In episode 3, circa 1941, two kids flip baseball cards against a Newark, NJ stoop. Visible are 1938 Goudey Heads Up and possibly a Bob Feller.
Poison Ivy (1985 film) - There's a brief scene where two boys are sitting on their camp bed playing with a box of 1985 Fleer cards.
Porky's II: The Next Day (1987 film) - At about 5 and a half minutes in, a few '53 Topps cards can be seen displayed around a mirror.
Pride of the Yankees (1942 film) - A young Lou Gehrig in the beginning of the film trades tobacco cards for a chance to play hardball with the big kids. The kids call the cards Sweet Caporals, but they seem to be M101-4's, and the names mentioned (Mathewson, Ruth, etc) don't appear to match players on the prop cards.
The Princess Bride (1987 film) - This Rob Reiner classic features a few 1986 Topps cards on the wall in the kid's room. Among them are #464 Ruppert Jones, #493 Gene Nelson, #214 Randy Bush, and #123 Greg Walker.
Prom (2011 film) - There's a scene about 57 minutes in where the female lead meets the male lead's younger brother who shows off some baseball cards. He mentions Harvey Kuenn, then shows a 1966 Topps Al Kaline worth "at least 80."
Psych (show) - There's an episode where Shawn needs Gus to pick a lock on a shed door, and Gus says he'll only do it for Shawn's Tony Gwynn rookie card. Shawn reluctantly agrees. And in another episode ("And Down the Stretch Comes Murder" [S2 E5]) Gus uses his Wally Joyner mini bat as protection against a childhood bully.
Rain Man (1988 film) - Dustin Hoffman's character Raymond has a bunch of cards and other baseball stuff in his room. The young lady holds up a 1960 Topps #505 Ted Kluszewski and Ray lists off some stats and facts. He then sorts a stack of cards featuring a few '53 Topps and a '59 Frank Robinson among others. Among the many cards on the walls are a few oversized Donruss All-Stars and uncut sheets of 1985 Topps and 1982 Fleer.
Ray Donovan (2010s show) - An episode (perhaps around season 5?) featured some T205s on the wall when Ray enters a New York basement.
The Real Ghostbusters (1987 episode "Once Upon a Slime" [S2 E4])- Baseball cards are mentioned in this episode as the Ghostbusters are engaging a giant come to life from from a fairy tale book:
Peter: "Tell you what, big guy, let us go and I'll give you my entire collection of baseball cards. My team's the Giants."
Giant: "(grunt)"
Winston: "I don't think he's a baseball fan, Peter."
Peter: "Then maybe he collects food stamps?"
Winston: "I think he just collects food."
Recess (1997 episode "The Legend of Big Kid" [S1 E16]) - This Disney cartoon begins with a kid calling Kirby Puckett the greatest outfielder that ever lived. The other kid argues back, "What about Babe Ruth, Reggie Jackson, Willie Mays?" They hold up some cards, but no players or actual card designs are really identifiable.
Recess (1999 episode "The Spy Who Came In From The Playground" [S4 E4]) - James, a new kid, says his dad works for Bubble Ball Trading Cards and pulls out some cards, apparently including some good rookie cards, though no specific players are mentioned.
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018 video game) - Sneaking a video game into this list. There are cigarette cards you can collect within this game that are based on the late 1800s Allen & Ginter cards.
Road to Perdition (2002 film) - Tom Hanks' sons have a couple '33 Goudey Babe Ruth cards.
Rookie of the Year (1993 film) - About 7 minutes into this movie, an Upper Deck banner can been seen on the outfield fence.
Rounders (1998 film) - Around the 1:17 mark, there’s a Starting Lineup figure, perhaps one of the full team displays with like 9-10 guys.
Royal Pains (2009 episode "Pilot" [S1 E1]) - The first episode of this medical comedy-drama on the USA Network briefly features a couple T206 Honus Wagner cards and a pair of unidentifiable autographed baseballs on display in the fancy Bryant house (a little after 34 minutes in).
Ruby Cairo (1992 film) - A widow (Andie MacDowell) finds a stack of old baseball cards that her late husband (Viggo Mortensen) used in a money laundering scheme. She discovers that player names and markings on certain numbers on the back of the cards are clues to bank accounts, a discovery that leads her on a suspenseful trail around the world as she attempts to collect the money and solve the questions surrounding her husband's death. If all that defacing wasn't enough to bother a card collector, after she closes out the bank account of each corresponding baseball card, she rips the card in half. Ouch! They all seem to be authentic Topps cards. Among the cards getting screen time are 1985 Onix Concepción, 1981 Manny Sanguillén, 1973 Milt Pappas, 1967 Orlando Cepeda, 1959 Don Mueller, 1961 Rocky Nelson, 1962 Harvey Haddix, 1960 Bobby Thomson, and 1965 Bill Mazeroski (The film also opens with a black & white scene of a kid catching Maz's famous home run). Additionally, there's a brief yard sale scene that features a table of cards, heavy on 1990 Topps. The movie was a box office dud and was later retitled Deception when it was recut and released on video.
Rugrats (1991 episode "Baseball" [S1 E5.2]) - Tommy goes to a ballgame and, while crawling around the stadium, finds himself carried over to the announcers booth via the popcorn vendor Dominic, who then negotiates a baseball card trade with the radio station's play-by-play guy, Chuck. Chuck trades away a "perfect condition" Willie Mays to Dominic in exchange for a Darryl Strawberry and a Vida Blue. Sounds like a sweet deal for Dominic!
The Sandlot (1993 film) - Lots of cards in this 90s classic. Early on, the dad is eating cereal with some old Post cards on the box. There are also several cards on the clubhouse walls, including 1962 Topps Bennie Daniels, Jack Curtis, and Lou Brock, as well as 1989 Pacific Baseball Legends Mel Harder and Yogi Berra. The dream sequence with Babe Ruth prominently features a 1954 Topps Hank Aaron rookie card. Less easy to spot in that scene are a few more cards on the wall of the bedroom, including a 3-year run of Braves cards: 1961 Topps #29 Don Nottebart, 1962 Topps #289 Mike Krsnich, and 1963 Topps #390 Hank Aaron. Additionally, Mr. Mertle, the old blind man, has lots of cool baseball memorabilia in his house.
Saturday Night Live (1997 episode "Sting with musical guest Veruca Salt" [S22 E15]) - The sketch "Shopping at Home Network: Mark Hamill for Sale" features a joke card of Chewbacca playing second base for the Brewers. The card brand is "Binnacle", an apparent play on Pinnacle.
Saturday Night Live (2019 episode "Sandra Oh with musical guest Tame Impala" [S44 E16]) - During the Putin skit around a third of the way through this episode, Kim Jong Il gives Putin a gift: "A Michael Jordan rookie card signed by Dennis Rodman." Not sure which card it's supposed to be, but it's definitely not his 1986 Fleer or his early Star cards.
Schooled (2019 episode "The Pokémon Society" [S2 E9]) - This show is a 90s-themed spin-off of The Goldbergs (which itself is 80s-themed). In the first minute or so of this episode, Coach Mellor sees young Toby sorting trading cards and tries to bond with him by busting out his old baseball cards. But Toby is into Pokemon, not sports. Some real overproduction-era cards are shown, most notably when Mellor holds up a 1991 Topps Desert Shield Ken Griffey Sr and a 1989 Topps Traded Ken Griffey Jr and chokes up talking about the time they hit back-to-back home runs.
Scrubs (2004 episode "My Last Chance" [S4 E8]) - Dr. Cox is stuck doing a couple long shifts with an annoying EMT named Denise (Molly Shannon). Among the many things she rambles on about is a Ken Griffey Jr. baseball card her son always carries with him. Dr. Cox later feels like a dick when he finds out-- thanks to that Junior card turning up-- that Denise's son died, which is what motivated her to become a paramedic.
Saturday Night Live (2019 episode "Sandra Oh with musical guest Tame Impala" [S44 E16]) - During the Putin skit around a third of the way through this episode, Kim Jong Il gives Putin a gift: "A Michael Jordan rookie card signed by Dennis Rodman." Not sure which card it's supposed to be, but it's definitely not his 1986 Fleer or his early Star cards.
Schooled (2019 episode "The Pokémon Society" [S2 E9]) - This show is a 90s-themed spin-off of The Goldbergs (which itself is 80s-themed). In the first minute or so of this episode, Coach Mellor sees young Toby sorting trading cards and tries to bond with him by busting out his old baseball cards. But Toby is into Pokemon, not sports. Some real overproduction-era cards are shown, most notably when Mellor holds up a 1991 Topps Desert Shield Ken Griffey Sr and a 1989 Topps Traded Ken Griffey Jr and chokes up talking about the time they hit back-to-back home runs.
Scrubs (2004 episode "My Last Chance" [S4 E8]) - Dr. Cox is stuck doing a couple long shifts with an annoying EMT named Denise (Molly Shannon). Among the many things she rambles on about is a Ken Griffey Jr. baseball card her son always carries with him. Dr. Cox later feels like a dick when he finds out-- thanks to that Junior card turning up-- that Denise's son died, which is what motivated her to become a paramedic.
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993 film) - A 1991 Fleer Pro Visions Ruben Sierra is visible on a bookshelf at one point.
Seinfeld (90s show) - In many early episodes, there's a box of what seems to be 1990 Donruss on top of Jerry's fridge.
Seinfeld (1991 episode "The Busboy" [S2 E12]) - Four 1984 Topps card are displayed in a frame on the wall in the busboy's apartment.
Seinfeld (1995 episode "The Doorman" [S6 E18]) - In this episode, Frank Costanza, newly separated from Estelle, is temporarily living with George. Frank asks Kramer to return his hi-fi so he can listen to some cha-cha records. Soon, Frank, Kramer, and George want to get something to eat, and Frank decides to change his shirt. In this scene, there's a 1995 Score poster on the wall in George's apartment, plus an oversized 1967 Topps Yankees team card above it to the right that seems to be part of a calendar. There also appears to be another ad for Score sitting on a table in George's apartment when George's mom comes to pick up his dad.
Seinfeld (1995 episode "The Wink" [S7 E4]) - Kramer goes to a sports memorabilia store to try to sell an interoffice mail envelope signed by Don Mattingly, and ends up selling the birthday card inside that was signed by the entire Yankee organization.
Seinfeld (90s show) - The Yankee offices in some later episodes have framed old cards on the walls. Hard to make out specifics, but cards seem to include T205's, T206's, 1934 Goudey reprints, as well as N162 reprints. The 1997 episode "The Muffin Tops" [S8 E21] has a scene with quite a few framed T205s on the wall, including Christy Mathewson by George's cheek in the below image.
$#*! My Dad Says (2011 episode "Goodson Goes Deep" [S1 E12]) - This sitcom, based on a popular Twitter account, starred William Shatner and aired on CBS for one season. In this episode, Ed wants baseball memorabilia that was promised to him but then sold to someone else. There's a scene in a card shop.
Shrill (2019 episode "Annie" [S1 E1]) - Hulu series starring Aidy Bryant. There are a couple binders of cards on the desk in Ryan's room. At first I wasn't sure cards were in there, but in one shot you can see the spine labeled "BASEBALL CARDS - collector album" confirming it. Looks like a match with the old Topps binder that has a picture with vintage cards on the cover.
Show Me a Hero (2015 miniseries) - There's a Starting Lineup (in package) on a shelf at one point in this HBO miniseries set in the 80s.
Silver Bullet (1985 film) - This Stephen King werewolf horror flick with Corey Haim and Gary Busey features a scene where the two play poker using baseball cards as chips. The viewer doesn't get a good look at any specific card, but we can tell from the backs that they're 1984 Topps cards.
Silver Spoons (1985 episode "The Great Baseball Card Scheme" [S4 E5]) - Grandfather Stratton (John Houseman) shows Rick how to make a fortune with baseball cards by starting a rumor that Tommy Lasorda will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and buying up all the Lasorda cards, thus making the card valuable. Tommy Lasorda guest stars as himself. (I suppose the show foretold the future, as Lasorda was eventually inducted into the HOF over a decade later in 1997.) The cards used in the show seem to be 1984 Topps.
Simon & Simon (80s show) - This hour-long detective show on CBS featuring Gerald McRaney and Jameson Parker had an episode regarding the theft of cards. They even talk about Beckett being the card collecting Bible. I'd like to get more details on this if you know which specific episode it is.
Simon Birch (1998 film) - Simon has a Red Cloud cigar box of baseball cards that are his most beloved possessions. Set in 1964, the cards shown are Topps cards from '61, '62, and '63. There's also a '63 Maris shown briefly on his bedroom wall. Seem to be real cards used. On the top of the stacks can be seen 1961 Topps #154 Bobby Del Greco (Phillies), 1962 Topps #2 Jim Brisbane (Reds), and 1963 Topps #57 Billy Moran (Angels).
The Simpsons (1991 episode "Three Men and a Comic Book" [S2 E21]) - Milhouse gets roped into a deal pooling his money with Bart and Martin for a Radioactive-Man #1 comic book even though he really only wanted the "Carl Yastrzemski with the sideburns" card (which is shown to resemble Yaz's 1973 Topps). His hunt for the card is continued in a 1996 comic book story, "Bart's Pal, Milhouse: The Quest for Yaz" featured in Simpsons Comics #18. I haven't read it, but I assume it tells the story of how he finally got the Yaz. How do I know he eventually got the card? It pops up in another episode! (see next entry in the list below)
The Simpsons (1992 episode "Bart's Friend Falls in Love" [S3 E23]) - While Milhouse is distracted smooching his new girlfriend, Bart trades a damaged Omar Vizquel card for Milhouse's Carl Yastrzemski. Yes, turns out Milhouse did eventually score the prized Muttonchop Yaz, as the card definitely looks like the same card from the earlier "Three Men and a Comic Book" episode, bat over the shoulder, facing toward the right. The Vizquel here closely resembles his actual 1990 Topps card. (Funny how the "nobody" player they chose back then would go on to a long, distinguished career with a strong argument for the Hall of Fame.) There are some other cards shown on the floor in front of Bart, though it's hard to tell any players or card designs they're suppose to be-- some picture baseball equipment; it's obvious the animators weren't spending too much time on them. Bart says, "Next on the trading block, your Mickey Mantle 1958 for my picture of Homer on the couch." Then we see a nice Simpsonized version of a '58 Topps Mantle.
The Simpsons (1992 episode "Kamp Krusty" [S4 E1]) - When the kids are cleaning out their lockers on the last day of school, it appears that Lewis has a few nondescript baseball cards taped to the inside of his locker door.
The Simpsons (1993 episode "Homer's Barbershop Quartet" [S5 E1]) - While at the Springfield Swapmeet, Bart, Nelson, and Milhouse are enticed by a display offering "FREE Trading Cards" but their excitement quickly fades once they realize the cards are used for learning about religion. A Joseph of Aramathea all-star card and Methuselah rookie card are shown, which both have a design reminiscent of 1982 Topps. There are some other cards on the table and back wall, but nothing else identifiable.
The Simpsons (2003 episode "'Tis the Fifteenth Season" [S15 E2]) - Instead of a holiday bonus, Mr. Burns gives Homer a $5 cafeteria voucher plus a little something for Bart: "And for your boy, a confectioner's card featuring a current base-baller. It's that rookie from the New York Nine." Turns out it's a Joe DiMaggio 1936 World Wide Gum card. To raise money for Christmas, Homer sells the DiMaggio for a big payday to Comic Book Guy, who then accidentally smudges it with his nacho fingers and proceeds to lick it clean.
The Simpsons (2018 episode "Flander's Ladder" [S29 E21] - Just a quick card-related gag in this episode. After the internet connection goes out in the Simpson house, Homer digs out his box of old VHS tapes for the family to watch. One of them is labeled "Video of Baseball Card Collection" though sadly we don't get to view it.
The Simpsons (2018 episode "My Way or the Highway to Heaven" [S30 E3]) - When Milhouse is thinking about how he might get into heaven, he imagines finding a baseball card of Clayton Kershaw on a railroad track. We only see the card from the back. Looks like maybe it's supposed to be a Ginter card?
Skipped Parts (2001 film) - Near the beginning of the film, 14-year-old Sam is forced by his grandfather to destroy his card collection by throwing the stack of cards into a fire, though he manages to slyly save a 1958 Don Drysdale from the flames. Some of the identifiable cards that weren't so lucky include a 1962 Felix Mantilla, 1961 Alvin Dark, and 1961 Willie Mays. At the end of the movie, we see a grown-up Sam who has created a mobile out of baseball cards for his baby. Most of the cards seem to be 1961 and 1962 Topps cards, including a 1962 George Alusik, a 1961 Gary Geiger, and the old '58 Drysdale from earlier.
Small Wonder (1985 episode "The Neighbors" [S1 E2]) - This 80s sitcom is about a family who has a robotic little girl. In various episodes, you can spot scattered baseball cards/stickers displayed around the kids' room. In this particular episode, there are a pair of 1984 Topps Album Stickers inside Vicki's sleeping closet. The stickers are #30 Bob Horner and #304 Tom Brunansky.
Seinfeld (90s show) - In many early episodes, there's a box of what seems to be 1990 Donruss on top of Jerry's fridge.
Seinfeld (1991 episode "The Busboy" [S2 E12]) - Four 1984 Topps card are displayed in a frame on the wall in the busboy's apartment.
Seinfeld (1995 episode "The Doorman" [S6 E18]) - In this episode, Frank Costanza, newly separated from Estelle, is temporarily living with George. Frank asks Kramer to return his hi-fi so he can listen to some cha-cha records. Soon, Frank, Kramer, and George want to get something to eat, and Frank decides to change his shirt. In this scene, there's a 1995 Score poster on the wall in George's apartment, plus an oversized 1967 Topps Yankees team card above it to the right that seems to be part of a calendar. There also appears to be another ad for Score sitting on a table in George's apartment when George's mom comes to pick up his dad.
Seinfeld (1995 episode "The Wink" [S7 E4]) - Kramer goes to a sports memorabilia store to try to sell an interoffice mail envelope signed by Don Mattingly, and ends up selling the birthday card inside that was signed by the entire Yankee organization.
Seinfeld (90s show) - The Yankee offices in some later episodes have framed old cards on the walls. Hard to make out specifics, but cards seem to include T205's, T206's, 1934 Goudey reprints, as well as N162 reprints. The 1997 episode "The Muffin Tops" [S8 E21] has a scene with quite a few framed T205s on the wall, including Christy Mathewson by George's cheek in the below image.
$#*! My Dad Says (2011 episode "Goodson Goes Deep" [S1 E12]) - This sitcom, based on a popular Twitter account, starred William Shatner and aired on CBS for one season. In this episode, Ed wants baseball memorabilia that was promised to him but then sold to someone else. There's a scene in a card shop.
Shrill (2019 episode "Annie" [S1 E1]) - Hulu series starring Aidy Bryant. There are a couple binders of cards on the desk in Ryan's room. At first I wasn't sure cards were in there, but in one shot you can see the spine labeled "BASEBALL CARDS - collector album" confirming it. Looks like a match with the old Topps binder that has a picture with vintage cards on the cover.
Show Me a Hero (2015 miniseries) - There's a Starting Lineup (in package) on a shelf at one point in this HBO miniseries set in the 80s.
Silver Bullet (1985 film) - This Stephen King werewolf horror flick with Corey Haim and Gary Busey features a scene where the two play poker using baseball cards as chips. The viewer doesn't get a good look at any specific card, but we can tell from the backs that they're 1984 Topps cards.
Silver Spoons (1985 episode "The Great Baseball Card Scheme" [S4 E5]) - Grandfather Stratton (John Houseman) shows Rick how to make a fortune with baseball cards by starting a rumor that Tommy Lasorda will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and buying up all the Lasorda cards, thus making the card valuable. Tommy Lasorda guest stars as himself. (I suppose the show foretold the future, as Lasorda was eventually inducted into the HOF over a decade later in 1997.) The cards used in the show seem to be 1984 Topps.
Simon & Simon (80s show) - This hour-long detective show on CBS featuring Gerald McRaney and Jameson Parker had an episode regarding the theft of cards. They even talk about Beckett being the card collecting Bible. I'd like to get more details on this if you know which specific episode it is.
Simon Birch (1998 film) - Simon has a Red Cloud cigar box of baseball cards that are his most beloved possessions. Set in 1964, the cards shown are Topps cards from '61, '62, and '63. There's also a '63 Maris shown briefly on his bedroom wall. Seem to be real cards used. On the top of the stacks can be seen 1961 Topps #154 Bobby Del Greco (Phillies), 1962 Topps #2 Jim Brisbane (Reds), and 1963 Topps #57 Billy Moran (Angels).
The Simpsons (1991 episode "Three Men and a Comic Book" [S2 E21]) - Milhouse gets roped into a deal pooling his money with Bart and Martin for a Radioactive-Man #1 comic book even though he really only wanted the "Carl Yastrzemski with the sideburns" card (which is shown to resemble Yaz's 1973 Topps). His hunt for the card is continued in a 1996 comic book story, "Bart's Pal, Milhouse: The Quest for Yaz" featured in Simpsons Comics #18. I haven't read it, but I assume it tells the story of how he finally got the Yaz. How do I know he eventually got the card? It pops up in another episode! (see next entry in the list below)
The Simpsons (1992 episode "Bart's Friend Falls in Love" [S3 E23]) - While Milhouse is distracted smooching his new girlfriend, Bart trades a damaged Omar Vizquel card for Milhouse's Carl Yastrzemski. Yes, turns out Milhouse did eventually score the prized Muttonchop Yaz, as the card definitely looks like the same card from the earlier "Three Men and a Comic Book" episode, bat over the shoulder, facing toward the right. The Vizquel here closely resembles his actual 1990 Topps card. (Funny how the "nobody" player they chose back then would go on to a long, distinguished career with a strong argument for the Hall of Fame.) There are some other cards shown on the floor in front of Bart, though it's hard to tell any players or card designs they're suppose to be-- some picture baseball equipment; it's obvious the animators weren't spending too much time on them. Bart says, "Next on the trading block, your Mickey Mantle 1958 for my picture of Homer on the couch." Then we see a nice Simpsonized version of a '58 Topps Mantle.
The Simpsons (1992 episode "Kamp Krusty" [S4 E1]) - When the kids are cleaning out their lockers on the last day of school, it appears that Lewis has a few nondescript baseball cards taped to the inside of his locker door.
The Simpsons (1993 episode "Homer's Barbershop Quartet" [S5 E1]) - While at the Springfield Swapmeet, Bart, Nelson, and Milhouse are enticed by a display offering "FREE Trading Cards" but their excitement quickly fades once they realize the cards are used for learning about religion. A Joseph of Aramathea all-star card and Methuselah rookie card are shown, which both have a design reminiscent of 1982 Topps. There are some other cards on the table and back wall, but nothing else identifiable.
The Simpsons (2003 episode "'Tis the Fifteenth Season" [S15 E2]) - Instead of a holiday bonus, Mr. Burns gives Homer a $5 cafeteria voucher plus a little something for Bart: "And for your boy, a confectioner's card featuring a current base-baller. It's that rookie from the New York Nine." Turns out it's a Joe DiMaggio 1936 World Wide Gum card. To raise money for Christmas, Homer sells the DiMaggio for a big payday to Comic Book Guy, who then accidentally smudges it with his nacho fingers and proceeds to lick it clean.
The Simpsons (2018 episode "Flander's Ladder" [S29 E21] - Just a quick card-related gag in this episode. After the internet connection goes out in the Simpson house, Homer digs out his box of old VHS tapes for the family to watch. One of them is labeled "Video of Baseball Card Collection" though sadly we don't get to view it.
The Simpsons (2018 episode "My Way or the Highway to Heaven" [S30 E3]) - When Milhouse is thinking about how he might get into heaven, he imagines finding a baseball card of Clayton Kershaw on a railroad track. We only see the card from the back. Looks like maybe it's supposed to be a Ginter card?
Skipped Parts (2001 film) - Near the beginning of the film, 14-year-old Sam is forced by his grandfather to destroy his card collection by throwing the stack of cards into a fire, though he manages to slyly save a 1958 Don Drysdale from the flames. Some of the identifiable cards that weren't so lucky include a 1962 Felix Mantilla, 1961 Alvin Dark, and 1961 Willie Mays. At the end of the movie, we see a grown-up Sam who has created a mobile out of baseball cards for his baby. Most of the cards seem to be 1961 and 1962 Topps cards, including a 1962 George Alusik, a 1961 Gary Geiger, and the old '58 Drysdale from earlier.
Small Wonder (1985 episode "The Neighbors" [S1 E2]) - This 80s sitcom is about a family who has a robotic little girl. In various episodes, you can spot scattered baseball cards/stickers displayed around the kids' room. In this particular episode, there are a pair of 1984 Topps Album Stickers inside Vicki's sleeping closet. The stickers are #30 Bob Horner and #304 Tom Brunansky.
Solar Opposites (2020 episode "The Lavatic Reactor" [S1 E5]) - Shrunken people hide behind a baseball card at one point near the middle of this episode. Front calls to mind Robin Yount's 1975 Topps rookie card. The back, on the other hand, looks similar to the back of Mickey Mantle's 1959 Topps card, matching not only the name, but also the card number (10) and weight (192).
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987 film) - A few minutes into this movie written and produced by John Hughes, a little girl is seen playing with Garbage Pail Kids cards.
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987 film) - A few minutes into this movie written and produced by John Hughes, a little girl is seen playing with Garbage Pail Kids cards.
The Sopranos (1999 episode "Isabella" [S1 E12]) - At a funeral, Junior Soprano ponders why people don't collect prayer cards like baseball cards. Mentions Honus Wagner. Looks at a prayer card.
South Park (2001 episode "Here Comes The Neighborhood" [S5 E12]) - Token sings a song about being an outcast since his family is better off financially than the rest of South Park. He mentions he plays baseball with autographed bats, as we see he's got a bat signed by Barry Bonds.
South Park (2005 episode "Trapped in the Closet" [S9 E12]) - As this episode starts, the boys are walking out of a comic/card shop, opening packs of football cards. Kyle: "Oh dude, check it out: I got a Jake Plummer."
Cartman: "Aw man, I got a crappy AJ Feeley again!"
SpongeBob SquarePants - (2008 episode "The Card" [S6 E13B]) - This episode of the long-running Nickelodeon cartoon revolves around SpongeBob trying to pull a rare Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy trading card: the short-printed "#54 card." Patrick ends up pulling the card, but he doesn't appreciate how valuable the card is, and SpongeBob stresses out the rest of the episode over how poorly Patrick treats it, using it to clean his grill and such.
Stand By Me (1986 film) - In the older brother's room (John Cusack), a 1958 Topps Mickey Mantle All-Star card can be seen tacked to the wall above a 1960 Topps Yogi Berra. (Whoops, the movie takes place in 1959.) There's also a photo of a pitcher who I'm assuming is Whitey Ford.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 episode "If Wishes Were Horses" [S1 E16]) - There's a baseball great in the Star Trek universe named Harmon Buck Gin Bokai, often simply referred to as "Buckaroo" Bokai or "Buck" Bokai. He was a Human baseball player in the 21st century, best known for breaking Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak record. While the legend originated back in TNG era ("The Big Goodbye"), the character's name originated in a baseball card proposed by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine illustrator (and baseball fan) Ricardo Delgado as a decorative item for Ben Sisko's desk. Star Trek model maker Greg Jein (another baseball fan) provided photos of himself in a baseball jersey that were converted into a prop card. Greg also provided the fictional bio of his character and the statistics that appeared on the card. Bokai, whose name was a vague allusion to Buckaroo Banzai, from the movie of the same name, was mentioned in the episode "The Storyteller", but not actually seen until "If Wishes Were Horses", in which Bokai was played by actor Keone Young, who bore a resemblance to Jein. The prop baseball card, which was revised for the episode, has Young's photo on the front, but still shows Jein on the back."
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1997 episode "In the Cards" [S5 E25]) - Jake wants to give his father Ben a present to cheer him up, a 1951 Bowman Willie Mays baseball card, but runs into complications with a mysterious geneticist. As for the card used, we can tell it's not real because the back is blank.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1990 episode "The Most Toys" [S3 E22]) - Kivas Fajo, an alien "collector", kidnaps Data to add him to his collection. One of the items in Fajo's collection is a 1962 Topps #1 Roger Maris, which he says is the only known mint copy left in existence.
Step By Step (90s show) - There's an episode where the kid in red glasses gets a set of cards and decides to order them by player salary. And there's another episode where Duffy threatens to throw the oldest kid's cards into a wood chipper.
Step By Step (1995 episode "Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?" [S4 E21]) - Cody takes Brendan to a baseball game featuring his favorite player, Kenny Barton, so he can meet his hero and ask for his autograph. Barton turns out to be a jerk and demands $50 for an autograph. After consoling Brendan, Cody confronts the egotistical Barton during a TV interview and exposes his demeanor. The interviewer, Hall of Famer Harmon Killebrew (playing himself), is equally outraged and kindly offers to sign Brendan's baseball at no charge. Impressed, Brendan mentions he has Harmon's baseball card, while Cody points out that Harmon has more career homers than Reggie Jackson and Mickey Mantle. Funny enough, the only real player named Kenny Barton to ever play professional baseball went to my high school, Granite Hills High School in El Cajon, California. He played in the minors from 1976 to 1981. Not sure if he was an inspiration for the character, but chances are the name is just a coincidence.
Stepfather II (1989 film) - None are pictured, but the mom mentions buying her son several packs of baseball cards at the local Los Angeles suburb pharmacy, telling him, "Got to be a Pedro Guerrero in there someplace." The kid then slowly walks away sad and says, "The Dodgers traded Guerrero." It's only downhill from there for the poor guy, as his soon-to-be step-dad turns out to be a psycho murderer. Guerrero was traded by Los Angeles to the Cardinals for John Tudor on August 16, 1988. The film was released November 3, 1989.
Storage Wars (show) - This A&E reality show has an episode where the buyer of an abandoned storage locker comes across some monster boxes of trading cards. The buyer rattles off modern HOFers and stars (Gwynn, Ripken, Bonds, etc) as well as a hefty price for all the cards and how awesome it was. The cards seem to actually be mostly from the overproduction era and likely not worth much.
Storage Wars (episode "Grin and Barry It" [S5 E14]) - Buyer Ivy Calvin purchases a storage locker that contains a box full of old tobacco cards. Images shown include female models, Native Americans, and a couple of ballplayers, all in card holders. The image of the card backs clearly show a "British American Tobacco Co Ltd" logo. Ivy brings the collection to his contact, who verified they were authentic and valued his haul at $1300.
Storage Wars (episode "Mutt-erial Girl" [S10 E22]) - Buyer Kenny comes across 3 bins worth of baseball cards. No cards are actually shown because they are all boxed. Most boxes are of the plain white variety, but labels on the boxes include 1984 and 1989 Topps Complete Sets, 1991 Donruss, and 2 junk-wax era Fleer boxes. Kenny overpriced the value, guesstimating 50 bucks per box to value his haul at $2200.
Strange Brew (1983 film) - At one point, Bob and Doug recognize a brewery employee as one-time hockey great Jean "Rosie" LeRose, who suffered a career-ending nervous breakdown, and they ask him to autograph his hockey card. The actual card seems to be a 72-73 Topps or OPC hockey card, though collectors haven't had any luck finding a match, so it's likely the card is a specially made prop.
Stuart Little (1999 film) - Around 51 minutes in, there's a 1954 Bowman Willie Mays card against the wall in Stuart's room in the castle that's part of a miniature golf hole.
Sugarboy (2012 webseries episode "Kung Fu Mom") - Set in NYC in 1977, a badass lady organizes her cards (many 80s cards briefly shown) and tracks down her stolen "Rollie Fingers Rated Rookie card" (which looks like a modified 1975 Topps card). Stars Ilana Glazer of Broad City fame. [YouTube link]
Superstore (2019 episode "#Cloud9Fail" [S4 E20]) - Baseball cards are briefly featured in a gag in this episode where some of the store's employees bring their junk from home to sell in the store. A small stack of cards with a '52 Mickey Mantle on top is deemed worthless and tossed into the garbage. LOL
Swindle (2013 film) - Nickelodeon movie based on a kids book. Two boys find a T206 Honus Wagner and stupidly sell it for $350 to a sleazy guy. After learning the card is worth well over a million dollars, they assemble a team (including Ariana Grande) to take the card back in an elaborate heist. The card used is clearly not an original; in fact, it's much larger than a real tobacco card, more like the size of today's standard sportscards. Some other old cards can be seen in the sleazy guy's collectibles shop, again resized props.
Switchback (1997 film) - 1974 Topps Tom Seaver in this movie? Need confirmation.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949 film) - This baseball-themed musical starring Frank Sinatra, Esther Williams, and Gene Kelly has a scene where baseball cards are used to ID the characters, including a T206-style card of Sinatra's character.
There's Something About Mary (1998 film) - Looks like there might be some hockey cards in young Ben Stiller's room in one scene about 34 minutes in or so.
This Is Us (2019 episode "Songbird Road: Part Two" [S3 E12]) - This episode has a subplot about cards. In February '92 (the show jumps between different time periods), 11-year-old Kevin goes to a card shop to get John Smiley's autograph on a card. At the end of the episode, it's shown to be a 1987 Topps Traded card. Smiley (played by actor Troy Doherty) tells Kevin's mother that Kevin, knowing Smiley was rumored to be traded to the Twins, had researched where to play pool and take karate lessons in Minnesota, because the back of the card mentioned those were Smiley's hobbies (which are indeed mentioned on the actual card). The card shown does look like Smiley's '87 Topps Traded card, but with the actor's face photoshopped on.
This Is Us (2020 episode "Clouds" [S4 E15]) - At the very end of this episode, the character of Kevin reunites with a baseball card that had eluded him for decades; a 1991 Topps baseball card featuring Toronto Blue Jays pitcher John Candelaria (#777). It's a token for Kevin to remember his mother by, as they had searched for the card together when he was a kid. The show closes with him putting the card in his wallet. (#WalletCard appearance!)
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo (2019 episode "Empty Nesters" [S1 E2]) - This reality show on Netflix follows Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, as she visits families to help them organize and tidy their homes. This episode features a bunch of baseball cards that the husband needs to tidy up. Lots of boxes are identifiable, such as '89 Fleer, some Score, and Topps Traded. Specific cards don't get much screen time and in fact are sometimes blurred out for some reason (legal B.S., I suppose). I think I spotted autos of Brooks Robinson, Ken Griffey Jr, and maybe Mike Trout on the guy's desk.
Tiny Toon Adventures (1990 episode "Rainy Daze" [S1 E29]) - The cartoon in the first act features a gag where Buster Bunny asks Montana Max if he collects baseball cards, but turns out Max collects baseball players. Max then pulls "Fernando" out of a box and tells him to lose weight.
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (2014 talk show episode, December 16, 2014) - There's a recurring sketch Jimmy Fallon does with Justin Timberlake called "Camp Winnipesaukee" with them playing themselves as kids at summer camp. One such sketch, set in 1997, shows five 1989 Topps cards on the wall of the cabin, and the two sing "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind-- every Camp Winnipesaukee sketch features a different song. Looks like all Phillies on display: Kevin Gross, Greg Harris, Marvin Freeman, Brad Moore, and Greg Gross. [YouTube link]
Trailer Park Boys (2018 episode "Happy Birthday Bubbles" [S12 E5]) - Hockey cards are briefly mentioned as Bubbles packs up some of his stuff.
Twilight Zone (1988 episode "Extra Innings" [S3 E2]) - Ex-baseball player Ed Hamler (Marc Singer), forced to retire early due to injury, is given an old baseball card that transports him to the past to be the player he used to be. Looks like a Goudey card.
Unsolved Mysteries (October 12, 1988 episode [S1 E2]) - This true crime reality show featured a segment on Dennis Walker, a sports memorabilia collector from Medford, Oregon whose collection was valued at over $10 million, highlighted by some nice Babe Ruth items. He conned people out of millions of dollars in investment schemes and fled town when police closed in. He was found dead a year later in 1987, though most of his collection was never found. Some footage of a card show is featured, and later in a reenactment, Dennis visits a card shop and several nice cards from '51-'78 are shown under glass. A 1951 Bowman Mantle and Mays cards are given close-ups. The Mantle is miscut and priced at $995. The Mays looks good on the front, but has a "24" stamp mark on the back, and is priced at $225. Later, we see an uncut Goudey sheet and some nice tobacco cards including a pair of Honus Wagners.
Unsolved Mysteries (November 16, 1988 episode [S1 E6] and updated November 30, 1988 [S1 E8]) - Similar to the Dennis Walker segment from a previous episode, Steven Cox was a con man from the Medford, Oregon area. Thanks in part to the Unsolved Mysteries broadcast, Cox was soon captured, and the show ran an update a couple episodes later. In his car, authorities found suitcases filled with jewelry, rings, necklaces, baseball cards, coins, and other expensive items believed to be items Cox stole from his investors. Several nice vintage baseball cards are shown.
Untamed Heart (1993 film) - This romantic drama stars Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei. At one point they go to a Minnesota North Stars hockey game and an Upper Deck ad can be seen on the boards.
U.S. Open advertisement (2020 tv commercial) - Some nice cardboard in the Fox 120th U.S. Open commercial featuring Don Cheadle. The cards are 1911 Mecca T201 Double Folders. Players are Walter Johnson, Sam Crawford, Iron Joe McGinnity, Larry Doyle, Ed Walsh, and Tris Speaker.
The Venture Bros. (2006 episode "Showdown at Cremation Creek Part I" [S2 E12]) - Dr. Orpheus and his team, the Order of the Triad, try to hone their powers together, but have mixed success. "We were able to materialize a spirit from the beyond-- or at least from a trading card." A guy resembling Nien Nunb from the Star Wars universe is then seen stumbling around, with the suggestion being he was summoned there out of a Topps Return of the Jedi trading card. His origin is touched on again in the following episode, "Showdown at Cremation Creek Part II."
Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (show) - This late-night talk show on Bravo has been known to have cards and other baseball memorabilia displayed on the back wall of the set. Looks like there's a Willie Mays autographed baseball and a 1933 Goudey of New York Giants infielder Andy Cohen, namesake of the show's host.
Wayne's World (1992 film) - Looks like a pair of hockey cards on display behind Ed O'Neill's character in a scene.
Welcome Back Kotter (70s show) - A basketball card can be seen behind Kotter's desk in at least one episode, perhaps a 1975 Kevin Joyce?
Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (2015 episode "Lunch" [S1 E2]) - It's a silly show on Netflix that takes place at a summer camp in 1981. JJ (Zak Orth) impresses Lindsay (Elizabeth Banks) by giving her a rare Sandy Koufax card. The front looks like a real 1964 Topps card, while the back seems to be 1988 Donruss.
Who's The Boss (1986 episode "The Christmas Card" [S3 E11]) - Tony (Tony Danza) doesn't want to sell the only baseball card he has from his playing days (he played second base for the Cardinals), so he lies and tells a guy asking about it that he doesn't own one. Angela hears this and wants to get him one as a Christmas gift. There's a scene where Angela and Mona visit a card shop searching unsuccessfully for the card, agreeing to pay $325 for it. The dealer later calls Tony and offers $225 for his card, which he could use to buy Angela a nice Christmas present. The Tony Micelli baseball card shown on screen for a moment has a similar design to 1981 Donruss. There's also a part in the episode where Jonathan loses his best card (Mickey Mantle) in a flipping game to the guy who wants the Micelli card.
The Winning Season (2004 film) - TNT movie. A kid finds a Honus Wagner card in the attic, then dreams he's assisting Wagner in the 1909 World Series verses Ty Cobb.
Wonder Woman (1978 episode "The Man Who Wouldn't Tell" [S2 E20]) - A Hank Aaron 1967 Topps poster insert #15 can be seen hanging on the wall in guest-star Gary Burghoff's place.
The Wonder Years (1989 episode "Odd Man Out" [S3 E6]) - Kevin and Paul are working on a baseball card trade at one point in this episode that takes place circa 1969. Kevin offers his Juan Marichal and Luis Tiant for Paul's Willie McCovey. Pauls says McCovey is off the table... unless Kevin is willing to give up his Ted Williams. Kevin is insulted by the very idea of Williams for McCovey. In an act of compromise, Kevin offers to throw in Don Schwartz along with Marichal and Tiant. Paul responds, "Don Schwartz? You've been trying to pawn that Don Schwartz off on me for years!" The negotiations blow up and Paul leaves. Kevin picks up a heaping handful of cards, and the actual cards are clearly 1989 Topps. Jeff Robinson #267 is the only one that can be conclusively identified. And as far as I can tell, Don Schwartz is a made up "common" player who never existed, possibly inspired by Don Schwall and/or Don Schulze.
X-Files (1998 episode "Dreamland II" [S6 E5]) - A few baseball cards are taped to the cash register in the gas station towards the beginning of the episode. Hard to identify, but look modern.
Yes Man (2008 film) In this Jim Carrey movie, his boss (played by Rhys Darby) appears to have a framed uncut sheet of Topps Wacky Packages stickers on his wall.
You've Got Mail (1998 film) - This romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan sort of features a baseball card via the cover of a book. At around 31:45, on a bookshelf behind Meg Ryan's character can be seen a copy of Honus & Me, a novel by Dan Gutman, which features the image from Wagner's iconic T206 card on the cover.
Zillow (2018 tv commercial) - Here's a crazy one. This real estate site had a national commercial where a guy opens a time capsule, and not only is it bizarre that the treasured old baseball cards within seem to be from the late 80s and early 90s ("junk" as the kids say), but a card is clearly shown to be a 1989 Topps Andre Dawson All-Star card that has been edited to make the player into a white man. What the?! Not cool, Zillow!
'92 Skybox Alonzo Mourning Rookie Card (2012 short film) - This short named after a basketball card was selected to be shown at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2012. After their dad dies, two estranged brothers reunite and things quickly pick up exactly where they left off years ago. Several sports cards, hockey posters, and a signed Jose Canseco photo get some screen time. [It's on YouTube]
Appendix - Baseball Documentaries
I've decided not to include baseball docs in the main list, as it's almost expected to see cards pop up in them. But let's list a few here that are known to feature cards on screen:
Jack of all Trades (2018) [overproduction era doc]
Screwball (2018) [steroids doc]
Spaceman: A Baseball Odyssey (2006) [Bill Lee doc]
That's what I've got so far. I know it's not complete, but I plan to keep working on the list, adding new entries and improving existing entries with additional information and images. Please comment below (or hit me up on Twitter or email) with any additions. Big thanks to everyone who's helped out!
The Wonder Years (1989 episode "Odd Man Out" [S3 E6]) - Kevin and Paul are working on a baseball card trade at one point in this episode that takes place circa 1969. Kevin offers his Juan Marichal and Luis Tiant for Paul's Willie McCovey. Pauls says McCovey is off the table... unless Kevin is willing to give up his Ted Williams. Kevin is insulted by the very idea of Williams for McCovey. In an act of compromise, Kevin offers to throw in Don Schwartz along with Marichal and Tiant. Paul responds, "Don Schwartz? You've been trying to pawn that Don Schwartz off on me for years!" The negotiations blow up and Paul leaves. Kevin picks up a heaping handful of cards, and the actual cards are clearly 1989 Topps. Jeff Robinson #267 is the only one that can be conclusively identified. And as far as I can tell, Don Schwartz is a made up "common" player who never existed, possibly inspired by Don Schwall and/or Don Schulze.
The Wonder Years (2021 episode "The Club" [S1 E3]) - This reboot features era-appropriate cards in at least one episode. Nice work by the prop department using authentic vintage cards!
X-Files (1998 episode "Dreamland II" [S6 E5]) - A few baseball cards are taped to the cash register in the gas station towards the beginning of the episode. Hard to identify, but look modern.
Yes Man (2008 film) In this Jim Carrey movie, his boss (played by Rhys Darby) appears to have a framed uncut sheet of Topps Wacky Packages stickers on his wall.
You've Got Mail (1998 film) - This romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan sort of features a baseball card via the cover of a book. At around 31:45, on a bookshelf behind Meg Ryan's character can be seen a copy of Honus & Me, a novel by Dan Gutman, which features the image from Wagner's iconic T206 card on the cover.
Zillow (2018 tv commercial) - Here's a crazy one. This real estate site had a national commercial where a guy opens a time capsule, and not only is it bizarre that the treasured old baseball cards within seem to be from the late 80s and early 90s ("junk" as the kids say), but a card is clearly shown to be a 1989 Topps Andre Dawson All-Star card that has been edited to make the player into a white man. What the?! Not cool, Zillow!
'92 Skybox Alonzo Mourning Rookie Card (2012 short film) - This short named after a basketball card was selected to be shown at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2012. After their dad dies, two estranged brothers reunite and things quickly pick up exactly where they left off years ago. Several sports cards, hockey posters, and a signed Jose Canseco photo get some screen time. [It's on YouTube]
Appendix - Baseball Documentaries
I've decided not to include baseball docs in the main list, as it's almost expected to see cards pop up in them. But let's list a few here that are known to feature cards on screen:
Jack of all Trades (2018) [overproduction era doc]
Screwball (2018) [steroids doc]
Spaceman: A Baseball Odyssey (2006) [Bill Lee doc]
That's what I've got so far. I know it's not complete, but I plan to keep working on the list, adding new entries and improving existing entries with additional information and images. Please comment below (or hit me up on Twitter or email) with any additions. Big thanks to everyone who's helped out!
UPDATE 10/24/22: Had to turn off comments here thanks to endless spambots. Sorry. You can email or otherwise message me with additions and I'll try to get to a big update one of these months.
There an episode of Coach where Hayden finds Lurher's long lost father, who is running a memoribila shop. Luther says that it explains what happened to his baseball cards, which evidently disappeared the same time as his father.
DeleteSeriously though, this awesome.
DeleteAlso, a couple of Step By Step episodes... one where the kid in red glasses gets a set of cards and decides to order them by player salary. Also one where Duffy threatens to throw the oldest kid's cards into a wood chipper.
DeleteWhat a project!! Saw an episode of My Three Sons last week. Old one with Bub. Chip was trying to play ball, tried to toss his cards, Bub fished them out of the trash....no id though. Thanks for the info..
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteI absolutely love this idea. I've seen a handful of these shows/movies and never even noticed the baseball card connections. The only one I can think of not on the list is an episode of Frasier I recently watched in which Sam, the lead ex-ballplayer from Cheers (Ted Danson) comes back to Seattle -- at one point, Frasier's dad (John Mahoney) pulls out a binder of baseball cards hoping to get one signed by Sam.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteThat's a crazy amount of reasearch! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteIn the Avengers movie, the cards Coulson owned are fictional 1941 Captain America cards. (Spoiler alert!) After Coulson is stabbed, Nick Fury uses the blood stained cards to motivate the Avengers. While there were no cards of Captain America issued in the 1940s, the cards were made available in 2012. If you shelled out the $100 for the set (I didn't) you got both the normal and blood stained versions.
Also, the comic shown is not the first appearance of Batman. It's actually All-American Comics #16, from 1940, featutring the first appearance of Green Lantern on the cover. Neither comic are original issues.
Updated.. thanks!
DeleteThis is REALLY an incredible list. Thanks for putting this together. Most enjoyable!
DeleteThis is amazing! Awesome job. One possible add - Monsters University. There's a scene where Mike and Sully discuss there collection of "Scarer" cards, and the end credits show different monsters as collectable cards.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteThis is seriously fantastic work!
DeleteGreat work! I can think of two examples that I don't see on the list. (1) There's an episode of American Pickers where Frank buys a couple of monster boxes filled with various baseball cards in top loaders. I think you briefly see some vintage cards and some newer cards in the stacks. (2) There's an episode of Psych where Shawn needs Gus to pick a lock on a shed door, and Gus says he'll only do it for Shawn's Tony Gwynn rookie card. Shawn reluctantly agrees.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteGreat work on this list really entertaining read.
DeleteI know of at least one episode of the A&E reality show Storage Wars, where the buyer of an abandoned storage locker comes across some monster boxes of trading cards. The buyer rattles off modern HOFers and stars (Gwynn, Ripken, Bonds, etc) as well as a "price" for all the cards and how awesome it was. I remember the shots of the buyer flipping through the cards, all from the Junk era, and chuckling at the "price" for them.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteMy wife watches. Real housewifes reunions with Andy Cohen. He has a 1933 goudey Andy Cohen baseball card on display behind him.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I've updated the entry for Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. I think the Real Housewives Reunion thing is a part of that show, but I'm not sure.
DeleteThis is the best. I'm going to try and get you details on Little Big League. I'm pretty sure they show Score brand of the players in the movie, including the kid manager himself. Will have to go back and look.
ReplyDeleteUpdated.. thanks!
DeleteAnd I just happened to watch the IT miniseries last night... keeping an eye out for any card appearances. I didn't notice any flipping scene.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info! Removed it. The guy who mentioned that one as a possibility probably got it confused with something else.. perhaps Silver Bullet, another Stephen King project.
DeleteKing of Queens: Season 6, Episode 18
ReplyDeleteArthur is talking to Doug about a boyhood enemy of his who had gotten him kicked out of school by alleging that he had stolen his Moe Berg baseball card. Doug asked him why he said that and Arthur replies that it was because he had in fact stolen it.
Added.. thanks!
DeleteCool info about the Rube Walker card - thanks for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteLast night This Is Us had a subplot about cards. In February, 1992 (the show jumps between different time periods), 11-year-old Kevin goes to a card shop to get John Smiley's autograph on a card. At the end of the episode we see it's his 1987 Topps Traded card. Smiley even tells Kevin's mother that Kevin, knowing Smiley was rumored to be traded to the Twins, had researched where to play pool and take karate lessons in Minnesota, because the back of the card mentioned those were Smiley's hobbies (and, indeed, that IS on the back of the card!).
DeleteOn Welcome Back Kotter, a basketball card can be seen behind Kotters desk,i believe its a 1975 Kevin Joyce,not sure which episode(s).Also on Love American Style season 4,episode 22.Danny Goldman has a box of baseball cards 1971 Topps I believe.
DeleteThe Partridge Family was season 3 episode 6,Oct.20,1972.I believe it was a Koufax card.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up on this one, too!
DeleteSuperstore mentioned baseball cards (including a Mickey Mantle) in a recent episode titled Cloud9Fail in which some of their staff bring their junk from home to sell in the store. I don't think there's a close-up available but it was a small stack tied together with rubber bands, and one of them (the "Mantle") is tossed into the garbage.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks! Love Superstore, but I'm still a season or two behind.
DeleteThis is really great. I always stop movies when I see cards used in the background as props.
ReplyDeleteThe background shot in Good Will Hunting looks like a partial of a poster done for the Burdick Collection by the Metropolitan Art Museum.
Good call! I was able to find a pic of that poster (now added) and it definitely matches up.. thanks!
DeleteI know there was an episode of Simon and Simon about cards. They even talked about the Beckett being the card collecting Bible.
ReplyDeleteThanks! This'll be in the next update, coming soon.
DeleteNot technically BASEBALL cards, so probably not relevant, but on a recent episode of The Flash ("Marathon", Season 6 Episode 10), the character Cisco had made a bunch of custom trading cards of all the villains that they knew from various Earths. (See, several Earths had just been combined into one, and if you're not a comic book fan I've probably lost you.) He even had put them into 9-pocket pages in a binder!
ReplyDeleteLast night's This Is Us (Season 4, Episode 15, "Clouds") revisited Kevin's baseball card collecting. This time he wanted his mother to take him to the card shop to buy cards. Turns out, he only needs one card to complete 1991 Topps--John Candelaria. (This takes place sometime in 1991 or 1992.) Rather than asking the owner if he has a Candelaria for sale as a single, he buys up the rest of the store's 1991T packs for 8 bucks and change. He and his mother open packs (and chew the gum) until they find the Candelaria. Then in the present day we see the grown-up Kevin go to a card store and buy another copy of the same Candelaria for $2, and put it in his wallet.
ReplyDeleteHa, very cool. I'll need to get to these in the next update.
DeleteNeed help on the name of the movie...Brother? falls into some kind of vortex in their basement and does some time travel. the movie ends with the brother in the present day finding a Honus Wagner card in their hiding place under brick in the fireplace...
ReplyDeleteFound it! Amazing Stories "The Cellar" 6 Mar 2020.
DeleteThanks! I'll get that one added to the list soon.
DeleteHighway to Heaven Season 4 Episode 6 The People Next Door. The kid has a binder full of cards at the beginning and talks about trading with a friend.
ReplyDeleteNice.. thanks for the heads up, Daniel!
DeleteJust a mention, so maybe not worthy of the list, but yesterday I watched the Law & Order episode "Helpless" (Season 3, episode 6). Near the end Ben Stone tells Danielle Melnick that when he was a kid, he collected baseball cards, and someone conned him into trading his Duke Snider for a Gene Hermanski, to make the point that if she wants him to make a concession, she needs to offer something of equal value.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the current Jeopardy champion, Brayden Smith, is a card collector and talked a bit about his collection during the interview segments the last couple days.
Added.. thanks!
DeleteGot another Law & Order example. "Wager", a 1994 episode, season 4, episode 18. The episode is about the death of the father of a star baseball player. In the opening scene the detectives find a bunch of autographed cards of the player in the father's apartment. There is a card shown--the back and border of the card are clearly based on 1988 Donruss, although the design within the border is not. https://images.app.goo.gl/MmpEAy3ayxwrynETA Keith Hernandez appears as himself in the episode, BTW.
DeleteNow added this one, too.. thanks!
DeleteGoof Troop (1992) - Season 1, Ep 36 "Lethal Goofin'" - 2nd half of the show Max and PJ stumble upon a scheme where the school's newspaper editor, Douglas, is buying everyone's very common baseball card "Lefty McGuffin" for 25 cents. It's then revealed that he plans on destroying all the Lefty cards in the laundry except for one. Thus, leaving it as the most rare and valuable card. - You can see some cartoon drawings of the cards. It appears to be a pitcher mid-wind-up.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteNice job. I recall the Wonder Years and MacGyver episodes.
ReplyDeleteI saw a baseball card in the first episode of Loki! A Honus Wagner tobacco card appears in a drawer with the Infinity Stones.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. thanks!
DeleteThere’s a movie where a man and maybe a young boy or woman run through a restaurant being chased by someone and they need to borrow a Porsche outside by someone dining in the restaurant… so the man pulls out or conjures up an honus wagner card and says I’ll offer you this card for your car and the guy wants to take it but his lady gets mad and says no, not realizing the value of it……. Anyone know this movie/show? Lol
ReplyDeleteSounds like The Christmas Chronicles?
DeleteThis is an amazing list! I have an instagram account called stevesbaseballcards and I post some of my old 80s/90s cards, but I also love finding cards hidden in movies and TV. One I noticed that is not on here is Searching Bobby Fischer. You can see the 1991 Fleer Pro Visions Ruben Sierra on his bookshelf. I wish I remembered the minute mark. Anyway, seriously amazing list, I can't believe the detail involved.
ReplyDeleteAdded.. And thanks a lot for the kind words!
DeleteThe Storage Wars episode "Grin and Barry It" (S5 Ep14) finds buyer Ivy Calvin purchasing a storage locker that contains a box full of old tobacco cards. Images shown include female models, Native Americans, and a couple of ballplayers, all in card holders. The image of the card backs clearly show a "British American Tobacco Co Ltd" logo. Ivy brings the collection to his contact, who verified they were authentic and valued his haul at $1300.
ReplyDeleteAnother Storage Wars episode (Season 10 Episode 22, "Mutt-erial Girl") has buyer Kenny come across 3 bins worth of baseball cards. No cards are actually shown because they are all boxed. Most boxes are of the plain white variety, but labels on the boxes include 1984 and 1989 Topps Complete Sets, 1991 Donruss, and 2 junk-wax era Fleer boxes. Kenny overpriced the value, guesstimating 50 bucks per box to value his haul at $2200.
ReplyDeleteGot both these added now.. thanks!
DeleteBig mouth - season 5 episode 2 “the Shane lizard rises”. A 1986 Gary carter card meets a really nasty ending!
ReplyDeleteDeception 1992!!!! The whole plot centers on baseball cards
ReplyDeleteNot about baseball cards perse but an episode of Family Affair, the 60's sitcom, has Jody selling his authentic Mickey Mantle game used ball that Mick had hit for a home run. It seems that Uncle Bill is in financial trouble and the kids start selling treasured items to help him out. Jody sells the ball for a couple of bucks but Bill later buys it back for him after the financial crisis has been resolved.
ReplyDeleteJust thought of one out of nowhere. I remember seeing Judge Judy once (I didn't care for the show but my wife would have it on . . .) and there was something about baseball cards. What popped in my head was Judy saying that as she understood it, Topps cards were more valuable than other brands. Which isn't true of course but I thought that was funny. FOund this reference but i think it's not the same one I am thinking of. https://www.net54baseball.com/showthread.php?t=89469
ReplyDeleteApollo 10 and a half,on Netlix now featrues cards from the 60s.
ReplyDeleteThanks I finally found movie I was looking for.