Saturday, April 26, 2014

Twitter contest.. win a Gypsy Queen auto!

After recently starting up a new Twitter account for the blog, I feel the need to resort to bribery to achieve a respectable number of followers.

You know what that means... CONTEST!

The prize is winner's choice of one (1) of these autos first mentioned in my 2014 Gypsy Queen trade bait a few days ago.

Adam Eaton, Diamondbacks
Ricky Nolasco, Dodgers [red border, #'d 14/49]
David Phelps, Yankees

Again, winner picks 1 of the above, and then it'll be mailed to his or her mailbox for free.

To enter, just follow @breakdowncards on Twitter. Boost your chances by retweeting my tweet about the contest (here). Every follower will automatically get 1 entry. Every follower who retweets will get 2 additional entries (so, a max of 3 entries per person possible).

The contest is open until the end of April 2014 (PDT)*. I'll then randomize once to assign numbers to everyone and post these numbers on May 1st. The winning number will be the total number of hits in the Padres vs. Diamondbacks game on May 2nd. For example, if the two teams combine for 12 hits that night, the winner will be the person had assigned #12. (This way of picking winners adds some excitement, plus makes the contest even more random and obviously not fixed.)

*UPDATE: Ok, it's technically 9:30pm on 4/30.. I'm calling it now, so apologies if anyone was taking it down to the wire and hasn't entered yet in these last few hours, but I don't want to wait till the morning to get it all worked out.

So there you go. Follow and re-tweet!


  1. I'm in! I need to find some stuff for you as a trade for the D-Backs GQ base cards. Let me see what I can find.

  2. Do I get extra credit as an early follower? ;-)
